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1、1,Unit 4,Cause and Effect (因与果),2,Learning Content b. A central concept of Buddhism; see Karma (ka:m 因果报应) in Buddhism; c. The statistical concept and test; see Granger causality (格兰杰因果关系检测); d. A relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other or others; e.

2、The concept that an action or event will produce a certain response to the action in the form of another event; also written cause-effect, cause/effect.,5,Task 1: Familiarizing Yourself with Cause b. It is frequently used in science to analyze various kinds of cycles such as biological or chemical c

3、hains.,10,Task 1: Familiarizing Yourself with Cause the reason for is that ,14,Task 1: Familiarizing Yourself with Cause diet and lifestyle; obesity; diabetes; stress; insufficient intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium; lack of physical activity; chronic alcohol consumption b. For secondary hy

4、pertension, there are such causes as: kidney disease; tumors; other abnormalities.,17,Task 1: Familiarizing Yourself with Cause mainly 11) a stage in a process of change or development 12) although; used for introducing a comment that slightly changes or reduces the effect of what you said before it

5、 13) very important for the final result of a particular situation 14) relating to a period of one year,(n. terminal),(l. indicate),(g. predominantly),(o. phase),(j. albeit),(q. decisive),(c. annual),36,Task 3: Reading Cause difficult to cure or get rid of 19) the act of making formal (as by stating

6、 formal rules governing classes of expressions) 20) the use of a particular method, process, law, etc.,(t. transparent),(e. depression),(r. unbearable),(u. chronic),(d. formalization),(v. application),37,Task 3: Reading Cause the degree to which something is large or important,(p. comply),(s. magnit

7、ude),(u. chronic),38,Task 3: Reading Cause result in=引起;导致,45,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause mutations in genes implicated in the coding and synthesis of proteins involved in appetite regulation; the FTO gene is considered to induce progressive weight gain in subjects in whom it is over-expressed

8、.,47,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause & Effect,Reading 4: Genes and Obesity: A Cause and Effect Relationship (P116) 1. Fill in the blanks to complete the main ideas and the supporting details. (P117) Part III. Conclusion (Paragraph 5) Main Ideas: It should be noted, however, that genetic changes le

9、ading to the development of obese phenotypes tend to over-express as the result of their interaction with environmental factors. Supporting Details: Future management of obesity conditions with a genetic component will therefore necessarily include control of the genes involved in food intake and me

10、tabolic processes. At any rate, what is evident today is the complexity of the condition and the need for further research on the etiology and probable genetic nature of obesity.,48,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause & Effect,5. Paraphrase the following sentences: (P119) 1) Most people say that telev

11、ision keeps one informed about current events. There is the belief held by most people that television keeps one informed about current events. 2) Many scientists have long assumed that aggression is caused by male hormones and aggressiveness. There is an assumption among many scientists that aggres

12、sion is caused by male hormones and aggressiveness. 3) Some observers conclude that this months market chaos will do little tangible economic damage. It is concluded by some observers that this months market chaos will do little tangible economic damage. 4) Scientists have applied rockets for the ex

13、ploration of the universe. Application of rockets by scientists has been for the exploration of the universe.,49,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause & Effect,5. Paraphrase the following sentences: (P119) 5) People assert that education is nothing but a freeing of the mind and the spirit. It is declare

14、d that education is only a freeing of the mind and the spirit. 6) Nowadays, in China, people are enthusiastic about running schools in both urban and rural areas as well as in all sectors of society. Nowadays, enthusiasm about running schools in both urban and rural areas as well as in all sectors o

15、f society is popular in China. 7) These days people emphasize about staying physically and mentally healthy. There is an emphasis about staying physically and mentally healthy these days.,50,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause & Effect,5. Paraphrase the following sentences: (P119) 8) If one studies th

16、e original text carefully, he or she will do a better translation. Careful study of the original text will result in a better translation. 9) Economists has estimated that each year cybercrime to Britain results in billions of pounds worth of damage. It is estimated by economists that each year cybe

17、rcrime to Britain leads to billions of pounds worth of damage. 10) Mr. Obama admitted that the exact volume of spilled oil was uncertain. It is admitted by Mr. Obama that the uncertainty of the exact volume of spilled oil still exists.,51,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause & Effect,Delivering Your Pr

18、esentation (P119-120) The essential thing is to talk to your audience instead of reading to them. If you read out your presentation as if it were an essay, your audience will probably understand very little and will lose concentration quickly. The following are some suggestions about how to deliver

19、your presentation: a. Speak loudly enough for every one in the room to hear you. If people cant hear you, they wont listen. b. Speak slowly and clearly, especially in terms of key words and important points. Dont rush! Speaking fast doesnt make you seem smarter, it will only make it harder for other

20、 people to understand you.,52,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause & Effect,Delivering Your Presentation (P119-120) The following are some suggestions about how to deliver your presentation: c. Vary your voice quality. If you always use the same volume and pitch (for example, all loud, or all soft, or

