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1、精品文档Unit 6 Our Local Area单元检测I.单项选择。(15分)()1. in your han dbag. Madam?Some money and ID card.A.Where is B.What isC.What are()2. Lily, Would you like meyou?Yes, tha nks.A.helpB.to helpC.helpi ng()3.Are thereboats in the river?Yes, there are.A.muchB.someC.a ny()4.milk is there in the bottle?Little.A.H

2、ow manyB.HowC.How much()5.You can tur n left whe n you see the sig n.A.B.C.()6.late for class next time.I m sorry.A.Be notB.Not beC.Don tD.Where areD.help atD.littleD.WhatD. fD.Don t be( )7.Therea ticket, a purse and some keys in the drawer.A.areB.isC.haveD.has()8.Look! Jackthe dog over there.A.play

3、 withB.is playi ng withC.playi ng withD.is playi ng to()9.The Reads livethe endZhonghua Road.A.at; ofB.i n; ofC.at; toD.i n; to()10. There are many stude ntsin the apartme nt.A.liveB. livesC. livi ngD. lived()11.Where are my keys, Dad? 1 cant find them.Look! The yre un der the tableYou must.A.put it

4、 awayB.put away itC.put them awayD.put away them()12.Excuse me, can you tell meXi nhua Bookstore?A.the way toB.the wayC.the road toD.the road()13. Excuse me, may I speak to Lin da?A. Sorry, I don know you.B.Who are you?C.Is that Lin da?D.This is Linda speak ing.()14. Excuse me,is it from here to Zho

5、n gsha n Park?It s about seven kilometers.A. how long B.how ofte nC.how farD.how much()15.Liste n, one of thesinging in Japa nese.A. girl isB.girls areC.girl areD.girls isn .情景交际。(10分)(A)根据对话情景,在画线处填上适当的单词,使对话完整通顺。A: Hello!B: Hello! 16 is Bob. May I speak to Peter please?A: Speak ing.B: Hi, Peter. C

6、an you help me?A: Certai nly.17 the matter?B: There someth ing18 with my model ship. Can you mend ( 修理)it?A: I do my best (尽力而为).But I am busy today. What about Sunday morning?B: Sorry, I can hear you. The line is 19.A: How about half 20eight on Sun day morning?B: OK. Tha nks a lot. See you the n.A:

7、 See you.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.(B)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两 项是多余的。A: Excuse me. 21B: Go down this street, turn right and walk on until you get to the end.22 It s betweenthe post office and the food shop.A:23B: It s about seven kilometers from here.24A: Which bus do I n eed to take?B: First,

8、 you n eed to take bus No. 651, the n you should cha nge to the No. 426 bus at Yon gdi ngBridge. 25A: Thank you very much.B: You are welcome!A. How far is it from here?B. How long will it take?C. It will take you there.s HospitalD. Could you tell me the way to the PeopleE. You d better take a bus.F.

9、 You can see the hospital.G You can ask the policema n.川.完形填空。(10分)Its Sun day. There are 26 people on the bus. And 27 is look ing here and there. He wants to find a 28. The n he findsone. He goes to it. A small 29 is on the seat. Anda young man is 30 it.Excuse me, 31 I have this seat?” asks the old

10、 man. Sorry, its for32 . She goesto buy some bananas” says the young man.Well, ” says the old man. Let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave(离开) here”The bus starts.She doescome, 33 her bag is here. Let me give her the bag. ” The old man wants to throw the bag 34 of the wi ndow.Don

11、throw! It 35bag.” The young man jumps and shouts(大喊).()26.A.fewB.littleC.a littleD.ma ny()27.A.a young woma nB.a young manC.a n old woma nD.a n old man()28 .A. seatB.chairC.bagD.room()29 .A. dogB.bookC.bagD.girl()30.A.orB.atC. next toD.for()31.A.willB.mayC.mustD.do()32.A.a boyB.a manC.a woma nD.ano

12、ther man()33 .A. a ndB.thenC.soD.but()34. A.fromB.outC.inD.away()35.A.myB.herC.hisD.yourIV .阅读理解。(30分)(A)In the country, some people are leav ing to find jobs( 工作)in the cities. They leave because the country is poorer(更穷)than the city, and often there isn much work there. Services like hospital and

13、 tran sport(交通)are usually much better in cities.But in the big cities London, Paris, New York, people are moving out of the city. They want to live a quiet life. They don t like the city because the city is noisy and dirty. The traffic is heavy.Living in the cities costs too much. They want a house

