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1、阅读理解专项训练AKate and Peter like sports. In summer they swim and in winter they skate. They areplanning a skate trip for this weekend, but they don t know about the weather. It now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. The weather is giving the weather for the weekend.“ Fridayis goi

2、ng to be cold and cloudy, but it nots going to rain. The temperature isgoing to be below zero. It s going to snow on Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday aregoing to be cold and sunny.”Now Kate and Peter are happy. The weather is going to be very nice for a skate trip.They are going to have a gook ti

3、me on the hills.()1.Kate and Peter like _.A. listening to the radio B. watching TV C. sports D. music()2.They are planning _ for this weekend.A.a class meeting B. a party C. a game D. a skate trip()3. They want to know about _.A.the rain B. the food C. the weather D. the radio()4. It _ on Saturday a

4、nd Sunday .A.will rain B. will be windy C. will be cloudy D. will be cold and sunny()5. Kate and Peter are happy because_.A.the weather is going to be nice for a skate trtip.B.They are going to visit the friends.C.They are going to see their parents.D.They are going to have a good meal.BChannel 1Cha

5、nnel 218:00 Around China17:45 Computers today18:30 Children s programme18:10 Foreign arts19:00 News18:30 Morden English19:30 Weather report19:00 Animal world19:40 Around the world19:25 In Asia20:10TV play: sisters20:20 sports21:00English for today21:00 Sports player: Yao Ming21:15Pop music21:45 Engl

6、ish news21:55Talk show22:05 On TV next week( ) 1.If you want to know something about Yao Ming, the best programme for you is_.A. Talk show B. Sports C. Sports player D. TV play() 2.You ll know about _ at 19:00 on Channel 2.A. animals B. news C. foreign arts D. Asia() 3.If you want to watch NBA, the

7、best programme for you would be_.A. Sports B. Around the world C. Foreign arts C. English news() 4.If you like music very much, the best programme is _A. at 21:45 on Channel 2 B. at 21:55 on Channel 1B. at 21:00 on Channel 2 D. at 21:15 on Channel 1() 5. “ Morden English” is a programme that _A. tea

8、ches you EnglishB. tells you something about English classroomC. lets you know English news D. makes foreign friends1CThe world s forests become smaller and smaller . People are still cutting down thetrees .Why is this happening ? There are two reasons land and wood .People need land for animals and

9、 crops . People want wood , too . People in everycountryneed wood .Wood is used for buildings or made into furniture .But most places in the forests are not good for animals or crops . The soil in theforests isvery thin . When trees are cut down ,the soilis washed away by rainor blown away by wind .

10、Soon there is nothing left but sand . Then more land willbe needed and more trees will be cut down .Who can we blame (责备 ) for the lost forests ? The answer is : all of us . Thereare toomany people in the world . Look around .Maybe you are lying on a bed orwitting on a chair .Theyare made of wood .(

11、)1.What has happened to the world s nowforests?A. There is no forest in the worldB. People cut down all the treesC. They become smaller and smaller D.People have planted a lot of trees()2.Land is used for.A. animals and crops B. planting trees C. roads D. buildings ( )3. Most places in the forests a

12、re not good for animals or cropsbecause.A. the wind is too strongB. no trees are grownC. there is no sandD. the soil is very thin()4.What is left when the soil is washed away by rain or blown away bywind ?A. NothingB. SandC. TreeD. Water()5.It iswho should be blamed .A.forestsB.windC.rainD.allthepeo

13、pleDThis is a true story . It happened to a friend ofmine a year ago .While myfriend ,Peter ,wasreading in bed , two thieves (贼 ) climbed into anotherroom .Itwas very dark , so they turned on the light .Suddenly they heard a voice behindthem .“ What s up ? ” “ What s up ? ” someone called .The thiev

14、es turned off the light and ran away as quickly as they could . Peter heard the noise and came downstairs quickly . He turned on the light . but he couldn t see anyone .The thieves were already gone . But Peter s parrot , Henry , was still there .“ What s up , Peter ?He called” .“ Nothing , Henry ,

15、”Peter said and smiled ,“ go back to sleep .”()1.It was very dark , so.A. the thieves turned offthelightB. the thieves turned on the lightC. the thieves climbedinto another roomD. the thieves heard a voice behind them()2.What happened when they turned on the light ?A. They found a lot of money .B. T

16、hey were caught by the owner of the lightC.The police came in .D.They entered the room .()3.What did they do when they heard a voice ?A.They turned off the light .B.They entered the room .C. They ran away as quickly as they could . D. A and C.()4.Who called “ What s up”?A. Peter B. Peter s sonenry,H

