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1、新人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5 Lets eat教学设计一、 Teaching aims教学目标(一)知识目标:1. 听懂会说单词 hamburger; bread; hot dog; chicken; French fries; cake等有关食品的单词。2. 能够用 What do you like? I like hamburgers/hot dogs. etc来.询问对方喜欢的食物以及表述自己的饮食喜好 .3. 能听懂、会说 Here you are. Have some French fries来.回应对方的点餐要求,并能在实际情景中进行运用。 要求模仿正确,语调自然。(二)技

2、能目标:1. 通过感知、理解和模仿,能在真实的情境中表述自己的饮食喜好。2.能正确运用英语表达如何为别人提供或是请别人吃东西。(三)情感目标:1.培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学习英语自信心。通过小组活动,能够培养与他人合作的意识,感知与他人合作的方法。2.培养学生热情待客的情感态度。3.对外国饮食文化能够有大概的了解,树立正确的饮食观念。(四)学习策略目标:1.培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的意识。2.培养学生积极运用英语进行表达和交流的能力和习惯。(五)文化意识目标:学生能初步接触和了解英 国家的 食文化,从而加深 本国 食文化的理解和 , 中外 食文化的异同有粗略的了解,提高学生

3、的跨文化交 能力。二、 Key points and difficult points: 教学重 点1.正确掌握 hamburger bread French fries like have的 音。2. 能在真 情境中熟 运用: I like . Here you are. Have some .来表述自己的 食喜好以及回 方的点餐要求。三、 Teaching aids:教具1. CAI2. cards and headwear Teaching Procedure:教学 程一、 Warming up:1. Greetings: Hello, everyone! How are you tod

4、ay?2. Sing a song together : Apple song二、 New Presentation:1. Teacher shows the background:Today is Sarah s birthday. Would you like to “sayHappy birthday”to her? Look, her mother is preparing some food for her birthday party.Wow, so much delicious food. Let s have a look and try to learn.2. Learn t

5、o say the words of food:hamburger(s) cake chicken hot dog(s)French friesbread Listen and repeat with the pictures, and have the free talk like:Do you like ? Have some. Try to read in groups with the pictures. Listen and show the pictures of the words Look at the teachers mouth and try to guess the w

6、ords. Play a guessing game: what is missing? Look and read in a high or low voice.3. Learn the sentences with the free talk between the teacher and the students:-What do you like ?- I like.Have some(Teacher takes the French fries, and say: I like French fries. Itdelicious.Then eat it.)Then the teach

7、er asks the students: What do you like?sThe students try to say: I like . Then the teacher says: Here youHave some .(Free talk between the teacher and the students. Then practice in groups and show)4. Learn the text: Watch and listen. Listen and repeat twice.5. Go to Sarah s birthday. Have a free ta

8、lk between the teacher and the students. (Teacher acts as Sarah) Teacher: Hello, Im Sarah.Ss:Happy birthday, Sarah.Teacher: Welcome to my birthday party. Help yourself. What do youlike?S1: I like .Teacher: Here you are. Have some (Write on the blackboard and practise) Ask some students act as Sarah

9、to practise the dialogue.三、 Practice1. chant:I like hamburgers.I like hot dogsHere you are.Have some hot dogs.I like chicken.I like French fries.Here you are.Have some French fries.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you very much.Thank you very much.2. Game : I like .Then play in groups.3. A short performance: Order in KFC四、 Summary:五、 Homework:1. Listen and repeat, try to read fluently.2. Make a survey: Next weekend we are going to have a picnic. Make a survey about the shopping list.3. Try to order in KFC in English.4. 5.


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