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1、I. Multiple Choice:1. The underground train cana lot of passengers every day.A. takeB. bringC. carryD. send2. China has bee n a member of WTO, En glish is more useful tha n before.A. SinceB. ThoughC. WhenD. If3. I gotpain in my stomach.A. aB. anC. theD. /4. People always thinkan object costs,it will

2、 be.A. expensive ? goodB. more expensive ? betterC. the more expensive ? the betterD. the more ? the better5. Thereserious air pollution if people use more and more cars.A. will beB. hasC. will haveD. is6. If Jackietomorrow, weA. comes, will in terviewC. comes, i nterview7. -Help yourself to the piz

3、za.A. Yes, please.C. Thank you. I can man age myself.8. Show me yourhand. Can youA. ano therB. the otherhim to get more in formati on.B. will come, will in terviewD. will come, i nterviewB. No, tha nks. I had eno ugh.D. I agree with you.Dve it like that?C. otherD. the others9. If you move the block

4、of ice into a warm room, itsmaller and smaller.A. becomeB. becomesC. has becomeD. is beco ming10. terrible memory the woma n has!A. WhatB. What aC. What anD. How11. If you ask Ben to work for you, you should pay.A. he twen ty yua nB. twenty yua n for himC. him twen ty yua nD. him for twenty yua n12.

5、 If Maryshopp ing this after noon, please ask her to write a shopp ing list first.A. will goB. goesC. wentD. has gone13. LilyLucy is going with you because one of them must stay at home.A. Not o nly, but alsoB. Neither, norC. Both, andD. Either, or14. They all lookedat the teacher when he told them

6、the good news.A. sadB. happyC. sadlyD. happily15. Lin Huahis frie nds is thi nki ng of going abroad for further study.A. Not only, but alsoB. /, such asC. Both, andD. /, as well as16. Tony is good at English. You canhim to help you with your English.A. expectB. hopeC. meetD. see17. You better read t

7、he Shanghai Students Post every week,?A. didn tyouB. hadn tyouC. wouldn tyouD. couldn tyou18. Rebuilding in Japan began soon after the earthquake, and it willa long time.A. reachB. keepC. stayD. last19. The products made in this company are much better thanmade in other companies.A. theseB. thoseC.

8、onesD. them20. The maths problem is too difficult for us.A. work it outB. to work it ourC. work outD. to work out21. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world. A large number of touristsShanghai every year.A. visitB. visitedC. travelD. traveled22. It wasthat we went for a pic nic in the Bot

9、a ni cal Garde ns.A. a so nice dayB. such a nice day C. so a nice dayD. such nice a day23. Have you got any books on traveling? I like to borrow.A. itB. oneC. thisD. that24. The In ter netpeople in the world keep in touch with each other.A. en ablesB. tellsC. asksD. makes25. I suggest hethe hotel se

10、rvices in time.A. improveB. improvesC. will improveD. improved26. There are many people dow nstairs. What do you think?A. to happe nB. is happe ningC. is happe nedD. was happe ned27. No con clusi onbefore we complete these tests.A. is madeB. will be madeC. has madeD. has bee n made28. Nowadays peopl

11、e around the world should work together to help thewho are suffering from the painfuldisaster.A. thisB. thoseC. oneD. ones29. Look, the hill fire iswith the help of many fireman.A. putt ing outB. putt ing offC. going outD. going off30. It pleasure to have an autumn outing in such fine weather.A. aB.

12、 anC. theD./31. Thank you for your. Theyre really helpful to our work.A. adviceB. ideaC. n ewsD. suggesti ons32. It reported an awful earthquake happenedthe early spring.A. inB. onC. ofD. at33. The World Expoin St. Louis, US in 1904. China took part in it for the first time.A. heldB. is heldC. happe

13、 nedD. took place34. that you leave your key on the table, or I canind it.A. Make sureB. To make sureC. Mak ing sureD. Be made sure35. Could you tell me?A. whe n she has come backB. whe n she would come backC. if she come backD. whe n she will come back36. There arepeople in the park because Typhoon

14、 is coming.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little37. all the Ian guages, En glish is the most widely used in the world.A. InB. OfC. AtD. To38. The weather is Beijing is colder than.A. in Shan ghaiB. Shan ghaiC. those in Shan ghaiD. that in Shan ghai39. -Would you like me to attend your birthday party?A.

15、 Of course notB. It my pleasure C. Yes, I like toD. Yes, please40. I also n eed to buy some food for dinnertoni ght.A. forB. onC. ofD. /41. -1 don hink I can finish all the work on time.A. I don hink so.B. Just try itC. I agreeD. That OK42. Alice always does well in her homework. She makesmistakes.A

16、. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little43. -could we get in the Cycle Shopping Center?-Anything.A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. What44. Tom lookedat the bad news.A. un happyB. un happilyC. sadlyD. happ in ess45. August, 2007, an America n teacher achieved her dream of space flight.A. OnB. AtC. InD. By46. My class

17、 teacher has given me lots of. They very useful.A. i nformatio nB. adviceC. suggesti onsD. n ews47. Liu Xia ng rantha n any other runner. And he won the first prize.A. far quicklyB. far more quicklyC. more quickD. more far quickly48. Some people enjoy KFC, butprefer McDonaldShamburgers.A. ano therB.

