人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 5 The power of nature》教案.docx

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1、人教版高中英语选修 6Unit 5 The power of nature 教案人教版高中英语选修 6Unit 5 The power of nature 教案【一】 教学准备教学目标1. Knowledge objectivesKnow that the -ing form can be used as various kinds of adverbialsUnderstand the differences among “doing”, “having done”, “being done” and “having been done”2. Ability objectivesMaster

2、 the usage of the -ing form as adverbials and properly use it in writingPolish ones writing with the -ing form as adverbials 3. Emotional objectivesCultivate teamwork and confidenceFeel free to use English grammar in daily life教学重难点教学重点 Understanding four -ing forms used as adverbials and five tips

3、on how to use the -ing form as adverbials教学难点 Master the usage of the -ing form as adverbials and properly use it in writing教学过程Lead-in: Song appreciation(1) Play the song Take me to your heart before class.(2) Start the class with a clip of the song sung by the teacher.(3) Lead the Ss to notice the

4、 -ing form used as adverbials in the lyrics.This is a warming-up step designed to arouse Ss enthusiasm and to come to the point.S tep 1: We ChooseT ask 1: Observe the -ing form in each sentence and decide what it refers to.(reason, result, concession, time, manner, condition)1. Being very rich, he s

5、pends as much money as he likes. (reason)2. Working hard, youll surely succeed. (condition)3. They sat there, waiting for the beginning of the sports meeting. (manner)4. Walking on the street, he came across a long-lost friend. (time)5. The polar bear was not careful enough, falling on the icy groun

6、d. (result)6. Not understanding what you are talking about, I still admire you. (concession)It is intended to remind Ss that the -ing form can be usedas various kinds of adverbials. Ask several Ss to answer and,if necessary, interpret the sentences for them with adverbial clauses.Task 2: Check the w

7、ords in red and decide their relationwith the subject and the predicate. (A. active B. passive C. meanwhile D. before-after)Laughing and jumping, he left school.Having finished his homework, he left school.Being talked about at that time, he left school.Having been punished, he left school.First, le

8、t Ss choose the correct relation between the -ingform and the subject and that between the -ing form and thepredicate in each sentence. Then lead Ss to sum up thedifferences among “doing”, “having done”, “being done” and “having been done”.Task 3: Read the sentences aloud and recall the tips.When th

9、e reading is finished, ask Ss how to use the -ing form as adverbials.It is intended as a transition from “what” to “how” and the second step is naturally introduced.S tep 2: We ChangeT ask 1: (Group work) Identify the mistakes in the followingsentences and change the sentences into correct ones. Dis

10、cuss your reason.1. I had a wonderful childhood, travel around the world. 2. When crossed the road, you should be careful.3. Having not finished his homework, he was punished by his parents.4. Working hard, your dream will come true.It is aimed to revise the usage of the -ing form asadverbials. By g

11、roup discussion, Ss may find it easier to solvethe problem. Matters such as non-predicate, relation,conjunction, negative words and logical subject are all involved.Task 2: (Pair work) Orally change the adverbial clauses or compound sentences into the -ing form as adverbials.e.g. After we have been

12、informed of Mr. Lis birthday, wehurried to express our best wishes on the blackboard.(Notice that only the clause part will be changed: predicatenon-predicate)Having been informed of Mr. Lis birthday, we hurried to1. Because we hoped to convey our concern for him, we asked Miss Zhu to bring him a ca

13、rd.2. When we danced together, we felt very excited.3. Although we had not met him before, we still treated him as an old friend.4. If you think it over, you will have a good idea.5. She stood on the stage and played with her hair.6. He was so humorous that he made us burst into laughter.It is desig

14、ned for Ss to put into practice the tips mentioned in the previous task.S tep 3: We ChatT ask 1: Using the correct form of the given verbs, help me to complete the caption of my moment.Last month, I led my students to join in the oral English competition.(live) far away from the site, we had to get

15、up early inthe morning. (not eat) anything before, I felt hungry. As forthe students, though tired, they were still enthusiastic aboutthe coming challenge, (talk and laugh) on the bus. When (arrive) at the site, they were very excited.(devote) to practicing before, they did a wonderful job inthe com

