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1、Unit 4,Cultivation 英语基础模块(上册),Unit 9,2,1,3,4,5,2. Listening a cup of; a handful of; an armful of; He gave me a bag of apples. 他给我一袋苹果。,Language points,Procedure,5) ) hammer into 用锤子砸进去 6) every time 每一次+时间状语从句 every time he lost his temper 每次他发脾气的时候 eg: Every time I see him, he is always reading boo

2、ks. 每次我看到他,他都在读书。 7) lose ones temper 发脾气 eg:The old man easily loses his temper. 这位老人容易发脾气。,Language points,Procedure 8) listen to sb/sth 听 eg:He often listens to soft music. 他经常听轻音乐。 We should listen to the elder carefully. 我们应该认真倾听长者的话。 9) drive into砸进 eg:He drove a nail into the wall. 他往墙里砸了个钉子。

3、,Language points,10) less and less 越来越少, more and more越来越多 less是little(少、小)的比较级 eg: Nowadays people get less and less free time. 现在人们的空闲时间越来越少。 11) the number of 的数量 eg: The number of teachers in our school is 300. 学校老师的数量是300人。 请翻译 我们学校女生的数量越来越少了。 The number of girls in our school is less and less.

4、,Language points,Procedure 12) The boy found it was easier to keep his temper than to drive the nails into the fence.男孩发现不发脾气要比往栅栏上钉钉子更容易。 easier than 比容易 eg:Saying is easier than doing. to keep ones temper 控制脾气,不发脾气 eg:He tried to keep his temper hearing the words. 听到这些话,他尽量控制住自己的脾气。,Language point

5、s,Procedure 13) Finally, the day came when the boy didnt lose his temper at all. 这男孩一点也不发脾气的一天终于到了。 not at all 一点也不 eg:The question is not difficult at all. 这个问题一点也不难。 14)pull out 拔出来; 拖出去 eg: He pulled out the dog. 他把狗拖出去。,Language points,15) be able to 能够做 eg: The boy is able to sing English songs

6、. 这个男孩会唱英文歌。 16) be gone 消失,不见 eg:My money was gone. 我的钱不见了。 17) take sb by the hand 抓住某人的手 eg: He took me by the hand and left. 他抓住我的手离开了。,Language points,Procedure 18)lead to 领到 eg: Shall I lead you to the teachers room? 要我领你去老师办公室吗? Translate:我领着我的新同学去我们的教室。 I led my new classmate to our classroo

7、m. 19) the same as与相同(一样) eg: Your classroom is the same as ours. 你们的教室和我们的一样。,Language points,20) in anger 愤怒地;生气地; eg: He closed the door in anger.他生气地关上门。 21) just like 正如,几乎与一样 eg: He looks just like his father. 他看起来和他父亲几乎一模一样 。 22) even if 即使、虽然(引导让步状语从句) eg: Even if I fail this time, I will tr

8、y again. 即使我这次失败了,我还会再试试。 Translate:我会借给你钱的,尽管我也不富有。 I will lend you the money even if I am not rich.,Language points,23) asas和一样 eg: He is as tall as me.他和我一样高 He runs as fast as me.他和我跑一样快。 24) make sb do sth 让某人做某事,make 作“使、让”解 eg: Rain makes plants grow. 雨水滋润植物生长。 My mother made me stay at home.

9、 我妈让我呆在家里。 25) since then 从那时起(后接完成时态) eg: Since then I havent met her. 从那时起我再也没见过她。,Language points,26) fight with sb. 和打架 eg: He often fights with his younger sister. 他经常和他妹妹打架。 27) Learn how to get on with others. how to get on with others 宾语从句 eg: I dont know how to solve the matter. 我不知道怎么解决这件事

10、情。 28) get on with sb: 和相处 eg: How do you get on with your classmates? 你和你同学相处得怎样?,Language points,Afer-reading,Summary(总结),fight with others,lose his temper,hammer a nail,keep his temper,pull the nail,get on well with others,Writing Fill in the blanks with some information you have learned from the

11、 text “ Food for Thought” to complete this short passage. I sometimes lost _ and say _ in anger. My bad temper _ hurt _ badly. I want to make friends _, but I dont know how to _. After I _ “Food for Thought”, I think I have a better idea of that now. When we in trouble, we have to _. When we are in