18、 the otherC. othersD. the others49. Excuse me, can I paycredit card in your shop?A. for B. withC. onD. by50. -Did you hear some one shout ing?-No, I didn .Ito the music.51. Has Jenniferbeen to a foreign country before?I think so. I saw a photo on her desk, which was take n in front of the White Hous

19、e.52. The government sdecision on building a factory in the city centermany questions among the localpeople.53. Parents should understand that they can dofor their children and kids have to learn to bein depe ndent.54. I like to see you off at the airport. Could you tell me?A when your plane took of

20、f B. when did your plane take off C. whenyour pla ne takes off D. whe n does your pla ne take off55. We ve just had a warm December.unusual weather it was!56. - Whe n did it beg in to snow?-It startedthe ni ght.A. duri ngB. byC. fromD. at57. Mrs. Smith found the toys here and there, so she asked her

21、 son tohis toys before hav ing dinner.A. put offB. give awayC. put awayD. give out58. Miss Fang n ever bee n to Hai nan Isla nd for holiday.Mr. Li n.A. Neither isB. Neither hasC. So isD. So hasII.1. Helen became anengineer ten years ago. (electricity)2. Which isfrom our school, the Scienee Museum or

22、 the Century Park? (far)3. The old have worsethan the young. (memorize)4. Columbus is said to haveAmerica in 1492. (cover)5. I think my job lacks. I am doing the same thing day after day. (vary)6. You can doyou don ormally do to keep healthy. (act)7. “ You d better learn to do the work,” the teacher

23、 said to the children. (you)8. The more juice you drink, theyou ll be. (thirsty)9. The weather is veryin spring. (change)10. Helpto the fruit, every one. (you)11. Mr. Zhang told us thestory I had ever heard at yesterday s class meeting. (sad)12. To our surprise, Leo looks muchthan his old parents. (

24、healthy)13. I hope you can do your homework asas you can. (care)14. The moon looks muchtonight than usual. (pretty)15. Children are keen onpresents at Christmas. (change)16. Her friend sent her to America to further study and paid all the. (expensive)17. The building will beafter the fire. (build)18

25、. Which isto Shanghai, Hangzhou or Suzhou? (near)19. Shall we meet at theto the supermarket at 8 o clock? (enter)20. It isto go there by spaceship than aeroplane. (quickly)21. Someare interested in Chinese history. (Franee)22. He played footballin the biggest match of this year. (wonder)23. People d

26、on thow serious this problem has actually been. (real)24. I like the film Space War very much because it s full of(act)25. Please read the text a bit more(loud)26. Mr. Smith wan ted to travelto know more about the world. (wide)27. Henry often says it s easy to give up smoking. Hehas done it lots of

27、times.( he)28. A good education will help youand develop your talents. (cover)29. At the end of every year some people go back to theirhomes. (n ati on al)30. With the rapid population, many primary schools will be built in our city. (grow)III.1. Damin removes the fish from the bird s mouths.被动The f

28、ishfrom the birds mouths.2. We ll have to start early to get there by lunchtime.We ll have toearly to get there by lunchtime.3. The population of Germany is about 78,000,000.the populati on of Germa ny?4. Paying for pet food can be very expensive.5. Who s taking care of the dog while you re away?Who

29、 sthe dog while you re away?6. Peggy usually needs twenty minutes to finish her homework.HowtimePeggy usually n eed to fin ish her homework?7. We six have to share the office for the time being.We six have to share the office.8. My brother spent 4,000 yuan buying a new computer last week.9. If John

30、doesn tapologize for what he did, I will tell the teacher about his bad behavior.Joh nfor what he did, I will tell the teacher about his bad behavior.10. The boy felt sorry for Miss White because he had broken her window.The boyMiss White because he had broke n her win dow.11. Does Kitty often sing

31、these English songs?these En glish songs ofte nby Kitty?12. You can do it in class. You can also do it at home.You can do itin classat home.13.1 won der if I can buy this kind of silk scarf in that mall.A. I won derbuy this kind of silk scarf in that mall.14. He is so wise that he can deal with such

32、 a hard situation.It is wisehimto deal with such a hard situatio n.15. Our class teacher is thin and pretty.does your class teacher look?16. Jack s mother asked him,“ Will you stay at home or visit grandparents? ”Jack s mother asked himhestay at home or visit grandparents.17. Mr. Water waited in the

33、 river until people called it.Mr. Waterthe river un til people called it.18. Who is responsible for the class when Mr. Green leaves the room?Whoof the class whe n Mr. Gree n leaves the room?19. You ll be late for the lecture if you don ttake the underground.the underground,you ll be late for the lec

34、ture.20. I saw them playing football on the playground just now.I sawfootball on the playgro und just now.21. Mr. Smith has bee n a professor si nee 1994.22. The book is interesting. There are many stories in it.23. You will not be able to pass the test uni ess you work hard. Youwillto pass the test

35、you don twork hard.24. There is very little rain in Shanghai these days.Iteverin Shan ghai these days.25. “I ll return the DVDs to Mary as soon as possible ” , said Mike.Mike said heback the DVDs to Mary as soon as possible.26. Be careful, or you will make the same mistake aga in.youcareful, you wil

36、l make the same mistake aga in.27. Is the watch made in Shanghai? I don tknow.I don tknowthe watchmade in Shanghai.28. The terrible flood destroyed hundreds of buildings in that area.Hun dreds of build ings in that areaby the terrible flood.29. Mr. Fermont couldn tbelieve that his wife paid $10,000

37、for just a handbag.Mr. Fermont couldn tbelieve that his wifejust a handbag$10,000.30. The robot on the desk is n early as small as a match box.The robot on the desk is n early thea match box.31. If you don tknow “stay hungry, stay foolish ” , surf the Internet.Yousurf the Internet if you don tknow “

38、 Stay hungry, stay foolish32. Would you please tell me? How can we improve our memory.(合并成复合句 )Would you please tell me howimprove our memory?33. Bill didn tgo to bed until he finished writing the letter at 11:45 last night.Billun til he fini shed writi ng the letter at 11:45 last ni ght.34. Kitty n ever read detective stories before going to school.Kitty n ever read detective stories before going to school,?


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