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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.一、 Analysis of Teaching MaterialStatus and FunctionIn this unit, Ss learn to talk about what they used to be like. SuchtopicremindsSsofthedaysoftheirchildhood.ItshelpfultoraiselearninginterestingofSsandSsaresuretobeactiveinalltheactivities in this unit.Thefirst

2、periodintroducesalotofwords describingpeoplefirst.Andthen Ss are provided listening and oral practice using the target language:Mario used to be short .Yes, he did. Now he is tall.Inthesecondperiod,Sslearnyes/noquestionsandshortanswersusingthestructureusedto.Usingthetargetlanguage,Ss getmoredetailed

3、informationoftheirclassmates.Ssarefondofsuchactivities.So theyare he lpful to improve Ss spoken English.A lot of situations in the third period are designed for Ss to talk aboutwhat they are still afraid of. In this way, Ss know that they should takegood care the process of their growth.Inthefourthp

4、eriod,thevocabularyextensionactivityintroducesmorewordstoSs.Theotheractivitiesprovidemorelisteningandoralpracticing using both the old and new target language. All the activitiesare helpful to improves Ss listening and speaking skills.In the fifth period, Ss practice reading and writing using the vo

5、cabularywords andthetargetlanguagepresentedintheprecedingclasses.Suchpractice is useful to improve Ss integrating skills.The Self Check in the sixth period is designed to give Ss more reinforcedpractice, especially writing practice. In the way, Ss better understand howto apply what theyve learned in

6、 this unit to their daily life.Inthisperiod,Sswilllearntounderstandsome wordsandexpressions.AfterreadingthetextSswillfinditalittleeasiertolearnEnglishwell.Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge ObjectsInthisunit,Sslearntotalkabout howthey havechanged.Tomake Sslearnandgraspthe structureusedto, includings

7、tatementsandyes/noquestions and short answers.Ability ObjectsTo train Ss listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.To train Ss integrating skills.Moral ObjectsTo enableSs toknow thateveryonesurelychange.Ifyouareafraidofspeaking infrontoftheclass,encourageyourselfnot tobeshy.Morepractice, and y

8、ou ll feel more confident.3.Teaching Key PointsTo learn the key vocabulary and the target language.To learn the usage of the structure used to.4.Teaching Difficult PointsTo improve Ss listening, speaking, reading and writingskills.To enable Ss to grasp the usage of the structure used to.5.Studying W

9、ayTeach Ss hoe to use the structure used to to compare the past with now.二、 Language FunctionTalk about what you used to be like三、 Target Language1 Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.2 I used to eat candy all the time. Did you?Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.四、 Structures1. us

10、ed to2. Conjunction“but ”五、 VocabularyUsed to chat afford patient cause waste insect六、 RecyclingAlone quiet snake outgoing friendly serous funny tall shy short straight long hair七、 Teaching TimeSeven periodThe First Period一、 Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge ObjectsKey wordsUsed to darkTarget lan

11、guageMario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now he is tall.2 Ability ObjectsTrain Ss listening skill.Train Ss communicative competence3 Moral ObjectsDont judge a person by his appearance.二、 Teaching Key Points1 Target language2 The structure: used to三、 Teaching Difficult PointThe structure used to四、 Te

12、aching MethodTeaching by inductionPair work五、 Teaching ProceduresStep One Revision1 Check the homework2 Ask some individual Ss their ways of learning English.Step Two 1aThe activity introduces the key vocabulary.1Call Ss attention to the char t with the headlines Appearance and Personality.Say, the

13、wordappearancewilldescribe how peoplelookand thewordpersonality will describe what people are like. Ask two Ss to say thesample answers. Then elicit one answer to each column from the class.2 Get Ss to fill in the chart individually.3 Check the answers by asking different Ss to read their lists to t

14、heclass. Make sure that all the Ss understand what each word means.Note: Answers will vary from the sample answers below.Appearance:tallstraighthairlonghairshort hairsurly hairshortfat thin slim good-looking prettyPersonality:outgoing funnyquietkindwarm-heartedfriendlyshyeasygoingStep Three 1bThe ac

