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1、浙江高考读后续写微技能 |12 种高分开头浙江高考读后续写已经进行了4 次。如何写好读后续写在高考中博取阅卷老师的眼球获得梦寐以求的高分,如何让学生的作品在高考中脱颖而出,获得 20+ 高分这是很多老师和学生一直在不懈努力的课题。今天小编将带着大家一起来探究一下如何写好读后续写的开头?可以使用哪些写作技能和手法?一个好的故事开头就好比是一堂成功的课的导入,能够迅速抓住学生和老师们的兴趣,并且愿意听下去,跟着授课老师的思路走。一个好的故事开头就好比是一个带着香味十足的诱饵,诱使读者上钩并且饶有趣味地看完。而一个拙劣的故事开头,定会让读者大倒胃口,恹恹欲睡。“well begunis half d

2、one ! ” 可见,写好一个好故事的好开头是多么的重要。那么到底在时间紧迫的考场上如何写出靓丽的开头呢?我们此文主要从语法手段和写 作涉及的内容来探究。1. An adverbCarefully, he stepped over all the broken glass.Joyfully he skipped up the street.Para 1 : (2016. 10 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 )Para1 :But no more helicopterscame and it was getting dark again. Immediately, an absolute darkn

3、ess ruled the forest. (时间副词衔接 + 环境描写)2. 2. An adj. phraseCurious to know what was inside , he tiptoed into the dark cave.1Unable to say a word , he was rooted to the spot.(2016.10 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 )Para 1: But no more helicopters cameand it was getting dark again.Desperate and hopeless , Jane knelt down

4、, tearsstreaming down her face. (并列情绪形容词)(2016.10 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 )Para 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up. Weak as she was , she struggled to her feet, continuing searchingfor assistance. (状态形容词 +as/though 引导的倒装句)(2018.06 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 )Para 1: Suddenly a little rabbit jumpedout in front of my horse.

5、 Afraid that I might hurt the lovely small creature, Iautomatically let out a cry to stop my horse. (情绪形容词 + 从句 )(2018.06 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 )Para 2: We had no idea where we wereand it got dark. Exhausted and hungry , I wondered if we could find our way back.3. A participle (-ing or ed word)Looking around

6、 him cautiously, he slipped into the room and softly closed the door.Exhausted , he was glad the race was finally over.(2016.10 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 ) Para1: But no more helicopters came andit was getting dark again. Feeling disappointed , Jane had to stay alone for another night. (现在分词 +情绪形容词)(2016.10 浙江高考

7、读后续写范文摘录 ) Para 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke2up. Feeling refreshed , she continued to walk along the stream to find the way out. (现在分词 +状态形容词)4. A conjunctionAs he walked , he whistledAlthough he was afraid , he jumped right in.5. A prepositional phraseAt the end of the lane he suddenly stopped

8、.At the sight of the snake , the little girl screamed at the top of her voice.6. A dialogue or a monologue“Lets see who gets there first!” Rachel shouted, as she pedaled fast and zoomed past Jenny.“Hold on tight!” My father yelled. We just finished bucking in as the coaster jerked into motion. This

9、was my first roller coaster ride.(2017.06 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 )Para 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Get into the car. Paul shouted at Mac.7. A characterMark is a studious boy who loves reading. His classmates often tease himfor being too hardworking and they call him Mr. Smart. One afternoon,

10、while studying at home8. An emotion3The moment she saw how she did for her Science test,tears started wellingup in Tinas eyes and falling down he 9. A settingr cheeks.I closed my eyes to enjoy the gentle breeze and the sounds of the clashingwaves . Gently opening my eyes, I saw my parents taking a r

11、elaxing stroll along the beach.The cave was dark and everything was silent. I couldnt evensee my hand infront of my face. I knew this adventure was going to be something that I would never forget.(2017.11 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 ) Para 2: We drove through several statesand saw lots of great sights along the wa

12、y. I looked out of the car window, winding rivers, lofty mountains, sunny beaches and deep valleys holding meentirely in their fascination.10. An action(视觉 + 环境描写 + 拟人)Furry started wagging his tail and running around in circleswhen he saw hismaster taking a leash out from the drawer. Furry was all

13、ready for his evening walk.(2017.11 浙江高考读后续写范文摘录 ) Para 1: The next day we remembered thebrand-new tent we had brought with us.Dad exchanged a glance with me. Whynot camp to satisfy Mom?11. Sound effects(动作描写 + 问句衔接)4BOOM, CRASH! The wind was howling outside of my house. We were having a terrible thunder storm. I was very scared.12. A questionHave you ever been on a self-driving trip?Let me tell you an exciting trip myfamily took this summer.Why does trouble always follow me around? Do I have a kick me sign on my back or something?fascination. (视觉 +环境描写 +拟人)5


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