16、petition, (bring) glory to our school. As far as I amconcerned, (make) great efforts to practice, any of you can also stand out.It is a revision of the tips mentioned. In addition, it setsan example of how to use the -ing form as adverbials in our daily life.Task 2: Writingo Choose a picture to post

17、.o Write the caption for it.o Try to use the -ing form as adverbials. (3 minutes)Ss are asked to choose a picture from five and write thecaption for it by using the -ing form as adverbials in 3 minutes.This is to integrate what has been covered and put it into practice.Task 3: Sharingo Move around t

18、he classroom.o Share your moment.o Get “like” or “comment”.(You may also leave your comment when discovering any grammatical mistake.)An example is shown to clarify the instruction. Then Ss aregiven five minutes to share their moments with their classmates. This is a peer proof-reading activity.Task

19、 4: Presentingo How many“ likes” have you got?o What about “comments”?o Who would like to share with the whole class your moment or the comments you got?This is for several volunteers to present their works andnotice the common mistakes when using the -ing form as adverbials.Step 4: SummarySummarize

20、 what we have learnt today:o 6 kinds of adverbialso 4 forms of -ingo 5 tipsThis is to remind Ss of what they have learnt today.课后习题Homeworko Review the usage of the ing form as adverbials.(You may refer to a mini-lecture. )o Polish your caption and share it with your friends.o Finish exercise 3 - 5

21、on Page 64 of your exercise book.The homework is intended to familiarize Ss with the rulesof the -ing form used as adverbials and to develop their writing skills.人教版高中英语选修 6Unit 5 The power of nature教案【二】 教学准备教学目标教学目标:1 深入理解课文,分析文章长难句,培养快速阅读、整体理解和 写作的能力。2 通过合作探究,主动质疑,学会概括主旨,分析句子的方法。3 通过学习 Sara 的故事,培

22、养学生在紧急情况下自救的意识和 能力。4 以高度的热情投入学习,享受英语阅读的快乐,在原来基础上 有所进步。教学重难点教学重点和难点重点:1. Let students read the passage and getthe main idea and the structure of the passage.2. Help the students get the detailed information.2. Get students to discuss and learn how to protect ourselves from disasters.难点:1. Develop stu

23、dents reading and writing ability.2. Enable students to learn to how to protect ourselves and keep away from danger.教学过程教学过程:课前环节:Check the answers.学生活动:核对预习学案答案,自我检查学生预习情况。【设计意图】核对预习学案答案,检查学生预习情况,把课文中会影响学生阅读理解的绊脚石扫除,为下文深层次的理解打好铺垫。课堂环节:Lead-in.Enjoy a short video and let students know the danger of

24、flood.学生活动:关注问题 What happened to the lady? 带着问题去 观赏。【设计意图】利用观看网络视频,引起学生自我保护、远离洪水的意识。用视频导入新课,能更好地激发学生学习英语的热情,也能让学生认识到洪水猛兽就在我们身边,加强自我保护意识非常必要, 学习自我保护尝试非常重要。Step1 Fast-reading :Get main idea .学生活动:快速整体阅读并找一人到黑板展示答案,每空 1 分。The text is a story about_, the mother of James, whowas_ by the flood,although he

25、r husband, _had called to remind her of the danger.Step2 Get the structure of the text.学生活动:一人到黑板展示答案,每空 2 分。Step1&2 可以同时 进行。Before the flood: Para1-During the flood: Para -【设计意图】第一次阅读,让学生快速略读,提高迅速获取信息 的技能,从总体上把握文章的主旨大意和篇章结构。Step3 Careful Reading.学生活动:仔细阅读,规范书写,小组交流,共同探究。每题 3 分。1.Who told Sara to go

26、 to her mothers house and why? 2.Who was in the house with Sara?3.Why did Sara climb onto the roof of her car?【设计意图】这三个问题属于细节理解问题,需要学生细致深入地详读课文,这能逐步培养学生的获取具体信息和提取具体信息的能力。通过再次细读文章,想让学生独立思考,小组交流,然后老师指正。老师设疑,学生质疑,通过师生共同探究,达到释疑的目的,同 时也锻炼的学生的书面表达和概括能力。Step4 Enjoy the sentences.学生活动:合作探究,仔细分析,注重理解,背诵记忆,学以