12、angry , we have to _. If your friend is angry with you, you should _ . You should think about why your friend _. We have to _ way to solve the problem. It is important to know how to _ well with others and never _. Your smile can make _.,Teaching Procedures,Grammar,现在进行时 现在完成时 过去进行时,Teaching Procedu

13、res,现在进行时Present Continuous Tense,现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。“am/is/are doing” 如 : The students are listening to the teacher. 学生们正在听老师讲课。 Is she reading a book now? 她在看书吗?,动词 -ing 形式的构成规则:,1.一般在动词原形末尾加 ing, 如:go going; ask asking 2.以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词 , 先去掉 e, 再加 -ing , 如: write writing take taking 3.以重读闭音节结尾的动词 ,

14、 如果末尾只有一个辅音字母 , 应先双写这个字母 , 再加 -ing , 如:get getting; begin beginning,现在进行时的结构,陈述句:主语+ be(am,is,are)+ V -ing 否定句:主语+ be(am,is,are) not+ V -ing 一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are+ 主语+ V -ing ? 回答:yes, 主语+am/is/are. No, 主语+am/is/are+not. 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+am/is/are+主语+ V -ing ?,What is she doing?,She is drinking water/coffee.

15、She is having something to drink.,What are they doing?,play basketball play golf play tennis play ping-pong,Exercises(现在进行时),1.Look!Theboystudentsare_footballwhilethegirlsare . A.playing,danceB.playing,dancing C.play,dancingD.play,dance 2._he_onwellwithhisfriendsthisterm? A.Dose,getsB.Dose,getC.Is,g

16、ettingD.Is,geting 3.Mr.Smith_shortstories,buthe_aTVplaythesedays. A.iswriting,iswritingB.iswriting,writes C.writes,iswritingD.writes,writes 4.I_tothecinema.I_thereeverySunday. A.go, goB.amgoing,goC.go.amgoingD.amgoing,amgoing 5.Look.they_agoodtime,_they? A.have,doB.have,dontC.arehaving,areD.arehavin

17、g,arent Keys:1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D,现在完成时 The Present perfect tense,现在完成时的构成: 主语+have(has) + 过去分词 表示过去的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。如 : I have been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次。 Have you ever seen such an interesting film? 你看过这么有意思的电影吗? I havent seen her since then. 从那以后我再没有见过她。,Exercises(现在完成时),1、Thefamous

18、writer_onenewbookinthepasttwoyear. .iswriting.waswriting.wrote.haswritten 2、ZhaoLan_already_inthisschoolfortwoyears. .was;studying.will;study .has;studied.are;studying 3、We_XiaoLisinceshewasalittlegirl. .know.hadknown.haveknown.knew 4、HarryPotterisaverynicefilm.I_ittwice. .willsee.haveseen.saw.see 5

19、、Howlonghaveyou_here?Abouttwomonths. e.arrived 6、Myparents_Shandongfortenyears. .havebeenin.havebeento .havegoneto.havebeen Keys: DCCBAA,动词进行时过去进行时 The Past Continuous Tense,过去进行时:表示在过去某一时刻或某段时间内正在进行的 动作。 过去进行时的构成 主语+ was(were) + V -ing 例如:-What were you doing this time yesterday? 你们昨天这个时候在干什么?-We w

20、ere playing basketball then. 我们那时在打篮球。 Was he making a model plane at 6:00 yesterday? 他昨天六点在做飞机模型吗?,Exercises(过去进行时),1. I call you yesterday evening, but there was no answer Oh. Im sorry I _ dinner at my friends home A. homeB. had C. was havingD. have had 2. My mother _ while my father _TV A. cooked

21、; was watching B. was cooking; was watching C. was cooked; watched D. cooked; watched 3. When I got home, my son _ the music A. am listening to B. listened to C. was listening toD. was listening 4. We heard a cry when we _ TV last night A. were watchingB. would watch C. watch D. watched 5. She asked

22、 him whether he _ back for lunch A. comeB. was comingC. cameD. had come Keys: CBCAB,Procedure (小组作业)Thinking:,Teaching Procedures,5. Homework,1. What will you do when you are in trouble? 2. How can you get on well with your friends?,(个人作业),1. Please read the text loudly . 2. Summarize and writes down phrases on your exercise book.,


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