导学案(1)Unit 1 Festivals around the World (Modal Verbs I).doc

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1、 第二中学 高一年级 英语学科 第2学期导学案 班 级:_ 小 组:_ 姓 名:_ 授课教师_ 序号_3_课 题: Unit 1 Festivals around the World (Modal Verbs I)【学习目标】1.To help the students grasp the meanings and the grammatical functions of the model verbs. 2. To enhance their ability to use the model verbs properly. 3. To arouse their interests in gr

2、ammar learning.【学习重点】To help them master model verbs.【学习难点】To enable them to properly use the model verbs.预习案Modal verbs such as may, might, will, would, can, could, shall, should and must are used for many purposes. Find the sentences in the reading passage that use modal verbs. Underline them and

3、explain the meaning.探究案Read the sentences below and discuss with your partners how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations. .The following words in the box may help you to understand the modal verbs better.Ability 水平 advice 建议 agreement 同意 guessing 猜测 past habit 过去的习惯Necessity必要 pe

4、rmission 允许 possibility 可能 prediction 预测 promise 允诺Request 请求 wish 祝愿 future 将来 willingness 意愿 warning警告 command 命令can 和could:1. I can read Japanese, but I cant speak it.2. Can this piece of news be true?3. Can I sit here? Yes, you can.4. -Could I borrow your pen, please? -Yes, of course you can.5.

5、Mr.Li asked me whether I could go with them.6. The young girl cant/couldnt be our new chairman.1) can的主要用法是:A._ : B._:C. _:D. : 2) could的主要用法是:A._: B._:may和might:1. -May I have a talk with you? -Sure. /Yes, you may. -No, you cant.2. You may not leave the room till you clean it up.3. She is coming to

6、 us. She may/might be our new teacher.4. May you succeed!5. She said that he might take her bike.1)may 常用来表示: A. _B. _C. _D. _2)might 的用法有:A. _B. _will和would:1. She will come here soon.2. -Will you pass me the book?-Yes, I will.3. -would you lend me your bike? -Im sorry. I cant.4. -Would you like so

7、me tea?-Yes please.5. When he was young he would smoke a lot.6. She said she would attend the meeting later.1.) will的用法有:A._ B._C. _2)would 的用法有:A._ B._C. _shall和should:1. Shall I carry the bag for you?2. Shall he come in now?3. We shall go to visit Beijing this weekend.4. No one shall smoke here.5.

8、 You shall get the gift on your birthday.6. You should call the police.7. He should be here at this moment.1)shall的用法有:A._ B._C. _2)should 的用法有:A._B. Must 和 cant1. When you eat fish you must be careful with the bones.2. A man landed on Mars? You must be joking. That cant be true.3. You must go home

9、early at night.4. -Must I leave now?5. Tom cant swim .1)must的用法有:A._ B._C. 2) cant 的用法是:A_ B 检测案I、选择适当的情态动词填空may/might,can/could,will/would,shall/should,must,cant1But then at a party in late April,they announced that I was one of the winners. I just_ believe it.2. It has been argued by some that gif

10、ted children be grouped in special classes.3. I ask you a question Mr. Wang?4. They go abroad next month but Im not sure.5. I tell him the truth but I dont want to.6. you please tell me how to get to the hospital?7. You get the gift if you do the task well.8. It be Mrs. Smith. She has gone to the US

11、A.9. They like to share their toys with us.10. Why you play the piano at such a time when the children are sleeping?II. 用括号内所给的情态动词翻译下列句子1. 你应该按时回家( should)_2. 你愿意和我一起吃午饭吗?(would)_3. 我可以在夜里开着窗子吗?(can)_4. 不要在床上看书.(must)_5. 你可能太担心你儿子的健康。(may)_III.选择正确的情态动词。1. -Could I use your bike?-Yes, surely you_.A

12、. mightB. willC. canD. should2. Its nearly eight o clock.Bruce_be here at any momentA. mustB. needC. shouldD. can3. Tommy, you_play with the knife, you_get hurt.A. wont; cantB.mustnt; mayC.shouldnt; mustD.cant; shouldnt4. When he was there, he_go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every da

13、y.A. wouldB.shouldC.had betterD.might5. -When can you get the film developed? I need it tomorrow morning.-It _be ready by 8:00.A. canB. shouldC. mightD. need6. -Will you stay for another hour?-Sorry, _.One of my best friends is coming to see me.A.I mustntB.I cantC.I needntD.I wont7. -Are you coming

14、for dinner?-Im not quite sure.I_go to my uncles instead.A .mustB. wouldC. shouldD.might8. -Dont forget to visit me when you come to Beijing.-_.A.I dontB.I wontC.I cantD.I havent9. Her brother_be at home now, because he was seen playing basketball in the stadium just now.A. mustntB.needntC.cantD.shouldnt10. -_Jack be here now?-He_be here, but Im not too sure.A. Can; mayB. Must; needntC.May; mustntD.Can; cant


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