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1、,Reading,Hollywoods all-time best Audrey Hepburn,Roman Holiday 罗马假日,Made in 1953,She won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role.,Funny Face 甜姐儿,Made in 1957,Breakfast at Tiffanys 第凡内早餐,Made in 1961,What do you think of her?,Be considered as a great beauty,a charming woman,Be honoured with awards,Mon

2、te Carlo Baby 蒙特卡罗宝贝 Gigi 琪琪 Roman Holiday 罗马假日 Ondine 翁蒂娜 Funny Face 甜姐儿 Breakfast at Tiffanys 第凡内早餐 My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女 Always 直到永远 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn 奥黛丽.赫本之秘密花园 Tony Awards 托尼戏剧奖 Presidential Medal of Freedom 总统自由勋章,not only a great actress but also a great humanitarian,Devot

3、e much Time to charity,Be presented With the Presidential Medal of Freedom,Feel sad when she passed away,mourn,Mourn the loss of a great beauty,skimming,Profile:,奥黛丽-赫本 Audrey Hepburn,4th May 1929,Belgium,20th Jan 1993,cancer,Name : Birth date : Birth place: Death date : Death cause:,Read and answer

4、,What is Audrey Hepburn? What attracted Colettes attention? What marked the beginning of her successful career? Which film make her become successful immediately?,She is one of Hollywoods all-time favourite actresses.,Her beauty and charm.,Play the lead role in Gigi,Roman holiday,How many Oscar nomi

5、nations did she earn? What did she want to remind people according to her TV series? Why do people remember her as a great humanitarian(人道主义者)?,five.,We should protect the environment.,Because she devoted much of her time to charity.,Learned ballet Worked as a model,Acted in Monte Carlo Baby Played

6、the lead role in Gigi,The lead role of Roman Holiday,Won an Oscar for Best Actress,The play Ondine,Won Tony Awards,Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffanys, My Fair Lady, etc.,Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn,The final film Always,Four more Oscar nominations.,Reminded us of protecting the environme

7、nt,Devoted her time to charity, worked with UNICEF to help the needy people,The Presidential Medal of Freedom,Decide true or false:,1.Audrey Hepburn had been a writer before she became an actress. 2.Audrey met Colette when she was filming My Fair lady. 3.Audrey Hepburn won the Oscar for Best Actress

8、 once. 4.Audrey won the Tony Awards for the play Gigi.,F,F,F,T,films,5.Funny face was Audrey Hepburns last Hollywood film. 6.Audrey Hepburn acted in a TV series called Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn. 7.Audrey Hepburn loved dancing. 8.Audrey is well known for her beauty.,F,T,T,T,Phrases:,1.

9、好莱坞空前最受欢迎的女演员 2.一位成功的芭蕾舞蹈者 3.为失去一位伟大的人道主义者哀悼 4.进入电影工业 在她整个演艺生涯中,Hollywoods all-time favourite actress,A successful ballet dancer,Mourn the loss of a great humanitarian,Enter the film industry,Throughout her acting years,6.赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员 7.扮演主角 8.保护环境 9.把她大部分时间致力于慈善 10.贫穷的孩子 11.不久以后 12.向贡献 13.吸引某人的注意 14.逝去,Won an Oscar for Best Actress,Play the lead role,Protect the environment,Devote much of her time to charity,Needy children,Shortly after,Devote to,Attract ones attention,Pass away,Good-Bye,


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