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1、六年级下册期中检测听力部分一、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中所包含的单词或词组。 ( )1、A. failed B. feel( )2、A. tired B.bored( )3、A. younger B. stronger( )4、A. sang B. saw( )5、A.washed B. wash二、 听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。三、听问句选答语或听答语选问句。( )1、A.How did you go to Xinjiang? ( )2、A. No, he doesnt.B.Where did you go on your holiday? B. No, he didnt.( )3

2、、A. How does Liu Yun feel? B. Whats the matter, Liu Yun ? ( )4、A. Im 164 cm tall. B. Im 46 kg.( )5、A. I went to Mohe Park B. I washed my clothes四、听短文,给下列图片标序号。五听短文,判断下列句子的内容是否与录音内容相符,正打,误打。(10 分) ( )1. John isnt from China.( )2. John went to Beijing last weekend.( )3. John went to Kunming by plane.(

3、 )4. John climbed a mountain in Beijing.( )5 John likes China.笔试部分六选出不同类的单词。( )1、A. cold B. headache C. bored( )2、A. thinner B. smaller C. bigger( )3、A. throat B. hurt C. head( )4、A. yesterday B. last Monday C. tomorrow( )5、A.washed B. watched C. wash七、读一读,写一写,完成句子(每空一词)。1、Whats the matter? My finge

4、r _.2、I was in Xinjiang last week. I _ and _ with my friends.3、Did you _ last weekend ? No, I didnt. 七、读一读,选出最佳答案。( ) 1、did you last weekend ?A、What go B、Where go C、Where do( ) 2.A: did you go to Zhejiang last year? B: By plane.A. What B. Where C. How( ) 3.I am 160cm. Amy is 162 cm. Amy is _ than me

5、.A .taller B.shorter C.heavier( ) 4.She _to school on foot yesterday.A. goes B.went C. go( ) 5. Did you your room last weekend?A. clean B.cleaned C. cleans八、阅读短文,判断对错。John didnt go to school this morning. He was sick. He had a headache and a sore nose. He had a fever, too. The doctor gave( 给)him som

6、e medicine. He must drink hot drinks and stay in bed, too. Then he will feel better soon.( )1. John didnt go to school this afternoon.( )2. John had a fever.( )3. The doctor didnt give John any medicine.( )4. John must drink cold drinks.( )5. John will feel better soon.九、读短文,圈出正确答案。Amy and Sarah are

7、 good friends. Amy is thirteen years old. She is one year older than Sarah. She is one hundred and sixty cm and fifty- one kg. She is shorter and heavier than Sarah. She is three cm shorter than Sarah. But she is three kg heavier than Sarah. On the holiday Amy went to Qingdao. She bought presents fo

8、r Sarah. But Sarah went to visit her aunt . They were both happy.Name Age Height Weight Holiday ActivitiesAmy 13 160cm 45kg went boating12 164cm 51kgSarah 12 163cm 50kg11 159cm 48kg 十、小练笔。1、连词成句(1)you , the , wash , did ,clothes_(2)so , you , look , tired , today_(3) did , what, do you the , on, wee

9、kend _(3) am , I , 5, taller, cm, you, than _(4) heavy, how, are, you_2 .根据实际情况回答问题。(1) What did your father do yesterday? _(2) Did your mother wash the clothes last night? _(3) Where did you go on your holiday? _(4) How tall is your father? _(5) How do you feel today? _bought presentsvisited grandp

10、arentsvisited her aunt六年级下册期中检测听力材料一 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中所包含的单词或词组。1. A: Im sad today. I failed the English test .B: Im sorry to hear that.2. A: How do you feel today?B: I am so tired.3. Sarah is 13 years old . John is 12 years old. John is younger than Sarah.4. On the holiday,I went to Xinjiang. I sang a

11、nd danced with my new friends. 5. Did your mother wash the clothes yesterday? Yes, she did.二听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。1. A: What did you do last weekend?B: I cleaned the room.2. A: How does John feel today?B: He is excited.3. This dog is stronger and heavier.4. A: How did you go to Beijing?B: I went by train

12、.5. Last weekend I went to Harbin. I went skiing there.三、听问句选答语或听答语选问句。1. I went by plane.2. Did your father watch TV last night?3. I have a cold.4. How heavy are you?5. Where did you go last weekend?四、听短文,给下列图片标序号。It was a long holiday. Every day, I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a r

13、estaurant. We ate good food. On Tuesday, we went to a park. We sang and danced. On Wednesday, we went swimming. On Thursday, we climed a mountain.We took many pictures. On Friday, we read books. We were very happy.五听短文,判断下列句子的内容是否与录音内容相符,正打,误打。John is a student. He is from Canada. Last Saturday, he went to Beijjing with his parents. In Beijing, they ate good food and learned Chinese. On Sunday, they went to Kunming by plane. They saw elephants and climbed a mountain. They took many pictures. They like China very much.


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