15、tivity gives Ss practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.1 Write two dates side by side on the Bb. The first is today s date, including the year and the second is the same day, but ten years ago.2 Ask a student to stand up. Use words or phrases to describe that student no

16、w. Ask students to suggest words or phrases that describe him/her ten years ago.T: Liu Chang is tall now. Was she tall ten years ago? S1: No, she is short.T: She has long hair. Did she have long hair ten years ago? S2: No, she has short hair.T: Ensure that the Bb ends up like this:Sep.10, 2005Sep.10

17、, 2000tallshortlong hairshort hair3 Say, we use “used to ” to talk about things that have changed. Write the following on the blackboard:Liu Chang used to be short, but she is tall now.She used to have short hair, but she has longhair now.4 Read the instructions to the class. Point out the sample an

18、swer. Say, you will hear someone in the recording say that Mario used to be short, listen and fill in the blanks with words you hear. Play the recordingfor the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again. This time, Ss listen and fill in the blanks.Step Four 1cThis activity provides oral pr

19、actice using the target language.1 Read the instructions to the class.2 Call Ss attention to the con versation in the box. Invite a pair of Ss to read it to the class.3 Write it on the blackboard.Step Five SummarySay, in this class, weve learned the key vocabulary words“used to ”and “dark ”.And weve

20、 alsolearnedthetargetlanguage:Mariousedto be short. Yes, he did. Now he is tall.Step Six HomeworkCollect some of your favorite stars photos. Write something about thepersons in the picture as they are now and as they were ten years ago.Step Seven Blackboard DesignUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the da

21、rk.Section A The First Period1 The structure: used toSep. 10, 2005Sep. 10 2000tallshortlong hairshort hairLiu Chang used to be short, but she is tall now.She used to have short hair, but she has long hair now.2 Target languageA: Mario used to be short.B: Yes, he did. Now he is tall.Teaching postscri

22、pt(教学后 ) :The Second Period. Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects Key Vocabularybe interested in sure1 I used to be really quiet.2 Did you used to have straight hair? Yes, I did.3Did you used to play the piano? No, I didnt.2Ability objects1 Train Ss listening skill.2 Train Ss integrating ski

23、lls3 Moral ObjectYou should have the courage of your opinions.Teaching Key Points1 I used to be really quiet.2 Did you used to have straight hair? Yes, I did.3Did you used to play the piano? No, I didnt.Teaching Difficult Points1 Yes/No questions with used to2 Statements with used to Teaching Method

24、s1 Teaching by explanation2 Pair workTeaching ProceduresStep 1 ReviewCheck the homework. Ask a student to read the article he/she writes about his/her favorite star.Step 22aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.1 Point to the picture and ask Ss what is happening. Elicit

25、 answers from Ss.T: Where do you think they are? Ss: They are in a family room.T: What are they doing? Ss: They are having a party.2 Points to the six words in the box and ask Ss to repeat each one. Make sure Ss know the meaning of each word.Say, you ll hear a boy and a girl talking to each other at

26、 a party. Listen and check the words you hear.3 Check the answers.*Culture noteMany houses intheUnitedStateshave a familyroom.The familywherefamiliesrelax;watchTV,playgamesandlistentoroom is musiceveryday .it s a very informal room. Most families use the family more than the other rooms.s roomStep 3

27、 2bThis activity gives Ss practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.1 Ask Ss to poin t to the blank lines in the conversation. Say, youll write one word on each blank line. Read the conversation aloud saying blank when coming to a blank line.2 Check the answers.Step 4 2cThis

28、activity provides oral practice using the target language.1 Focus Ss on the conversation in activity 2b. Ask a pair of Ss to read it aloud.2 Ask Ss to work in pairs to make conversations about themselves.3 Ask some pairs to perform.Step 5 Grammar Focus1Ask different Ss to read the sentences. Write t