27、致 用。每题 5 分。1. If she went to her mothers house, Tony wouldnt get his present for days.解析:if 引导的是一个含有 _ 的 _ 状语从句翻译:2. Sara dressed baby James in warm clothes and collectedthe things that she would need for hom over the next few days.分析:Sara 发出两个动作:_和_.that 引导的是 一个_从句,先行词是_,在从句中作 need 的_语。dress sb in意

28、思 是:_翻译:3. Using the car seat as a step, she climbed first onto the front of the car and then onto the roof.“v-ing 形式作状语”的情况在文章中(Para2、3、5、6)共出现 了六次,你都找到了吗?高考连接:_(see)that she was going to sleep,I asked if she d like that little doll on the bed. (08 北京)【设计意图】本环节通过欣赏句子让学生排除阅读当中所遇到的障碍,让学生更好的去理解这篇文章。同时

29、也为后面进行语法教学做 好铺垫,扫除障碍。Step5 Discussion学生活动:集体讨论,小组合作,组长记录,信息共享,主动参 与。20 分。1. Do you think Sara did the right thing? Is there anything wrong?1. What should we do facing the flood?【设计意图】本环节通过小组讨论合作学习,学生在加深对文中理解的同时,自己的语言表达能力也得到了很大的提升,而且学生相 互学习,取长补短,对于加强自身的保护意识非常重要。Step 6 Writing. 30 分学生活动:态度端正、认真打草、定好人称

30、、选好时态、书写规范、卷面整洁、衔接连贯、过度自然、用好小词、句子通畅、高级句 式适当运用、碰到难关学会迂回、认真书写、完美展现。Use your imagination to invent an ending to the story. 1. 50-60 words.2. Discuss with your teammates.3. Write down your opinion.4. Each group choose the best to show your writing.【设计意图】本环节旨在通过写作,进一步巩固对文章的理解和运用,尤其是对文章中重点单词、短语和句式的针对训练,以此

31、提高 学生的写作能力和自我保护意识。Step 7 评测练习.学生活动:仔细审题、认真作答、人称时态、固定搭配、主谓一 致。20 分。Saras husband Tony(1) _to remind that she had better(2)_a few things and go to her mothers place, because it hadbeen(3) _heavily for weeks and the river was(4)_higher. He feared that the whole valley would be(5)_.Tonys birthday was co

32、ming, but he wouldnt gethis(6)_ for days. Just as she was(7)_ for the carkeys, Sara heard the flood coming. She put her baby on to herbackpack. With the help of the car, she(8)_to the roof of the house.【设计意图】本环节旨在考察学生对课文具体细节信息的理解和重点词汇的运用,同时有意识地向高考题型靠拢,让学生感受语法填 空的出题思路和解题技巧。课后习题评测练习短文填空:(20 分)Saras hu

33、sband Tony(1) _to remind that she had better(2)_a few things and go to her mothers place, because it hadbeen(3) _heavily for weeks and the river was(4)_higher. He feared that the whole valley would be(5)_.Tonys birthday was coming, but he wouldnt gethis(6)_ for days. Just as she was(7)_ for the cark

34、eys, Sara heard the flood coming. She(8) her baby on to herbackpack. (9) the help of the car, she(10)_to the roof of the house评测结果:通过核实答案,95%的学生得分在 16 分以上,取得了令人满意的成绩,但个别同学尚存问题。整体效果良好,目标达成度较高。 突出问题:时态问题.(1)called 误用成了 call.(3) rained 误用成了 rain.(4) rising 误用成了 rose.(5) flooded 误用成了 flooding.(7)reaching 误用成了 reached.(10)climbed 误用成了 climb.突破措施:很显然,学生在做短文填空这个问题时,对于动词时态和语态的把握不准是导致出现失误的重要原因。所以我们在日常的教学活动中,要时刻引导学生关注动词的时态在具体语言环境中的运用,把时态和语态与短文填空、短文改错联系起来,甚至让学生相互出题,相互检测。我们教师也可选编部分针对时态和语态的问题,有针对性地 进行练习。


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