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1、,实用文体翻译,目录页 CONTENTS PAGE,概 述,科技文体的翻译(说明书、摘要等),经贸文体的翻译(商务合约、信件等),广告文体的翻译,旅游文体的翻译,法律文体的翻译,过渡页 TRANSITION PAGE,概 述,科技文体的翻译(说明书、摘要等),经贸文体的翻译(商务合约、信件等),广告文体的翻译,旅游文体的翻译,法律文体的翻译,概述,何为文体?,“文”:同“纹”,引申为文章,文献 “体”:本为“軆”,引申为物质存在的状态或形状 文体:文章的类别、体裁、体制或风格,概述,e.g. 1. The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falli

2、ng so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead! 2. Solid form of water that crystallizes in the atmosphere and falls to the Earth, covering about 23 percent of the Earths surface either permanently or temporarily.

3、,美国诗人Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882),选自简明不列颠百科全书,描述、优美、有节奏(文学),说明、质朴、有术语(科技),概述,文体与翻译,Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. - Eugene A. Nida 刘重德:信(信于内

4、容)、达(达如其分)、切(切合风格),概述,e.g. 1. Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.(Bacon) 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。(王佐良),2.此处不准吸烟! Smoking is not allowed here. No smoking.,(文学),(公示语),概述,3. Our delegation attaches particular importance to the debate on the question of strengthenin

5、g international security, which has been brought to the General Assembly for discussion on the initiative of our country. 根据我国的建议,加强国际安全问题已提交大会讨论,我国代表特别重视讨论这一问题。,(政论),概述,l(a le af fa ll s) one l iness,孤(一 片 树 叶 落 地 了) 零 零,E. E. Cummings的诗歌l(a,概述,实用文体的概念、分类和特点,概念:根据文体的性质、功能和形式特征,文体大致被分为文学文体和实用文体两大类。前

6、者用语言塑造形象,反映社会生活,表达作者思想感情;后者反映客观真实对象,旨在传达信息。 分类:根据文章的写作目的和具体用途划分,可分为科技类、工程类、公文类、新闻类、外交类、财经类、司法类等。,概述,实用文体的概念、分类和特点,特点:目的性、真实性、规范性、规律性 规范性:信函的格式(信头、称呼、签名)、科技论文的格式(标题、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献)等 规律性:新闻标题中通常会省略冠词、代词、连系动词、助动词,多用一般现在时;法律英语则规范、正式、庄重、严谨。,概述,实用文体的翻译,不同于文学文体,实用文体的主要功能有信息功能、人际功能、行事功能、寒暄功能等。 译文评判标准:翻译的目的是

7、否达到(Hans Vermeer & Christine Nord提出的“翻译目的论”Skopos theory) 翻译方法:直译、意译、改译、编译、摘译等。,概述,Request for Leave of Absence Dear Mr. Brooks, Paul was not at school this morning as he had an appointment at the dentist. He will be absent again next Tuesday morning as he has another appointment then.,请假条 尊敬的布鲁克斯先生

8、: 保罗今天上午不在学校,因他与牙科医生约好了。下周二上午他还要缺席,因那时还有一次预约。,便条,直译,概述,专业技术资格证书 本证书由湖北省职称改革工作领导批准颁发。它表明持证人通过相关专业高级评审委员会评审,具备相应的专业技术职务任职资格水平。,Certificate for Professional Qualifications This Certificate, awarded by the Office of Hubei Provincial Commission on Professional Title Reform Work, indicates that the bearer

9、 has passed the evaluation of Senior Professional Title Evaluation Committee and is qualified for the corresponding professional or technical position.,证书,直译+意译,概述,For Sale May 5, 2011 Asecond-hand computer for sale. I plan to but a new computer, so I want to sell my old one bought in 2009. It is st

10、ill in good condition, but works a little slowly. I want to sell it at about 800 yuan. Whoever interested can call me at 45671230 for more information. John,启事,概述,出售 出售二手电脑。本人欲添置新电脑,所以打算卖掉2009年购买的旧电脑。旧电脑性能完好,但速度有些慢。价格在800元左右。感兴趣者请打电话询问详话:45671230。 约翰 2011年5月5日,概述,招领启事 本人于6月18日在大连市一辆红色出租车上捡到一个钱包,内有现金若干、银行卡、身份证、驾照等物品。望失主速与本人电话联系。电话: 13265894213。 李先生 2014年6月19日,启事,概述,Found June19,2014 IfoundapursefromaredtaxiinDalianonJune18.Initweresomecash,bank card, ID card, driving license, etc. Whoever lost this wallet can call me soon as possible. Tel: 13265894213. MrLi,Thank you!,


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