21、in a monotone) your audience will switch off. Use a higher pitch and volume when you begin a new point. d. Vary your speed. Good speaker has rhythm. Dont deliver an entire talk in a uniform, unchanging speed. Speak with a particular slow and deliberate voice when you emphasize key points. e. Use pau

22、ses. Dont be afraid of short periods of silence when you want to draw attention to a particular point. Silence can be articulate. Leave a long pause to give your audience a chance to think and let the key points sink in.,53,Task 4: Writing an Essay of Cause & Effect,Delivering Your Presentation (P11

23、9-120) The following are some suggestions about how to deliver your presentation: f. Use body language. The impact of a presentation often depends on the body languages of a speaker. Body language comprises gesture and facial expression. The use of them helps you show enthusiasm, express your emotio

24、ns, and connect with your listeners. It also helps your listeners focus more intently on you and what youre saying. * Do not look at your notes or your computer screen all the time. Dont stare, or look blankly into peoples eyes. Hold your head up. Look around and make eye-contact with people in the

25、audience. * Do not speak motionlessly. Move around the room and gesture with hands and arms to project a feeling of energy and excitement, to emphasize your points, and to engage your audience.,54,Integrated Exercises,2. Match each word in the box with the group of words that regularly occur with it

26、 in all cases: (P121) 1) recovery 2) orient 3) proportion 4) intervene 5) integration 6) restructure,55,Integrated Exercises,2. Match each word in the box with the group of words that regularly occur with it in all cases: (P121) 7) terminate 8) majority 9) aware 10) dominant 11) accumulation 12) ass

27、ist,56,Integrated Exercises,3. Paraphrase the following sentences: (P122-123) 1) If US dollar starts to devalue too quickly, foreign central banks are likely to get involved. (INTERVENE) Foreign central banks may intervene in case of a rapid depreciation of the US dollar. 2) Bernanke did not indicat

28、e whether the government would take additional measures to make its economy develop stably. (STABILIZE) Bernanke gave no hint whether additional actions would be taken by the government to stabilize the economy. 3) Even within the same country, regional differences can make customers have a wrong un

29、derstanding of the value of a product. (MISINTERPRET) Even domestically, regional differences can induce customers to misinterpret the value of a product.,57,Integrated Exercises,3. Paraphrase the following sentences: (P122-123) 4) If talks fail, China and its trade partners might call the WTO to fi

30、nd a solution. (MEDIATE) In case of unsuccessful talks, the WTO might mediate at the request of China and its trade partners. 5) animals pupils can become bigger in the darkness and smaller in the light. (ADJUST) Animals can adjust, according to the light intensity, the size of their pupils. 6) The

31、government should win peoples trust through a mechanism which is open and supervised by the public. (TRANSPARENT) The government should be winning peoples hearts and minds through a transparent mechanism.,58,Integrated Exercises,3. Paraphrase the following sentences: (P122-123) 7) The management inf

32、ormation should be put into the whole system of financial information. (COMPONENT) The whole system of financial information should comprise the component of the management information. 8) These consumers progress toward a greener purchase is blocked by high price and negative concepts. (IMPEDE) Hig

33、h prices and negative conceptions impede these consumers progress toward a greener purchase. 9) Most people seem to neglect the practical use of language. (APPLICATION) There seems to be very little focus on the practical application of language. 10) He died early partly because he did too much work

34、 and too little exercise. (ATTRIBUTABLE) His untimely death is at least partly attributable to overwork and lack of exercise.,59,Integrated Exercises,5. Translate the following sentences: (P123-124) 1) One countrys oil security is a significant strategic issue, especially in countries such as China

35、which have a rising dependence on foreign oil. 2) Greece and Portugal, impeded by high public debt, low productivity and an aging population are facing years of weak growth situation, and thus lead to greater debate. 3) In the past two decades, the Chinese government has made great strides in applyi

36、ng the market economy principle to the commercial sector. 4) It is a significant financial burden to supplement all pregnant women with vitamins and micronutrients. Many low-income countries encounter difficulties.,60,Integrated Exercises,5. Translate the following sentences: (P123-124) 5) Now more

37、and more couples holding the dominant value of independence dont want to have children, it reflects they are lack of confidence in marriage facing the increasingly changing society. 6) The uncertainty of regulation scope may inadvertently bring the consequences of increasing risk of the investment.

38、7) As the legislation situation of health care reform gains momentum, the anxiety is beginning to quickly get into a fear of excessive medical treatment.,61,Integrated Exercises,5. Translate the following sentences: (P123-124) 8) According to a new study sponsored by the federal government, only a t

39、hird of the doctors treating the terminal cancer patients have ever discussed end-of-life care with the patients. 9) The major finding of the current study is that how the forest elephants deal with oil exploration in central Africa in the five-year period preceding the mass extinction. 10) To stabilize social order, protect their rights, many countries in the world offer legal protection for unmarried couples and their numbers are increasing.,62,The End of Unit 4 Thank you!,


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