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1、五年级英语上册按比例抽考试题(30 分 )一、英 互 , 出正确答案(10 分)() 1blindA. 的B.盲的() 2shouldA.香 B.消防 () 3enoughA.在前B.在。后() 4hearA.看 B.听到() 5argueA.争吵B.生气的号() 6 目A.programme B.playground考() 7. 接住A.catchB. control() 8. 果汁A.cheeseB.juice() 9 的A.deafB.blind() 10穿A. wearB. wash二、找出划 部分 音不同的 (10 分)名()1. A. boxB. bottleC. kilo()2.

2、 A. mineB. giveC. line姓()3. A. sadB. angryC. game()4. A. teaB. deafC. team()5. A. themB. thoseC. three三、 出不同 的 ( 10 分)()1. A. bored B. tiredC. skip D. angry级()2. A. crossB. argueC.enough D. hold班() 3. A. needB. wentC.cameD. met() 4. A. bottleB.cheeseC.kiloD. box()5. A. feelB. tell C.smell D. bell四、英

3、 互 ( 10 分)()1.hurry upA.等等我 校()2. be carefulB.穿 路学()3.cross the roadC.快点()4. half a kiloD.当心,小心()5.wait for usE.半公斤五、情景 ,将其序号填到 前括号里( 10 分)()1.What time does school start ? A.It s Sam s.()2. Howdo theyfeel?B.My school starts at 9:00.() 3.Whose cap is this?C.They feel tired.() 4. Where did you go ?D.

4、 No .I sing badly.() 5. Canyou sing well ?E.He went to the Great Wall.六、 ( 20 分 )()1. Howcheese do we want?A. manyB.much C./() 2.Howbananas do you want?A. many B. much C./()3. I didnt _ice cream yesterday. A. bought B. by C.buy()4. The bell _ at nine o clock.A. ring B. rang C.rings()5. -did you do?-

5、 I visited lots of places.AWhat B. Why C. Where()6.- Is it Amys bag? - Yes, it s _.A. her B. hisC. hers()7. You can catch the ball _.A. goodB.wellC. OK()8.There _ some pencils in the box. A, isB, beC, are()9.This man is blind, he cant _.A. hear B. see C. do()10. Today I won a chess game, now I feel

6、_.A. sad B. tired C. happy七、 下面的 句子 正确的英 文,将正确答案填在 前括号内(10 分)() 1. 你感到很 累 ?A. Are you feeling tired?B. Do you feeling tired?()2. 在蓝盒子里有足够的铅笔。A. There are enough pencils in the blue box.B. There is enough pencils in the blue box.()3. 在周末你干什么了?A. What did you do at the weekend?B. Where did you go at t

7、he weekend?()4.你不应该在马路上走。A. You should walk in the road.B. You shouldn t walk in the road.()5. 你每天早上都做运动吗?A. Do you do exercises every morning?B. Did you do exercises every morning?八、连词成句并抄写在四线三格内(10 分)1. milk / how / want/ you / much / do (?)2. lots of / we /places / visited (.)3.are/too many/there

8、/ on the desk/ books(.)4catch /well /can /you /ball / the (.)九、阅读短文,选择填空(10 分)My name is Billy. Im a boy.I am eleven .Im in China now .My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher .I like Chinese food .But my parentsdont .They like bread .I have a nice room.Theres a bed ,a desk and a chair in it

9、 .Therere many books on the desk .I like books .I often read books in the evening .() 1.Billy is _. A.a boy B.eleven C.in China D.A,B and C()2.Billys fatheris _.A.ateacherB.a doctorC.a worker() 3.Billy likes _.A.Chinese B.Chinese food C.bread() 4.Billy has a _ room. A. nice B. big C. small()5.Billy often reads books _.A.at home B.after class C .in the evening5.at /my /school /oclock /starts / nine (.)


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