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1、Unit 1 People around us知识点1. Cheerful Cheerful adj. 快 的,高 的 Why is he so cheerful?Cheerful 是由名 cheer+ful 构成。表示“充 ”的意思。比如 : useful,helpful ,beautiful,thankful. Cheern 呼,高 ,愉快Her help brought cheer to our hearts. Cheerv. 呼,使高 ,加油She failed the exam,and we want to cheer herup.2. Hard-workingHard-workin

2、gadj 工作努力的,勤勉的Simon is a student.区 : Work hard 副 构 Simon works hard.3. Patient Patientadj耐心的(impatient 没耐心的)搭配: be patient with sb 待有耐心 Patientn病人The nurse is very patient with her patients. 3. Time Take time to do sth 花 做某事You should take some time to check your answer. is the time for sb to do sth

3、 是某人做某事的 候It is the time for you to work hard. It takes sb some time to do sth.Sb spends some time on sth in doing sth. It takes me one hour to go to school.I spend one hour in going to school.4. Probably Probablyadv很可能You are probably right. Probableadj 可能的It is probable to finish the work before d

4、ark.5. With 具有(外貌特征), 有He is tall with blue eyes. 与,同,和I am talking with my friend. 用(工具,手段)Cut meat with a knife.6. the best 形容 最高 前要加the.Tom is the best football player in our class. In the world = all around the world 全世界7. ForgetForgetv . 忘 Forget to do sth doing sth 忘 去做某事 忘 做 某事Don t forget to

5、 reply to Jane in the morning.He forgot closing the door.相似用法: remember 得remember to do sth doing sth 得去做某事 记得做 某事8. Taste n 味道 v. 起来The dish tastes delicious(.感官 +adj)相似的用法 有 smell. n 气味Many people don t like the smell of durians. v. ,嗅The meat smells nice,but tastes terrible.9. As well 又,也,同 地too

6、, also , as well 的区 as well , too 都放在句末,too 前要用逗号隔开 .also 放在句中 .He speaks English and Spanish as well.= He speaks English and Spanish, too.= He speaks English and he also speaks Spanish. 10. Take care of = look after 照 Nurses take care of patients in hospital.= Nurses look after patients in hospital

7、. Careful adj. 仔 的,小心的11. missmiss sb. very much 非常想念某人 v. 想念 v. (机会)I missed the train yesterday. n 小姐,女士(未婚)12. Tell jokes 笑 Dont tell jokes in class. Make sb do sth. 使某人做某事The teacher made the students do lots of homework. 拓展: Make + sb sth. + adjThe news makes me happy makes me sad. Make fun of=

8、 laugh at 嘲笑,取笑We shouldnt make fun of the disable.13. Be good at= do well in擅 He is good at Chinese. = He does well in Chinese. He is good at speaking Chinese. = He does well in speaking Chinese.反 : Be poor at 不擅 14. remain v.仍然是,保持不 We will remain friends forever. ( remain +n) I asked her a questi

9、on,but she remained silent.( remain +adj) v. 逗留He remained in Beijing for three months last year.15. Be full of = be filled with充 The bottle is full of water. = The bottle is filled with water.16. lots of = a lot of + 可数名 复数 不可数名词17. He uses lots of games in his teaching. Teaching:意 “教学 ”作 名 eg: Lin

10、da wants to go into teaching.17. Be strict about sth 某事要求 格Our teacher are always strict about our homework.Be strict with sb. 某人要求 格He is very strict with his students.18. Encourage v. 鼓励encourage sb to do sth.Our teacher encourages us to do more sport. n. encouragementThanks for your encouragement

11、.19. Support n. 支持 (不可数名 )Betty needs our support . Lets give her a hand. v. 支持My mother always support me .20. “ Never give up and youll be successful.” Never give up 是祈使句 . 句子 构是:祈使句 + and +句子(一般将来 ,表达 果)Give up放弃 Give up(sth.)I gave up this idea. give up doing放弃做某事My father can t give up smoking.

12、Successful Successful adj 得成功的Tom is a Successful businessman. success n 成功They finally got a big success. succeed v. 成功Jim succeeded in getting the first place in English exam一 翻译词汇AWords1.person_2.laugh_3.hard-working_4. patient _5.care _ 6. strict _7. encourage _ 8. support _ 9.remain _10.paragra

13、ph _ 11. 玩笑 _ 12. 快乐的;高兴的_13. 忘 记_14.成 员 _15. 获 得 成 功 的_16. 很可 能 _17. 气 味 _18. 聪 明的 ;机 敏的_19.想念;怀念 _20.记住 _B. Phrases1. as well _ 2. take care of _ 3. tell jokes_4. make fun of _ 5.(be) strict about _ 6.戴眼镜_7. 夜以继日 _8. 上班 _9. 放弃 _10.擅长(做)。_二根据名单及首字母提示完成单词1.We are going on holiday soon, p_ next Sunda

