【检测卷】人教版英语必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound课时跟踪检测(五)及答案.docx

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1、第 1 页共 9 页Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note课时跟踪检测(五) Warming Up & Reading Language Points .单句语法填空1 Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.2 His views are contrary to mine.3 In our class, the number of students who like popular music accounts for 90%.4 This is the spot where the two

2、 trucks collided.5 She asked for permission (permit) to leave work early.6 It was not until the window was shut that I went downstairs.7 When she came to life, she found herself lying (lie) in hospital. 8I had just finished my test paper when the bell rang.完成句子1 The sick old man does nothing but sta

3、res_at (盯着看) the ceiling all day long.2 How_do_you_account_for (你怎样解释) your long absence from classes without asking for leave?3He managed to persuade his parentsto_permit/allow_him_to_seek_a_job (允许他找一份工作)4Jim didnt come to school yesterday, and as_a_matter_of_fact (事第 2 页实上), he didnt come all las

4、t week.共 9 页5 Bill was born in Canada but was_brought_up (被抚养长大) in America.6 I dont know whether they did it by_chance (偶然) or by design. .阅读理解AFirst published in 2001, the book Life of Pi written by Canadianauthor Yann Martel won the Man Booker Prize and an Asian AmericanPrize for Literature.It is

5、 the story of a young boy named Pi who spends227 days at sea with a small group of animals after disaster strikes their ship and is an account of his journey of survival and hardship.Piscine “Pi” Molitor Patel, onLifewhomofPi is based, is a youngboy living in Pondicherry, India, where his father own

6、s a zoo.The storystarts when Patels family decide to move to Canada, along with their zoo animals for their new home.However, because of the bad weather, the ship sinks.Pi, an orangutan( 猩猩 ), an injured zebra, a hyena ( 鬣狗 ) and a Bengal tiger namedRichard Parker are the only survivors who take she

7、lter in a smalllifeboat.Both the injured zebra and the orangutan are soon killed andeaten by the hyena.The tiger in turn kills and eats the hyena, leaving just the two of them alone on the boat now.第 3 页共 9 页In an effort to avoid being eaten by Richard Parker, Pi acts himselfas the head of the group

8、 and remains safe from harm.Since he does notwant the tiger to die for fear of going mad by being alone on the boat, he fishes and feeds the two of them in order to stay alive.The life of Pi then enters its third stage when their lifeboat washesup on the shores of Mexico and the tiger escapes into a

9、 nearby forestleaving Pi alone.After the Mexicans refuse to believe Pis story, hechanges his tale by replacing the animals with his mother, a cook and asailor and asks the Mexicans which one they prefer.They prefer hearing the first story though they do not believe a word of it.In my view, Life of P

10、i is a must read book for all those who love reading.错误 !1We can learn that the book Life of Pi _.A was written in 2001B was awarded two prizesC tells a story about friendshipD is based on the authors personal experience解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“.won the Man BookerPrize and an Asian Ameri can Prize for Li

11、terature.” 可知,这本书被授予 两项大奖。故选 B 项。第 4 页共 9 页2In the book Life of Pi the hyena is killed by _.APiCthe orangutanBthe zebraDRichard Parker解析:选 D 细节理解题。从第三段的“The tiger in turn kills andeats the hyena”可知,老虎把鬣狗吃掉了,同时根据 “a Bengal tigernamed Richard Parker”可知这只老虎名叫 Richard Parker。故选 D 项。 3How does Pi escape

12、being eaten by the tiger?A By catching fishes for the tiger.B By locking the tiger in a cage.C By being the leader of the two of them.D By fighting with the tiger.解析:选 C 推理判断题。从第四段的“Pi acts himself as the headof the group and remains safe from harm”可知,为了避免被老虎吃掉, Pi 处处表现为他们两个的首领。故选 C 项。4What is the a

13、uthors attitude towards the book Life of Pi?ADisappointed.CUnconcerned.BSupportive.DDoubtful.解析:选 B 观点态度题。根据最后一段作者极力推荐这本书, 可推知他对该书是持赞赏态度的。第 5 页共 9 页BAlan King, an American comedian, was born in New York City onDecember 26, 1927.He was the youngest of eight children.His familyenvironment fostered ( 培