17、C. The thieves D. Peter s parrot , Henry .()5.Which is not true ?2A.It s a true storyB.It happened two years ago .C. Peter was my friend . D. The thieves ran away with nothing .EMan has a big brain(大脑 ). He can think, learn and speak. Scientists one thought that men are different from animals becaus

18、e they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, cats and birds can learn too. They are beginning to understand that. They make noises when they are afraid, or angry or unhappy. Apes(猿) can understand some things more quickly than human, one or two of them have learnt a few words. But theycan no

19、t join words to make sentences. They can not think like us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five, but no animal learns to speak. How do

20、children learn it ? Scientists do not really know. What happens inside our body when we speak? They do not know. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain.()1. The best title for this passage is.A. Animal s LanguageB. Man and ApeC. Brain and languageD. Man s Brain()2. Men are differen

21、t from animals in the way that.A. men can understand things quicklyB. men can learnC. men have learnt to use languageD. men have brains()3. An ape can not.A. make noisesB. understand thingsC. learn wordsD. speak like man()4. Scientists now know.A. how children learn to speakB. why apes can learn a f

22、ew wordsC. man s brain helps him to learn to speakD. what happens when men speak()5. Which of the following is NOT true ?A. Some animals can learn.B. Apes can understand some things more quickly than men.C. Apes can put the words they know together.D. Apes have no language though they can learn some

23、 words.FOf all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Not many people realize this but it is quite true. The Human(人类 ) body goes without food for a long time, but two or three days without water usually results in death.Many people do not understand how much water the human body

24、needs to work properly and many people do not drink enough, especially in hot weather. Most people drink when they are thirsty, but we often need more water, especially if we have been taking exercises.A man s body is 65 to 75 percent of water. Most people need about five to seven litres of water ev

25、ery day, but we do not need to drink this amount(数量 ) because a lot comes from the food we eat. Or we do not have enough water, we feel thirsty and may become ill. Do you know what the best drink is ? Yes, cold water.()1. Which of the following is true ?A. No one knows water is the most important th

26、ing to human life.B. It s quite true that water is very important to human life.C. It s dangerous to drink plenty of water when we are thirsty.D. People should stop drinking water in order to keep healthy.()2. In order to get enough water, the writer thinks people should drink.A. hot waterB. after e

27、xercises3C. often, not just when they feel thirstyD. as much water as possible()3. According to the passage,a person usually drinksof water everyday.A. 65 to 75 percentB. no more than 5 litresC. more than 7 litresD. no more than 7 litres()4. People get the water they need from.A. the food they eatB.

28、 the things they eat and drinkC. cold waterD. their drink()5. The passage mainly wants to make people know.A . that they should drink enough waterB. why water is important to themC. how much water they needD. how they can get enough waterGThink about the last time you dropped a stone into water.Do y

29、ou remember howthe waves started? They began where the stone met the water and then moved outward.Just as waves in water take time to move,so sound takes time to move in air.Sound takes time to travel.Perhaps you have noticed the time that passes between a flash of lightning and the thunder. You may

30、 have heard the sound of a baseball bat hitting a ball an instant after you saw it happen.Both light and sound take time to travel. However, there is a great deal of difference in their speed. In one second, sound can travel about 1, 000 feet through air. During this same time, light can travel move

31、 than 186, 000 miles!When something makes a sound some distance away, you can often see the actionbefore you hear the sound.As sound travels,vibrations are passed on from onemolecule to another. The farther the sound has to travel, the longer it takes.()1. Which of these is wrong?A .“ Sound and wave

32、 ” mean水花和“水波 ” .B. “ Lightning and thunder”闪电mean和雷“声 ” .C. “ Instant and second”瞬息mean和秒“钟 ”.D“ Action and vibration”动mean作和振“动 ” .()2. Sound takes time to move in air just as.A .wavesB.trainsC.busesD.cars()3. When wedrop a stone into water, we can see.A. nothingB. the waves start where the stone

33、meets the water and then move outwardC.the waves start far from the stoneD.both A and C()4. Which of these is right?A. You may hear the sound of a baseball bat hitting a ball, then see the action.B. You may hear the thunder before you see a flash of lightning.C. Light takes no time to travel.D. The farther the light has to travel, the longer it takes.()5. Which of these is not right?A. In one second, sound can travel about 340 metres through air.B. In one second, light can travel about 300,000,000 metres.C. One foot is longer than one metre.D. One metres is shorter than one miles.4


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