14、y.2.The flowers in our school s_ really sweet.3.Linda is always c_ and I like being with her.4.My English teacher is very kind and p_.5.I hope we will always r_ good friends.6.His father is very s_ with him.7.He often tells jokes to make us l_.8.Why did you finally g_ up this journey?三用所给单词的适当形式填空。1

15、. Who is the _ (young) student in your class?2. There comes the teacher with some _ (book) in his hand.3. My father _ (go) to work by bus every day.4. He was _ (success) in his studies.5. Your _ (support) means a lot to me in Shenzhen these years.6. Mike will_ (probable) come to our house next week.

16、7. My uncle likes _ (play) table tennis at weekends.8. Susan often tells interesting stories to make me _ (laugh).四单项选择题()1. Sorry, I forgot your telephone number. Please tell me again.A. didn t missB. didn t write downC. didn t dial()2. You should take care of your sick mother.A. live withB. bringa

17、boutC. lookafterD. look at()3. Miss Li always encourages me to study hard.A. give a lot of hope B. make feel sadC. give highgradesD.make feel excited()4. Never give upand you ll be successful one day.A. keep trying to do somethingB. stop trying to dosomethingC. get to do somethingD. finish doing som

18、ething()5. It s not that badche.Berful!A. happyB. sadC. downD. funny()6. Lindafathers is a _ businessman. He has made a lot of moneythese years.A. sadB.smartC. kindD.handsome()7. When I grow up, I want to be _ art teacher.A. aB. theC. /D. an()8. -What do you think of Lily, Susan?- She is _. I like h

19、er very much.A. beautifulB. friendlyC. sadD.tall()9. Vicky is good _English. She helps me a lot with my English lesson.A. atB. forC. toD. in()10. Tom is a _ student. So he does well in his lessons.A. cheerfulB. tallC. hard-workingD. lazy()11. Many high school students need to wear _ when they watch

20、TV.D. didn t rem(A. glovesB. glassclothesC. glassesD.)12. My grandmother is a very good _. She always prepares very tasty(dishes for me.A. cookB. helpful)13. Never _ and youA. get upB. keep upC. cooking ll be successful in the future.C. give upD. makeD. lookup()14.My little dog is lost. All of my fr

21、iends are helping me to _it.A. look atB. look forC. look afterD.looklike()15. Alicia often _ her mother _ housework.A. help, withB. help, doC. helps, dohelps, doing()16. Don t give up _. You will meet with success.A. work hardB. to work hardC. worked hardworking hard()17. The teacher _his pupils is

22、fond of the game.A. as wellB. as well asC. well asD.D.D.asfar as()18. As a _man, he is always ready to help others in trouble.A. successB. succeedC. successfullysuccessful()19. We must _children.A. are patient withB. be patient withC. are patient aboutbe patient about()20. Our teachers often encoura

23、ge us_ hard.A. studyB. to studyC. studyingstudyingD.D.D.to五按要求完成下列题目。A 同义句改写1. She is a tall girl wearing glasses. She is a tall girl _ glasses.2. Ben s grandpa was always happy.Ben s grandpa was always _.3. Mr. Green is a good cook.Mr. Green is _ _ _.Mr. Green _ _ _ cooking.4. Don t laugh at others

24、.5. The box is filled with books.The box is _ _ books.B汉英翻译6. 这种表或许是世界上最好的。 This kind of watch is_.7.我永远不会忘记他的帮助。 I _ his help.8.这个女孩能歌善舞。This girl is _ and _.9.我们的英语课充满了乐趣。 Our English classes are_.10.永不放弃,你就会成功。_.一单选题1.Tom is very smart. He can _answer teacher s questions.A. probablyB.notC.alwaysD

25、.never2. Complete the sentences _the correct words _the box.A. with;fromB.from;inC.of;inD.with;of3.I like _basketball,but I don t like _it now.A. play;playB.playing;to playC.to play;playingD.playing;playing4. My mother and father are _forty.5. Sara s _ live in traliaAus. Yesterday she got a letter f

26、rom her uncle.6. _ do you like about your teacher?7. She always _ a red skirt.8. Joyce wants to make_ with Lisa.9. She is a good-looking girl_ long black hair. She is_ a yellow dress.A. has; has B. has; wears C. with; on D. with; wearing 二、适当形式填空1.We all feltvery when we watched the performance by C

27、lass 4.( cheer)2.I think Jake is avery movie star. We should proud of him.( success)3.Tom says that he willbe a fireman when he grows. (probable)4.I( forget) to close the door when I left home.5.Would you please help me take( careful) of my little dog ?6.My mother often( encourage)me to do more exer