14、 with a garden and clean air. So they move to the country with sheep and gree n field. There, they start new lives and try to make new frien ds.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。36.Some people are moving from the country to the cities to.37. The cost of livi ng isin the cities.38.Is there ofte n much work to do in the

15、coun try?39.Is the air clea n in the coun try?4O.Why are the people moving from the cities to the countries?( 答两点即可)(B)There is a nice new buildi ng in Beiji ng. It is very tall. It has eightee n floors. There are about eighty families in the building. That is to say ( 也就是说 ),about two hundred and f

16、orty people live in the buildi ng. I live there, too.My home is on the twelfth( 第十二)floor. We have two bedrooms and a sitting room. They are big and clean. There are a lot of big trees and beautiful flowers around( 在周围 )our building.I like look ing out of the window in my room. I can see cars and bu

17、ses running in the street. I can see people walk ing in the street, too. They look so small! I can also see a lot of tall build in gs. How beautiful Beijing is! I am happy to live in this nice new tall build ing.( )41.There arefloors in the buildi ng.A.twelveB.twe ntyC.eightee nD.eighty()42.How many

18、 people are there in the buildi ng?A.Two hun dred.B.Three hun dred.C.Two hun dred and forty.D.About two hun dred and forty.( )43.There are manyaround the buildi ng.A.carsB.big trees and beautiful flowersC.shopsD.buses( )44.What can I see from the window in my room?A. I can see cars and buses running

19、 in the street.B. I can see people walking in the street.C. I can see a lot of tall buildi ngs.D. A, B and C.()45.Which of the followi ng sen te nces is NOT right?A. The building is tall.B. There are a lot of birds around the buildi ng.C. Beiji ng is very beautiful.D. The buildi ng is n ew.(C)In a h

20、istory class, the teacher is ask ing Sam some questi ons, but he does ntk now any of them. The teacher decides(决定)to ask him a few easy on es.What is California? ” she asks.Sam thinks for a moment and answers, A city. ”No, a state(州).” the teacher says and becomes a little angry(生气).But she tries no

21、t to show(表现出)it. Who is the first president(总统)of the U.S.A.? ” she asks again.Sam thinks for quite a long time, but says no thi ng. The teacher gets very angry and says in a loud voice, George Wash ington! (The n ame of the first preside nt of America) Sam the n walks to his seat.“ Come back! ” th

22、e teacher says,I don t tell you to go back.”“ Oh, I m sorry! ” Sam says, I think you are calling the next student.根据短文内容,回答问题。46.ln what class does the teacher ask Sam some questi ons?47. Does Sam know the questi ons?48. What s the teacher s second question?49. Does Sam give the an swer to the sec o

23、nd questi on?5O.Why does Sam go back to his seat?第三部分写作(35分)i. 词汇部分。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。51. Jim s bedroom is on the first f.52. At school we must obey the school r.53. There are twelve min a year.54. Whe n the traffic lare red, you must stop.55. Go along this road uyou get to the end of t

24、he road.(B)根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。check, three, ticket, hurt, put away56. They have twofor the film(电影).57. My leg, so I can t go now.58.I ll get some oneyour bike right now.59. Turn left at thestreet. You ll find it at the end of the street.60. the books, please.n .综合填空。(5分)根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。

25、61. Excuse me, where s the restaura nt?(一直往前走),you ll find it on your left.62. There are many(公共电话)in the street.63. Mr. Jones lives(靠近,挨着)Mr. Ring.64. There is(有毛病)my bike. Can you check it?65. We must(保持安静)in the library.川.书面表达。(A题5分,B题15分,共20分)(A)根据右边的图片,写一篇短文。注意用上there be句型,不少于5个句子。(B)根据提示写一篇短文,

26、词数 60个单词左右。1. 林涛和王军是邻居,他们住在同一座居民楼的二楼,他俩是好朋友;2. 今天是星期天,他们不去上学,他们去动物园;3. 从他们住的居民楼到动物园有10公里,所以他们坐公共汽车去;4. 动物园里动物真多,他们玩得很高兴。I.1.B 根据答语 一些钱和身份证”推出问句是 你的手提包里有什么?”用what is提问。故选B。2. Bwould like后接动词不定式,表示意愿,请求。故选B。3. C考查some, any的用法。some 一般用于肯定句,any用于否定、疑问句,因本题是疑问句,故用 an y。4. CHow much用于询问不可数名词的数目,How many用于

