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1、2020 考研英语长句小练精讲解析5考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由出guo为你精心准备了“ 2020 考研英语:长句小练精讲解析5”,持续关注将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!Besides,thisis unlikelyto produce the needed number ofevery kind of professional in a country as large as ours and where the economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corpora

2、tions.【分析】这里的主语 this ,后面不定式短语is unlikely to produce的真正宾语是 professional,前面的成分 the needed number ofevery kind of 是修饰这个词的短语, 接着是地点状语 in a country ,其中 country 带了两个修饰成分:前一个是形容词性的短语 as large as ours ,后一个是 where 引导的定语从句,这个从句的主语 the economy有两个谓语动词: is spread 和 involves 。【词汇】be unlikely to不可能producev.翻译难词培养

3、( 人才 ) ,提供 ( 服务 ) ,生产 ( 商品 )professional n.专业人员corporation n.公司【译文】另外,在我 么一个大国里, 延展到 么多的州、涉及到 么多的国 公司, 因而要按照数量培养出所需的各 人 是不大可能的。 句中并没有因果 出 ,翻 可以加上, 更清晰 2 句精 :But,fora small group of students,professionaltrainingmight be the way to go since well-developed skills, all otherfactorsbeing equal,can be the

4、 differencebetween having a joband not.【分析】前面 for 引 的状 表示的是 象,主干是professionaltraining might be the way to go,since引 原因状 从句,从句主干 构是skillscan be the difference,allother factorsbeing equal是一个独立主格 构,在本句中作插入 。Difference后面 了一个介 短 between and ,and 后面的 not 出 省略,可以 全 not having a job。【 】写作句型:for sb./sth.,mig

5、ht be the way to go对于,也 是可取之路例句:For the currentenvironmentalproblem, the effectivesupervision might be the way to go. 于目前的 境 ,有效的 管也 是条可取之路。【 文】但是, 一小部3 句精 :I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “have it all ”, preached by Linda Kelsey for thepast seven years in the

6、 pages of She magazine, into a womanwho is happy to settle for a bit of everything.【分析】主干 构是I have been transformed,后面是一个from into的 构, from a passionate advocateof thephilosophyof“have it all ” into a woman 。preached by magazine 是 去分 短 ,作the philosophy of“have it all” 的后置定 定 ,插在from into之中,也充当插入 概念。

7、a woman后面是who引 的定 从句。【 】transform from into 将从 passionate a.充 激情的, 极的advocate n.倡 者 ad- 气加 + voc- 声音preach v.鼓吹be happy to settle for a bit of everything 于接受生活的一切 - 随遇而安【 文】在 去七年里林达 西一直在女性 志鼓吹 “全力以赴”的生活哲学, 我已 从一个 极倡 种生活方式的人 成一个随遇而安的女性。分学生来 , 教育也 是条可取之路。因 在其他因素相同的情况下,技能的 熟是得到工作与否的关 。4 句精 :The rise of

8、 anti-happy art almost exactly tracks theemergence of mass media, and with it, a mercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.【分析】此句主干是 The rise of anti-happy arttracks theemergence of mass mediaand .a mercialculture。其中 track是 , and 接两个名 作 。 with it充当状 ,其中it指 the emergence

9、 of mass media。另外, in which happiness is notjust an ideal but an ideology是一个定 从句,修 a mercialculture。【 】track v.追踪emergency n.出 mass media大众媒体not just but = not only but also = not merely but also = not simply but also ideal n.理想【 文】反快 的 起几乎完全与大众 媒同步出 ,而随之 起了一种商 文化,在 种文化中,快 不 是一个理想,而且是一种意 形 。5 句精 :re

10、quired for all children to attend school until a certain age, it was widely aepted that some were just not equipped by nature to pursue this kind of education.【分析】全句由两个分句 成,前后用分号隔开。在第二个分句的主句中,before 引 状 从句,主句是 it的形式主 ,真正的主 是 somewere just not equipped by nature to pursue this kind ofeducation 。【 】it was widely aepted意 “人 普遍 ”legally adv.合法地,从法律上 be equipped by nature to do天生能做pursue v.追求 -pursuit n.【 文】但是情况并不 是如此 ; 在法律要求所有儿童在一定年 必 上学之前,人 普遍 有些儿童天生就不适合接受 种教育。内容仅供参考


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