14、养) his interest in storytelling, but it was thestreets of New York that led him to humor.Boys in New York learned toprotect themselves early on the streets and if it was not with their fists, it was with humor, and King had an answer to everything.Seeing a future in making people laugh, King left sc

15、hool and beganremembering jokes he had heard in basement clubs.He discovered aperfect way to make people laugh: shining a light on the humor in everyday life.The audience loved it and King was on his way.He moved up in the show business ranks, performing club gigs ( 特约演出) and getting his first chanc

16、e as a replacement when a comic wassick.But it was his appearance as a first act “closer” in 1956 that maKing a star.Since then, King became a regular on The Ed Sullivan Show,and was the guest host of The Tonight Show on several occasions.Kingsact was street-wise, smart, understandable, and funny.No

17、t only the middleclass, but everyone could relate to his humorous stories.His interests weregreater than just the show business, and he became known as a politicalactivist.King was close to Robert Kennedy and went with Kennedys第 6 页共 9 页body to Washington DC.after he was assassinated in 1968.King is

18、 also the author of four best-selling books: Anybody WhoOwns His Own Home Deserves It, Is Salami and Eggs Better ThanSex ? ,Help, Im a Prisoner in a Chinese Bakery, and hisautobiography Name Dropping.He also started a scholarship (奖学金) for American students atHebrew University.In medical circles, he

19、 was known for raising funds forEmotionally Disturbed Children and for founding the Alan King Diagnostic Medical Center in Jerusalem.语篇解读:Alan King 是美国著名喜剧演员,凭借着与生俱来的幽默感,他的表演深受人们喜爱。与此同时,Alan King 又是一名作 家,并且其对教育事业有杰出贡献。5How did Alan King protect himself on the streets of New York when he was young?A

20、He fought with other boys.B He asked his family to help.C He used his sense of humor.D He chose to stay at home.解析 :选 C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话 “. it waswith humor, and King had an answer to everything.” 可知 C 项正确。第 7 页共 9 页6 From the second paragraph we can learn that Alan King _.A enjoyed making up jokesB

21、gave up school due to povertyC wasnt popular with audience at firstD looked at daily life in a humorous way解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第二段 “. remembering jokes hehad heard in basement clubs.” 可知 A 项错误;根据同段“Seeing a futurein making people laugh, King left school .” 可知 B 项错误;根据同段“The audience loved it .” 可知 C 项错误;

22、根据同段“He discovereda perfect way to make people laugh: shining a light on the humor in everyday life.” 可知 D 项正确。7What do we know about King and his life in the show business? AHe acted regularly after 1956.B His audience were mainly upper-class people.C He once hosted The Ed Sullivan Show.D He first

23、became famous when he replaced a sick comic.解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第三段“Since then, King became aregular on The Ed Sullivan Show, and was the guest host of The TonightShow on several occasions.” 可知 A 项正确,C 项错误;根据同段“Not第 8 页共 9 页only the middle class, but everyone could relate to his humorous stories. ”可知 B 项

24、错误;根据同段“But it was his appearance as a first act closer in 1956 that made King a star.” 可知 D 项错误。8The underlined word “assassinated” means “_”AchosenCinterviewed解析 : 选 DBwoundedDmurdered词义猜测题。根据第三段 Kennedys body 可知assassinate 是 murder 的意思。.语法填空From Monday to Friday, most people are busy working or s

25、tudying,but in the evenings and on weekends they are free to relax and enjoy_1_ (they). Some watch TV _2_ go to the cinema. Others take part insports. There are many different ways _3_ (spend) their spare time.Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be anything fromcollecting stamps to _4_ (m

26、ake) model airplanes. Some hobbies areexpensive, _5_ others dont cost anything at all. Some _6_ (collect) are worth a lot of money. Others are valuable only to the owners.I know _7_ man who has a coin collection worth D|S250. He wasvery happy about his purchase and _8_ (think) the price was reasonab

27、le.Besides, my youngest brother collects matchboxes. He has almost 600 ofthem but I doubt if they are worth any money. However, to my brother第 9 页共 9 页they are _9_ (extreme) valuable. Nothing makes him _10_ (happy) than to find a new matchbox for his collections.This is what a hobby means, I guess. It is something we like to do inour spare time simply for fun. The value in dollars is not important. We do it for the pleasure it gives.答案:1.themselves 2.or 3.to spend 4.making5while 6.collections 7.a 8.thought9extremely 10.happier


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