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1、牛津初中英语一、重点短 Welcome to the unitbe full of amazing things 充 令人惊奇的事物 its bright light 它的明亮的光a UFO /a useful book /an umbrella 一个 碟 /一本有用的 / 一把 come on 得啦、得了吧、 来 /加油 travel by spaceship 乘宇宙 船旅行 It takes(sb) some time to do sth 花 (某人 )一段 做某事2.72 metres tall/long/wide/deep. 2.72 米高 /长/ 宽 /深 sleep with on

2、es eyes open 着眼睛睡 keep ones eyes open 着眼睛at the same time 同 walk on tiptoe 着脚走路no plant life没有植物的生命Readingthe ghost in the park 公园里的鬼as usual 和往常一 hear a whisper from the bushes 听到来自灌木 的底 声 turn around /round 身look around 四周something unusual(常用于肯定句 )不 常的 西 anything unusual(常用于否定句和疑 句)任何不 常的 西be frig

3、htened/afraid 害怕、恐惧run away quickly / run after 迅速逃跑 / 追赶 on ones/the way to 在去的途中 .on ones/the way home 在回家的途中 listen /search carefully 仔 地听 / 搜索 hear another whisper 听到另一个耳 here it is 它在 儿 . (倒装句 )say to oneself 自言自 be weak 虚弱make a sound like 出像 一 的声音 put into 把放 里show sth to sb =show sb sth 把某物

4、某人看 later that day 那天晚些 候people in the animal centre 在 物中心的人 take (good) care of sb =look after sb (well)(好好 ) 照料、照 the following/next Sunday ( 常用于 中)接下来的星期日notany more (句末 )= no more 不再 (句中 )7BUnit4 知识点归纳sound like 听起来像Vocabulary and Grammarbe crazy about (doing )sth 痴迷 ; 狂 kick a stone / can 踢石 /踢

5、罐 be fond of (doing) sth =enjoy/like/love (doing ) sth 喜 (做) 某事 play with 与玩耍dislike sth / doing sth 不喜 某物 / 做某事 hate sth /doing sth 憎恨某物 /做某事 bark at sb.(狗)朝某人吠叫a very hard-working student 一个非常勤 的学生 have few friends( 否定 )/have a few friends( 肯定 ) 有很少的朋友 / 有一些朋友a little money( 肯)/little money( 否 ) 有

6、一点 /几乎没有 few of them 他 中很少的人 practise doing 做give us an introduction 我 作个介 have a great/good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 得愉快 What a pity! 真可惜 ! 真 憾 !the last dodo 最后的渡渡 (复数 dodos) be beautiful but poisonous (adj) 美 但有毒 enough poison (n) 足 的毒give each of us a fact sheet 我 中每个人一 料 take photos = ta

7、ke pictures 拍照so many amazing animals 如此多令人惊奇的 物 be tired after the visit 参 后累了 be excited to do sth 激 的做某事about 230 million years ago 大 2.3 年以前the first animals on Earth/on the earth 地球上的第一代 物be afraid of (doing )sth 害怕(做) hundreds of 数以百 的one of the smallest dinosaurs 最小的恐 之一(live) on land ( 生活 )

8、在 地上lay an egg/eggs下蛋 (lay laid;lie lay)Integrated skills and Pronunciationlive up to 活到 (up to 多达 ,达到 ) each of their eyes 它 的每只眼睛 smell things as well as 和一 嗅 好 a thank-you letter 一封感 信 remember your words about tortoises 住你关于 的描述It is interesting to do做某事很有趣tell sb( not)to do sth 告 某人做 (不做 ) 某事af

9、ter a meal = after meals 后1it says = people/they say 据 weigh 100 grams at birth /weigh yourself在出生 称100 克 /称自己的重量(v)the weight of 6 elephants 六 大象的重量(n)sth happen to sb 某人 生某事during /in ones life/during our lives在某人的一生中/在我 的一生中decide to do sth 决定做某事Main task and Checkoutlove playing cards 喜 玩 牌stop

10、to have dinner 停下来吃 name after (v) 以命名name his son Tom 他的儿子取名 姆the tallest man in history 史上最高的人at the age of 21 = at 21 = when sb was 21 . 在 21 岁时 few of them 他 中很少的人know the history of 知道 的 史eat as dinner 吃作 晚 (ate)keep on doing 做(be )set up (被 )建立 ;(被)建造dresses made of silk = silk dresses 做成的 衣裙

11、thousands of years ago 数千年前learn a lot/much about Chinese history 学到 多中国的 史 be surprised to do sth 吃惊的做某事be surprised at/about sth 感到吃惊 have over/more than dreams 做 1000 多个梦TV station 台二、重点句子1.It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by spaceship.乘宇宙 船从地球到月球旅行大 花 三天 2.Fish sleep wi

12、th their eyes open 是 着眼睛睡 的(with 表示一种伴随状 )3.You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.你做不到在打 嚏的同 着眼睛。4.There is no plant life without lightning =If there is no lightning ,there is no plant life没有 就没有植物的生命(without 介 “没有” +( doing)sth 是 with 的反 )5.They turned around but could not see

13、anything unusual 他 身去 ,但没有看到任何不 常的 西= They turned around but saw nothing unusual6.They were not afraid any more =They were no more afraid他 不再害怕7.Eddie barks at anyone who wakes him up before 11 o clock 谁 11 点前把 Eddie 弄醒 , 它就 吠叫8.We found it very interesting我 它非常有趣9. We were all excited to watch the

14、exciting football game 看那 令人激 的足球比 我 都感到激 10.I still remember your words about tortoises我仍旧 住你关于 的描述11.I still cannot believe that a tortoise can live up to 150 years.我仍旧不能相信一个 能 活到150 岁12.Ants can smell things as well as dogs can 的嗅 像狗的一 灵敏。13.I now understand why my mother always tells me to clean

15、 the table after a meal我 在理解 什么我 是叫我 后擦干 桌子14.It says that goldfish can only remember things for three seconds 上面写着金 只能 住三秒种之内的事15.They dontknow what happened to them three seconds ago 它. 不知道3 秒 前它 生 什么What was wrong with you yesterday ? = What happened to you yesterday ?16.It says that we eat about

16、 27000 kilos of food during our lives.上面写着我 一生中可以吃掉大 27000 千克的食物。17.That thes weight of about six elephants. 那可是大概六 大象的重量。Whats the weight of an elephant ?= How much does an elephant weigh ?一 大象的重量是多少?= How heavy is an elephant?18.It says/reads that a person has over (=more than )1000 dreams in a year. 据 / 上面写着一个人一年中做1000 多个梦。19.Tomas Edison was a great American inventor. He invented electric light . He had many inventions. 迪生是一个 大的美国 明家, 他 明了 灯,他有 多 明。invent (v) 明 , 造 inventor (n) 明家invention (n) 明 , 造2


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