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1、.,1,Welcome,Unit 14 Reading,.,2,Are you confident enough ?,.,3,.,4,ancestor,祖先,祖宗,.,5,Do you know your ancestors ? Do you often talk about your ancestors with your family ?,.,6,a map of the world,overseas Chinese,海外的,国外的,海外华人,华裔,.,7,Look for ancestors,.,8,Hes already visited the place where his ance

2、stors lived,Unit 14 Reading,.,9,Read the passage quickly and answer !,.,10,1. Two overseas Chinese students are mentioned ,who are they ?,Robert Qian and Cathy Qin .,2. Have they visited the places where their ancestors lived ?,Read and answer :,Yes, they have .,.,11,Read carefully this time .,.,12,

3、1. Who is Robert Qian ?,He is a Chinese Canadian .,2. What has he found in China ?,Read part (1) and answer :,His family is like a tall tree with long roots .,根,根源,.,13,Read part (2) and fill :,Look for families roots and visit the ancestorshomeland,In Search of Roots summer camp,The government of G

4、uangdong Province,In 1980,About 1000,Between 16 to 25,祖国,故乡,政府,.,14,Read part 3 and tell T or F,1.The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in eastern China . 2. Its a 4 - week trip . 3. The worst part of the trip is going to the ancestors village. 4. They study Chinese culture , see cha

5、nges , visit interesting sights . 5. Watching the villagers makes the students feel embarrassed .,F,F,F,F,T,southern,2,exciting,good,.,15,Read part (4) and translate :,Thanks to In Search of Roots , I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am .,多亏了这次“寻根活动”我开始了解我的根在中国,开始懂得我是谁了。,幸亏,由于,因

6、为thanks to + n.,.,16,Read part (5) and choose :,I am looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here .,“Look forward to ” means_. A. 向前 B.盼望着,look forward to + doing /n .,B,.,17,Read part (5) and choose :,I have really enjoyed the trip so far .,So far in this sentence means _.

7、 到目前为止 如此远,A,.,18,Read part (5) and choose :,This has been a big step for me .,This here means _ . the root . the ancestor. the trip . the villager.,C,.,19,Read after the tape and find your questions .,.,20,exercise time,.,21,1.the part of a plant that grows down into the soil in search of food and

8、water 2.a person who lived a long time ago , from whom another is descended(降生) 3.across the sea 4. ones native country or hometown 5.not easily broken or changed,ancestor,root,homeland,overseas,strongly,Match the words with the definitions,.,22,6. the opposite of northern 7. a plan or a reason for

9、an action the people who rule 8.a person who lives in a village 9.An act , esp. in a set of actions,government,southern,villager,purpose,step,Match the words with the definitions,.,23,Words : ancestor root overseas homeland government southern villager strongly purpose step,phrases : so far go for w

10、alks thanks to look forward to,.,24,Retell the passage,Help : thousands of , young overseas Chinese , be back to ancestors homeland, take part in , a summer camp called In Search of Roots, visit parts of Guangdong Province , study Chinese culture , see changes , visit sights , go to ancestors villag

11、e, feel excited , experience village life , drink from wells , go for walks , watch the villagers do thanks to , understand who ,look forward to .,Pair work,.,25,Group work,.,26,Topic : Mr Zhang , an overseas Chinese from Taiwai is in Qingdao to visit his ancestors homeland . Suppose you are the gui

12、de(s) , What do you want to say and do for him ?,.,27,Help: the changes of his village and Qingdao , peoples life , sights ,festivals ,the sailing match in 2008 Olympics ,You may begin like this : Welcome back ,Mr Zhang .Im glad to help you in your hometown trip ,first ,Lets introduce ,Group work,.,

13、28,Choose one friend to compare with him or her, your differences and similarities. Write it down. Dont tell names.,Homework:,Who is my friend?,Homework,Make a survey : ask your parents about the ancestors of your family . 1.Draw a family tree . 2.Bring the photos if you have. 3. Fill in the form about ancestor.,.,29,Homework,My ancestors information,.,30,Please allow me to send out the sincerest wish. We are from the same ancestor and root Welcome back home overseas Chinese ! Lets make our homeland richer and stronger together !,.,31,Thank you ! Good bye!,


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