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1、Miss zhangUnit 1 Body language动名词 动名词由动词原形加词尾“ ing ”构成。动名词有动词的特征 , 可以跟宾语 , 可以被状语修饰;它也有名词的特征 , 在句子中可以作主语、 宾语 ( 包括介词宾语 ) 等。动名词加相关词语 ( 宾语或状语等 ) 构成动名词短语。 动名词可以作主语。一般可用it作形式主语而将动名词短语后移。如:LearningEnglishallby yourself is not so easy.(自学好英语不那么容易)(=It is not so easy learningEnglish all by yourself.) 动名词可以作宾

2、语。A want / need之后用动名词时, 含有被动意思。如:Your car needs reparing badly.(你的车急需修理。)( 被修 )My hair needs cutting.(我要理发。 )( 头发被理 )B remember / forge / stop / finish 之后用动名词时 , 与用不定式含义不同。如: I forgot to write a letter to him.( 我忘了给他写封信 )( 根本没写 ) / I forgot writing a letterto him.(我忘了给他写过信)( 写了却忘了 ) / They stopped t

3、o look back.(他们停下来向后看 )( 停下的目的是向后看) / They stopped looking back.(他们停止向后看)( 不向后看了 )Cenjoy/ mind / keep / hate/go 等词一般用动名词作宾语。如:Do you mind my closingthe door?(把门关上你介意吗?)/ She hates travelling by air.(她讨厌坐飞机旅行)/They went swimming every afternoon.(他们每天下午去游泳)/ I enjoy walking aroundthe town.(我喜欢在镇上转悠)D

4、like / love / start / begin / learn后面用动名词时, 与用不定式意思相近或相同。如:We began to study English when we were at primary school.(我们在小学时就开始学英语了 ) / We began studying English when we were at primary school. (我们在小学时就开始学英语了) 动名词可以作表语, 此时特别注意不要与现在进行时混淆。如:My job is puttingthese partstogether.(我的事情是把这些部件拼起来) / I am pu

5、tting these parts together.(我正在把这些部件拼起来) 动名词与现在分词构成相同, 但是含义不同, 动名词主要表示事情, 而现在分词则主要表示进行着的动作。如:Eating too much is not good for your health. (动名词短语 , 作主语 )/ Seeing is believing.(动名词短语 , 分别作主语和表语) / He ran aftera moving bus andgot onto it.(现在分词 , 作定语 ) / His father saw him sitting on some eggs.(现在分词 , 作

6、宾补 )(4) 分词:包含现在分词和过去分词。( 高中学习重点 ) 主要区别: 现在分词一般有主动的意思或表示动作正在进行的意思;过去分词有被动或动作已经完成的意思。分词可以有自己的宾语或状语。 分词或分词短语在句子中作定语、状语和复合宾语等。A 作定语:分词作定语时 , 一般要放在修饰的名词之前 , 分词短语作定语时 , 则要放在所修饰的名词之后。如: I have got a running nose.(我流鼻涕 ) / The woman running afterthe thiefshouted very loudly,“ Stop the thief!”( 跟着小偷追的妇女大喊:捉小

7、偷!)/ Yesterday I met a man called Mr. Black.(昨天我遇见了一个名叫布莱克先生的人)/He only gave me a broken glass,so I was very angry with him.(他只给了我一个坏玻璃杯 , 所以我很生他的气)B 现在分词可以作下列动词的宾语补足语。( 参考不定式作宾语补足语 )谓语动词 (vt.)宾语宾语补足语keep( 保持 ) / see(看到 ) /hear( 听到 ) / watch( 注意到 ) /sb./sth.(do)ingfeel(感觉到 )如: Mum kept me working al

8、l the week.(妈妈让我一个星期都在工作)/ When I enteredthe room,Isaw Jack eatinga bigpear.( 我进入房间时看到杰克正在吃一只大梨子)/Inthe dark I felt something very cold moving on my foot.(黑暗之中我感到有个冷的东西在我的脚上移动)C现在分词可以作状语, 表示伴随情况。如:She came intothe classroom,holdinga pile1Miss zhangof papers in her hand.(他走 教室, 手上抓着一沓 )/ I am very bu

9、sy these daysgettingreadyforthe coming oraltest.( 些日子我正忙着准 即将来到的口 考 )D 去分 可以作表 , 放在 系 后面 , 但要注意不要与被 混淆 , “主系表”主要表示状 , 而被 表示 作。常用 去分 作表 的 构有:be worried( 焦 ) /be pleased (高 ) / be tired (疲 ) / get dressed (打扮好 ) / get lost (迷路 ) /get caught (遭遇 ) / beome frustrated (沮 ) / become intereted in ( 感 趣 )等等