27、询问可数名词的数目,milk为不可数名词,故选 C。5. C考查交通标志。当看到禁止左转弯标志时不能左转。故选C。6. D考查祈使句。其否定形式为Don +动词原形,故选 D。7. B考查there be句型的用法。动词 be要与后面邻近的名词保持一致,即就近原则,故选B。8. B考查现在进行时及动词短语play with的用法。由上文中look可推断此句应该用现在进行时。play with是固定搭配,意为 和玩耍”故选B。9. A考查固定搭配。at the end of 在的尽头。10. C there be句型后接动词时,动词要用-ing形式。故选 C。11. C put away属于动词

28、+副词一类的短语, 如果宾语是人称代词,必须放在put和away之间,而且用宾格形式,本题宾语是keys,是复数,故选 C。12. A 考查固定句型。即the way to 通向的道路。故选 A。13. D May I speak to?我可以找接电话吗?如果接电话的正是要找的人,回答可以用 Speaking.或 This is speaking.女口果此人不在,可以用 Sorry, he/she isnhere at the moment.回答,故选 D。14. C 考查以how开头的几个疑问词的用法。how far提问距离多远,据本题答语,符合题意。how long用来提问多长时间或长度;

29、how often提问频率;how much提问价格或不可数名词的量,故选Co15. D 考查短语one of+名词复数的用法。注意:名词一定要用复数,而谓语动词一定要用单数。故选D。n .(A)16.This17.Whats18.wrong19.bad 20.past/to(B)21.D22.F23.A24.E25.C川.26.D 根据下文意思,车上没有空座,说明车上人很多,故选D。27. D 根据下文提示,asks the old man,得知是一位老人,故选D。28. A 根据短文意思,应是老人在车上找空座,故选A。29. C 根据下文提示,座位上放的是包,故选Co30. C 由下文知包

30、是这个年轻人的,他应该坐在包的旁边,故选Co31. B 请求许可,用 May I?句型,故选 B。32. C 根据下文提示 She goes to buy some banan as得知是位女性,故选 C。33. D 根据上下文意思,那位妇女没来,但是她的包还在车上,此句该用转折连词but,故选D。34. B 固定搭配throwout of the window 把从窗户扔出去,故选B。35. A 从文末年轻人的表现得知,包是这个年轻人的,故选A。W .(A)36. find jobs由文章第一句可知,人们离开到城市去找工作。37. high由文章第二段 Living in the citie

31、s costs too much.可知城市的消费是高的,be动词后用形容词high。38. No, there isn 由文章第一段and ofte n there isn much work there.可知。39. Yes, it is.由文章第二段 They want a house with a garden and clean air.可知。40. Because the city is no isy and dirty, they want to live a quiet life. 答案不唯一。(B)41. C由 It has eighteen floors.可知选 C。42.

32、D由第一段第五句 That is to say,in the building.可知选 D。43. B由第二段第四句There are a lot of big trees and beautiful flowers around our buildi ng.可知选B。44. D由 I can see cars and busesa lot of tall buildings. 可知三项都有,故选 D。45. B 文章中说楼房的周围有许多大树和花,而不是有许多鸟。而A、C、D三个选项都是正确的,文章中已写明,故选 B。(C)46.In a history class.由文章第一句知。47. N

33、o, he does nt.由文章第一句知。48. Who is the first preside nt of the U.S.A. ?由文章第四段知。49. No, he doesn.由文章第五段第一句知。50. Because he thinks the teacher is calling the next student. 由文章最后一句知。第三部分写作I .(A)51.floor52.rules53.mo nths 54.lights55.u ntil(B)56.tickets57.hurts58.to check 59.third60.put awayn .61.Go strai

34、ght62.public phones63.n ext to64.someth ing wrong with65.keep quietin.参考氾文:(A)Look at the picture. There is a river in the picture. Four boys are boati ng in the river. There are three trees near the river. A girl is flying a kite. Three boys are playing football. They are hav ing a good time.(B)Lin

35、 Tao and Wang Jun are neighbors. They live in the same building, and they are on the same floor the sec ond floor. They re good frien ds. Today is Sun day. They don go to school. They go to the zoo. It about ten kilometers from their building to the zoo, so they go to the zoo by bus. They re very happy to see so many aninThley have a good time today!


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