28、cise in themorning.7.Although his family was poor, her parents(support) him to goabroad.8.There are many(person) going for a walk by the river.知识点一、冠词定义:冠词是虚词,放在名词前,用来说明名词的含义。 冠词不能单独成为句子,只能作为名词修饰的一部分。 冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词和零冠词。 不定冠词我们在上学期已学过。(一)不定冠词( a/ an)1、a、an 是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目的观念。2、必背:一般情况

29、下 a 用于辅音音素开头的单词前, an 用于元音音素开头的字母前。特例:a:a useful book, a European country, a one-month holidayan: an honest boy, an hour, an ugly girl, an eight/ eleven-year-old boy, an 8/11-year-old boy以 -uni 开头的单词前常用冠词-a,university, unit以-un 开头的单词常用 -an,uncle,unusual与 a 连用的字母: B,C,D,G, J, K, P, Q, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

30、与 an 连用的字母: A, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, X(二)定冠词( the)1、定义:表示特指的人或事物,可与单数或复数可数名词或不可数名词连用。2、用法:( 1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物。Eg:The gentleman in brown is Alan s grandfather.( 2)用在说话双方都知道的人或事物前。Eg:Would you please open the door? It s a bit hot in the room.(3)用在前文提到过的人或事物。Eg:I have a new book. The book is abou

31、t the sea.(4)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。Eg:the Earththe seathe sky(5)用在形容词最高级、序数词及only(作形容词)前。Eg:The Nile is the longest river in the world.Lily is always the first to school.(6)用在 same,next, last 前。Eg:The twins look the same.(7)用在江、河、海洋、海峡、群岛、山系等专有名词前。Eg:the Yangtze Riverthe Atlanticthe South China Sea(8)用在乐器前E

32、g:the piano/ violin/ guitar(9)用在国名的全称和缩写前。Eg:the PRCthe USAthe UK(10)用在一些表示方向、方位、时间、场所的固定词组中。Eg:on the right/ leftin the eastin the morning/ afternoon/evening in the distancein the beginning( 11)用在 radio 前,表示广播Eg:Do you often listen to the radio?( 12)用在姓氏的复数形式前,表示“全家人 ”Eg:The Lis usually go to the s

33、ame place for holiday every year.(二)零冠词( / ) .(一)用法:1、在日期、月份、节日等名词前不加Eg: 10 September is Teachersthe 。 Day.Uncle Tom will visit us in May.2、复数可数名词和不可数名词前不加the 表示泛指。Eg: Camels are very useful animals in the desert.Do you often listen to light music?3、学科、语言前不加the。Eg:My favourite subject at school is P

34、hysics.Can you speak English?4、球类、棋类、牌类运动或游戏前不加the 。Eg: A lot of people enjoy playing football/ soccer/basketball/ volleyball/ chess/ bridge/ poker.5、表示 “用餐 ”时,一日三餐前不加the 。Eg:Who did you invite to dinner/ breakfast/ lunch/ supper? for/have dinner/breakfast/lunch/supper (但中间有形容词修饰时,则用不定冠词,如have a qui

35、ck breakfast)6、抽象名词前一般不加the 。Eg:People all over the world love peace.7、television/TV 表示 “电视节目 ”时,前不加 the 。Eg:My grandmother is watching television in the next room now.8、在下列习惯用语和固定短语中,名词前不能加the 。go to school/primary school/ secondary school/ university/ work/ hospital/ church/ bedat school/ work/ ch

36、urch/ homein hospital/bedat dawn/noon/night/midnightby bus/ bicycle(bike)on foot一选择填空:A. / B. a C. an D. the1.They are living _happy life now.2._bag on _desk is mine.3.There is _empty box on the table.4.Do you like _music of the film Titanic?5.On _Saturday, I stay in _bed till 12:00.6._Browns have b

37、een to China twice.7.Dont make any noise in _class.8.This is such _interesting story that you must listen to it.9.Next week they will go to Australia by _air.10.Which is bigger, _sun or _moon?二在空白处填入a / an 或 the。1. This morning I bought _ newspaper and _ magazine. _newspaper is in my bag but I dont

38、know where I put _ magazine.2. I saw _ accident this morning. _ car crashed into _ tree._ driver of _ car wasnt hurt but _ car was badly damaged.3. There are two cars parked outside: _ blue one and _ grey one._ blue one is my neighbours; I dont know who _ owner of _grey one is.4. My friends live in _ old house in _ small village. There is _beautiful garden behind _ house. I would like to have _ garden like that.三单项选择题()1. I read _story. It is _interesting story.A. a


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