10、。例略。E 去分 可以作 足 。如:I had my hair cut this morning.(今天早上我 人 我理了 )( 注意: have sth. done 表示 作由 人来做 , 而 have done sth. 在完成 的 构 , 两个 构不可以混淆 )不定式1 、及物 +疑 +不定式:谓语动词 (vt.)+wh- 疑 问 词 + 不 定 式( 作 宾 明 语 )tell( 告 ) / show ( 示 ) / know ( 知what不 定 式疑 问道 ) / ask (问 ) / find out (发现 ) /where形 式 可 以understand (明白 ) / w

11、onder(疑惑 ) /+how+ to (do)作 句 子的 主learn(学 会 )/forget(忘 记 )/who 、表 等。remember( 得 ) / teach sb.(教某人 )which/ discuss(商 )如: He does not know which one to take.(他不知道 哪个)/Tellme how toget tothestation.(告 我怎么 去火 站)/ She asked me what to do for today s homework.( 她 我今天家庭作 做什么)/ Can you teach me how to search

12、 the internet?(你能教我怎 上网 ? )2、不定式作 而后面又有 足 , 通常用 it代替作形式 , 而不定式 后置。如:I found it not very easy to learn to ride a bike.(我 学 不很容易) 词组 1、 prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事2、 remind sb of sth使某人想起某事3、 consider doing sth考 做某事4、 notice sb doing sth注意某人正在做某事5、 be always doing sth 是做某事6、 spend t

13、imemoney on sth in doing sth花 、金 做某事7、 prepare to do sth准 做某事高 知 点 1、高 考点 与 解1、avoid回避避开后接名 、代 或 -ing形式作 例句: He avoided me as much as possible. 中考 接 Kate avoided _ my questions. A.answer B.to answer C.answering D.answered考点: _2Miss zhang2、spend 花 常用于 spend timemoney on sth或 spend timemoney (in)doing

14、 sth例句: He spent much time on his homework.中考 接 I_ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.A.spendB.costC.takeD.pay考点: _3、forget忘 常 的有 forget to do sth,意 “忘 做某事”forget doing sth意 “忘 做 某事”例句: Don t forget to turn off the light when you leave the room. 中考 接 He forgot _ his mother up

15、,A.ringB.to bringC.bringing 似的 有哪些呢?_4 、depend on 随 . 而定 , 依 例句: It depends on the weather. 中考 接 Tom couldn t work so he had to _ his family考点: _5 、mind 介意 后接 名 、代 或 名 例句: Would you mind opening the window?中考 接 I mind _ because I don t like singing.A.singB.to singC.singing拓展:当 mind 的 主 不是句子的主 候,句中的

16、名 前 加物主代 ,人称代 或名 所有格表示其 主 。例句: I m sure she wouldn t mind your going with us.6、 likely可能的,适合的,可作定 或表 ,用作表 ,可接to 的 不定式或that从句。例句: I m likely to be free this afternoon. 中考 接 It _ to rain tomorrow.A. is likely toB.was likely toC.will be likely toUnit 2 Hair careIt is adj of/for sb to do sth 个知 点 容易会考it

17、is+adj+forsb 和 itis+adj+ofsb 含 及区 一 . 入 : 例子Itiskind ofyou tohelpme.你能帮我太好了 . ( kind的是 you )“做 某人 (ofsb) 怎么 (adj) ”Itisbeneficialforyou todo sports. 运 动 对 你 有 益 .( beneficial的 是dosports )“做 某人 (forsb) 来 怎么 (adj) ”二 . 表达含 : “ It s +adj.+of+sb.+ 不定式”表示“某人 ( 做某事 ) 怎么 ” 一般用表示人物的性格 , 品德 . 表示主 感情或 度的形容 .

