PEP小学英语考点专项训练:介词与连词 2.docx

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1、介词与连词专项训练(二)一、选词填空。1. My father usually goes to work _ (at, in, on) 8:00.2. The party will begin _ (at, in, on) 2:00 p.m.3. We never go shopping _ (at, in, on) the evening.4. I get up at 7:30 _ (at, in, on) the morning.5. Christmas is _ (at, in, on) December 25th.6. What is the first lesson(课) _ (at

2、, in, on) Tuesday?7. Mr. Web will go to Shanghai _ (at, in, on) Oct. 22nd.8. He often plays football with his friends _ (at, in, on) Sunday.9. Children dont go to school _ (at, in, on) New Years Day. 10. Whats this_ (at, on, in) English?11. Christmas is_ (at, on, in) the 25th of December.12. Look at

3、 those birds _ (on, in) the tree.13. Is there a cat _ (under, behind, in) the door?二、根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。of to an some for1. Im waiting _ my dads friend.2. He is wearing a pair _ black shoes.3. I have to say goodbye _ you now.4. This is _ umbrella.5. She needs _ vegetables.三、选词填空。from in at to with o

4、n of about by over1. I read books _ the morning.2. He learns English _ singing.3. School is _. Lets go home.4. I want _ go to sleep.5. I have lunch _ 12:00.6. This is a picture _ my family.7. I do homework _ 30 minutes.8. My mother reads some stories _ me. 9. This is story _ Change.10. She is _ Cana

5、da.四、用 and,or,but 填空。1. I can speak English _ Chinese.2. I dont like apple juice _ orange juice.3. Id like to go with you, _ Im too busy. 4. Are you a teacher _ a doctor?5. There is no milk _ no orange juice. 五、用适当的介词填空。1. Panda eat _ twelve hours a day.2. Look _ this picture.3. The snake is coming out _ the box.4. Thank you _ your cake.5. I am _ Beijing.6. They live _ Chengdu.7. They work _ a factory.


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