29、hem on the Bb.2Ask a student to the front to circle the words“used to ”.3Ask Ss to findthe usage of the words“used to ”. And make somesentences with the structure.Step 6 Summaries and Homework.1Say, in this class, were mainly learned the“used to ” questionsand“used to ” statements.2 Ask Ss towritea

30、shortreportaboutwhat he was likefiveyearsago.Suggest Ss to add pictures to their written work.Step 7 Blackboard DesignUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section AThe Second PeriodTarget language:I used to be really quiet.I used to have long hair.Did you used to have straight hair? Yes, I did.Did

31、 you used to play the piano? No, I didnt.Teaching postscript(教学后记) :The Third Period.Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects Key VocabularyTerrify be terrified of ont alk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of.2 Ability objectsTrain Ss integrating skills3 Moral Obj

32、ectAre you afraid of speaking in front of a group? Dont be shy. Beconfident of yourself. Practice more, and you Teaching Key Pointsll sure change.1 Did you used to be afraid of the dark? Yes, I did.2 -Are you still afraid of the dark?- No, I m not. How about you?- Me? Oh. Yes! I m terrified of the d

33、ark.-So, what do you do about it?-I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.Teaching Difficult PointsTalkaboutwhatyouused tobeafraidafraid of using thetarget language.Teaching Methodsofandwhatyouarestill1 Teaching by demonstration2 Pair work and group workTeaching ProceduresStep 1 ReviewCheck the homew

34、ork.Step 2 3a &3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.1 first talk about something about the pictures in 3a. Say, in the first picture, the boy is afraid of the dark.In the second one, the boy is afraid of flying in an airplane. In the last one, the boy is af

35、raid of high places.2 Ask Ss, How about you? Here is a list of things many people are afraid of .which of these things did you afraid of? And which things are you still afraid of?3 Check Ss answers. The answers may vary.Ss can reporttheiranswerslikethis:Iused tobe afraiddark. But now Idont afraid of

36、 it4Now youarereports.Yourtaskisinterviewingonestudentof intheyourclass about the things in the box in activity 3a.5 The sentences may help you to finish it well.Did you use to? Yes, I did. /No, I didnt.Are you still afraid of? Yes, I am. No, Im not.6 Ss report.7 Ask two Ss to read the conversation

37、in 3b.Explain the sentence. I go to sleepwith my bedroom light on.1 Ask Ss, “What did you use to do when you were younger? What did you use to eat? Did you use to eat chocolate? What do you do now? ”23Look at the box in part 4, first fill in the blanks about yourself and then ask your partner about

38、these things. Ss report the results.Step 4 HomeworkDoasurvey.AskSstofindoutwhattheirparents,grandparents,classmates, old friends used to be afraid of when they were children.Teaching notes:1 With + n. + adj. 表示伴随或附 情况 E.g.: She left with the door open.2terrifyv. 使害怕,使恐惧,使惊吓,吓倒terrified adj.惊恐的,害怕的 b

39、e terrified of 感到惊恐be terrified at/with被吓了一跳3used to do something 去常常干某事否定: sb. didnt use to do something/used not do something.疑 : Did sb. use to do something? /Used sb. to do something?Teaching postscript:校 建 :要面向全体学生, 中差生。建 置各种 易 次的 。 叫 生答,中等 叫中等生答,同 也 差生提供展示自己的舞台。使 生,中等生和差生有被教 重 的感 ,提高学 的 趣。 是个很

40、好的建 。采 !板 不 美 。 是我教学的一个薄弱 ,慢慢改 吧!要 学生更多 的机会。根据本 的教学内容需要,我 本 重点 学生大量的 ,培养学生运用目 言 的能力。The Fourth Period. Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge ObjectsKey VocabularySpider insect chew gumTarget languageI used to eat candy all the time. Did you?Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.2 Ability objectsTrain Ss ability to talk about what they used to be/do.3 Moral ObjectPeople surely change. Ss should take good care of their process of their growth.Teaching Key Points1 K


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