18、若形容 是描述 主 ( 行 者 ) 的性格、品 特征的形容词 . 个 adj. 是用来形容 sb. 的 .3Miss zhang例如 :Itsverykindofyoutohelpme.(=Youarevery kind tohelp me.) 你能帮助我 , 真好 .Itsverykindofyou tolookaftermycat. 你能照看我的猫 , 真好 .It skindofyoutosayso.(=You arekindtosayso)It isveryrudeofhertosaysuchwords.(=Sheisveryrudetosaysuchwords.)It sfoolis

19、hofhimtogoalone.(=Heisfoolishtogoalone.)他单独出去太傻了 .Itsveryniceofyoutohelpme.你来帮助我 , 你真是太好了 .“ It s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”. 常用于表示事物的特征特点, 表示客观形式的形容词. 若形容词仅仅是描述事物, 不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价, 用 forsb. 这类形容词有 :important(重 要 的 ),necessary(必 要 的 ),difficult(困 难 的 ),easy(容 易 的 ),hard(艰 难的 ),dangerous(危 险 的

20、 ),safe(安 全 的 ),useful(有 益 的 ),pleasant(舒 适 的 ),interesting(有 趣的 ),impossible(不可能的 ),right(正确的 )likely(可能的 ) 等 . 用 forsb, 例如 :It simportantforhertocometotheparty.=Itisimportantthatshe shouldcometotheparty.对她来说来参加聚会很重要 .It sverydangerousforchildrentocrossthebusystreet.It sdifficultforustofinishthewor

21、k. 对我们来说 , 完成这项工作很困难 . 词组 1、 need to do sth需要做某事2、 suggest doing sth建议做某事3、 stop sb from doing sth阻止某热做某事4、 offer to do sth (主动)提出做某事5、 Be afraid to do sth不敢做某事 Be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事6、 insist doing sth坚持做某事Unit 3 Health and food疑问词引导的宾语从句和形容词后的宾语从句 教材典句 1.Do you know where I can buy some meatl

22、ess sausages?2.People are thinking about how they can eat more healthily.3.Do you know how long a person can live without food?4.I m glad you enjoyed the meal.5.Debbie was sure Simon would like to have a salad instead of meat.划出宾语从句,总结特点宾语从句: 1、疑问词引导的宾语从句英语中的连接代词有who, whom,whose,which 和 what. 这些词在宾语

23、从句中担当一定的句子成分,具有一定的意义,链接代词在从句中担当的句子成分有主语,宾语,定语和表语.I don t know who will give us a talk.4Miss zhangPlease tell me what you have done.He asked whose jacket it was.I don t know whose that is.英语中的连接副词有when,where,why 和 how.它们和上述链接代词一样,在从句中担当一定的句子成分,具有一定的意义,连接副词在从句当中担当的句子成分主要为状语.Do you know when they ll be

24、 back?I want to know where she lives?2 、形容词后的宾语从句某些形容词后面可以带有宾语从句,常用于描述感受、感想和看法. 如宾语从句用that引导, that可省略 .常带有宾语从句的形容词有:afraid,happy,sorry,proud,surprised,sure,certain等I m glad (that) you liked the present.Peter is excited (that) he will go to Joan s birthday party.Tom was sad (that) his dog was lost. 词

25、组 1、ought to do sth应该做某事2、warn sb to do sth提醒某人做某事3、be likely to do sth可能做某事4、used to do sth过去常常做某事Unit 4 What should I do?【反义疑问句】(一)概念:反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。(二)要点注意:1、反意疑问句前后两部分谓语应是:“肯定陈述否定疑问”或“否定陈述肯定疑问”。2、简略问句如果是否定式:not 应与 be, do,will等系动词、助动词、情态动词

26、缩写。3、简略问句的主语不用名词,应用人称代词。4、陈述部分含“too.to”时,是否定句。(三)用法:1)陈述部分I am 时,疑问部分要用arent I.Im as tall as your sister, arent I?(我和你姐姐一样高,对吗?)2)陈述部分用no,nothing,nobody,never,few,little,seldom,hardly等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。如:The old man made no answer, did he?Jim is never late for school, is he?3)陈述部分有情态动词have to +v. (h

27、ad to + v.),疑问部分常用dont +主语( didnt +主语)。We have to get there at eight tomorrow, dont we?used to,疑问部分用didnt +主语或 usednt +主语。5Miss zhangHe used to take pictures there, didnt he? / usednt he?had better(最好)+ v.疑问句部分用hadnt you?Youd better read it by yourself, hadnt you?4) 陈述部分有would rather(宁可、宁愿)+v. ,疑问部分

28、多用wouldnt +主语。He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldnt he?5 陈述部分有Youd like to +v.疑问部分用wouldnt +主语。Youd like to go with me, wouldnt you?6) 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything,that,nothing,this,疑问部分主语用it 。Everything is ready, isnt it?陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分

29、常用复数 they ,有时也用单数he.Everyone knows the answer, dont they? (doesn t he?)Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?)7) think引导的宾语从句:A. 主语是第一人称I dont think he is bright, is he?We believe she can do it better, cant she?B. 如果主语不是第一人称则疑问部分与主句相对应构成反意疑问句He thought they were wrong, didnt he?(不能说 werent they?)

30、8)省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。Dont do that again, will you?Go with me, will you / wont you?Lets 开头的祈使句,后用 shall we (或用 shant we) ?而 Let us 开头的祈使句,后用 will you(或 wont you) ?Lets go and listen to the music, shall we(或用 shant we)?Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you(或 wont you) ?9)陈述部分是 th

31、ere be 结构的,疑问部分用there 。There is something wrong with your watch, isnt there?There will not be any trouble, will there?10) 否定前缀不能视为否定词,其反意疑问句仍用否定形式。It is impossible, isnt it?He is not unkind to his classmates, is he? 词组 1、 by accident 偶然,意外地2、 get into bad habits 染上恶习3、 make an effort to do sth试图做某事4

32、、 be to blame for 对(坏事)负有责任5、 look out for堤防小心Unit 5 Going to the theatreIt be形容词 that从句It be形容词 that从句6Miss zhang that 引导的是一个主语从句,为了避免句子看起来“头重脚轻” ,从而能用 it 做形式主语。真正的主语从句放在后面,其中 that 可以省略。能 够 用 “Itbe 形 容 词 that从 句 ” 这一 句 式 的 常 用 形 容词 有 :interesting,possible,strange,important,true,clear,sad,impossible

33、,surprising我们可以用“It be形容词 that从句”来表示对某件事的看法或寻求对某件事的评价。It s strange that Tony doesn t watch TV tonight. 词组 1、 feel sorry for somebody同情2、 in somebody s time在 . 时代3、 reach a decision做出决定4、 keep something in mind将 . 记在心中5、 catch somebody s eye引起某人注意惹人注目6、 treat.as.把 .看作7、 leave something behind忘记带,丢下Un

34、it 6 Great minds名词短语 +动词不定式 教材典句 1.A decision to become a scientist2.A way to turn rubbish into energy3.Invitations to talk about his ideas 语法全解 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,其结构为:to do,即 to+ 动词原形,此处的to 为不定式符号。动词不定式在句中充当主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语等多种成分。本单元,我们主要来学习不定式作定语的用法。动词不定式作定语时,常用来修饰名词或代词,放在修饰的名词或代词之后作后置定语。如本单元中的“名词短语+动词

35、不定式”结构就属于此种情况。1 、不定式和它所修饰的词之间有动宾关系Have you got anything to do this evening ?I have some friends to invite2 、不定式说明它修饰的名词或代词的内容,相当于同位语I have no chance to go abroadI can t find a way to work out this problem3 、被修饰词是不定式的逻辑主语She is always the first to come to schoolThe next thing to do is to keep the mac

36、hine on for five minutes 注意 如果不定式是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的词是不定式动作的时间、工具等,不定式后应有必要的介词。7Miss zhangWe have a cold room to live in.I have no chair to sit on. 中考链接 1、 Whenever you have a chance _ English,you should take it.A.speakB.to speakC.spokeD.speaks2、 Water Park is a good place _A.to have funB.have funC.hav

37、ing funD.to have a fun疑问词 +动词不定式 教材典句 1 、 He did not know to answer the question2 、 Then he decided what to do这两个句子都含有“疑问词+动词不定式”结构“疑问词 +动词不定式”结构在句中相当一个名词的作用,常在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。How to stop polluting rivers is a big problemI hardly know what to say before youThe question is how to start the work 注意 1 、 k

38、now、 show 后跟和疑问词连用的动词不定式Could you show me how to operate the computer?2、动词不定式不能做介词的宾语,此时必须用加疑问词的动词不定式My teacher gave me lots of valuable advice on how to make friends 中考链接 We don t know _ it next,Let s go and ask Mr LiA.what to do B.to do what C.whether to doD.to do whether词组 1、 know something by he

39、art记住2、 pay no attention to something不注意3、 instruct somebody in something教授某人 .4、 be absorbed in something专心致志,全神贯注5、 have trouble doing something做某事有困难6、 make up one s mind 做出决定Unit 7 Plants定语从句【关系代词引导的定语从句】(一)、定义:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。定语从句是指在一个句子中作定语的句子,定语从句要放在所修饰的词后。如: 1) The man who lives next to us is a policeman.2) You must do everything that I do.8Miss zhang上面两句中的man和 everything是定语从句所修饰的词,叫先行词,定语从句放在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的词有关系代词that,which,who(宾格 whom, 所有格 whose) 和关系副词where, when、why关系词常有三个作用:1、引导定语从句2、代替先行词3、


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