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1、历 年 英 语 四 级 翻 译 真 题 及 答 案 将半个句子的翻译题改成整个句子的翻译题,每一个题后用括号标出参考答案。每一套题前标上考试的年月,对每一套卷的句子翻译题重新按顺序编号。2012 年 6 月翻译真题87. Those flowers looked as if they _(好长时间没有浇水了). 88. Fred bought a car last week. It is _(比我的车便宜一千英镑). 89. This TV program is quite boring. We might _(不妨听听音乐). 90. He left his office in a hurr

2、y, with_(灯亮着,门开着). 91. The famous novel is said to _(已经被翻译成多种语言).2011 年 12 月翻译真题87. Charity groups organized various activities to _(为 地震幸存者筹款).88. Linda _(不可能收到我的电子邮件);otherwise, she would have replied.89. Its my mother _( 一 直 在 鼓 励 我 不 要 灰 心 )when I have difficulties in my studies.90. The publishi

3、ng house has to _(考虑这部小说的受欢迎程度). 91. It is absolutely wrong to _(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福).2011 年 6 月翻译真题87. The university authorities did not approve the regulation , _(也没有解释为什么).88. Jane is tired of dealing with consumer complaints and wishes that she _(能 被分配做另一项工作).89. John rescued the drowning child _(冒着自己的生

4、命危险). 90. George called his boss from the airport but it _( 接电话的却是他 的助手).91. Although he was interested in philosophy, _(他的父亲说 服他)majoring in law.2010 年 12 月翻译真题?87.?_In?order?to?ensure?him?to?attend?the?meeting?_( 为 了 确 保 他 参 加 会 议),?I?called?him?up?in?advance.? 88.?The?magnificent?museum_.was?said

5、?to?be?founded_( 据 说 建 成 于)?about?a?hundred?years?ago.?89.?There?would?be?no?life?on?earth?_.without?the?special?environment?on?earth_(没有地球独特的环境).?90. ?_what?the?tourists?were?impressed?by_( 给 游 客 印 象 最 深 的)?was?the?friendliness?and?warmth?of?the?local?people.?91. ?They?requested?that?_the?books?tha

6、t?I?borrowed?be?returned?to?the?library_(我借的 书还回图书馆)2010 年 6 月翻译真题87. Because of the noise outside, Nancy had great difficulty _(集 中注意力在实验上).88. The manager never laughed; neither _ (她也从来没 有发过脾气).89. We look forward to _ (被邀请出席开幕式).90. It is suggested that the air conditioner _ (要安装在窗 户旁).91. The 16

7、-year-old girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite _(她父母的强烈反对).2009 年 12 月翻译真题87. You would not have failed if you _(按照我的指令去做). 88. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never _(放弃对知识的追求). 89. Scientists agree that it will be a long time _( 我们 找到治愈癌症的方法).90. Production has to be increase

8、d considerably to _( 与消费者不断 增长的需求保持同步).91. The more exercise you take,_(你越不大可能得感冒).2009 年 6 月翻译真题87. Soon after he transferred to the new school , Ali found that he had _ (很 难跟上班里的同学)in math and English.88. If she had returned an hour earlier , Mary_ (就 不会被大雨淋湿了).89. It is said that those who are st

9、ressed or working overtime are _ _(更有可能增加体重).90. _ (很多人所没有意识到的) is that Simon is a lover of sports. and football in particular.87. The study shows that the poor functioning of the human body is _ (与 缺乏锻炼密切相关)2008 年 12 月翻译真题87. Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems _(他们

10、至今还没有答案).88. _( 大 多 数 父 母 所 关 心 的 ) is providing the best education possible for their children.89. Youd better take a sweater with you _(以防天气变冷). 90.Through the project, many people have received training and _( 决定自己创 业).91.The anti-virus agent was not known _ (直到一名医生偶然发现了它). 2008 年 6 月翻译真题87. Our

11、efforts will pay off if the results of this research _(能 应用于新技术的开发).88. I cant boot my computer now. Something _(一定出了毛病)with its operation system.89. Leaving one s job, _(不管是什么工作 ) ,is a difficult change even for those who look forward to retiring.90. _( 与我成长的地方相比 ) ,this town is more prosperous and

12、 exciting.91. _(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill.2007 年 12 月翻译真题87. _(多亏了一系列的新发明 ),doctors can treat this disease successfully.88. In my sixties, one change I notice is that _(我比以前更容易累了).89. I am going to pursue this course, _ ( 无论我要做 出什么样的牺牲).90. I would prefer shopping online to sh

13、opping in a department store because _(它更加方便和省时).91. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life _( 是用 他们能够借到多少来衡量 的), not how much they can earn.2007 年 6 月翻译真题87. The finding of this study failed to_(将人们的 睡眠质量考虑在内).88. The prevention and treatment of AIDS is_( 我们可 以合作的领域).89. Because o

14、f the leg injury, the athlete_(决定退出比赛). 90. To make donations or for more information, please_)按以 下地址和我们联系).91. Please come here at ten tomorrow morning_(如果你方便的话).2012 年 6 月翻译真题答案87hadnt been watered for a long time解析:本题考查的是 as if 所引导和过去事实相反的虚拟语气。88one thousand pound cheaper than mine.解析:本题考查的是简单的比较

15、级,cheaper than。不需要重复 car,直接用 mine 代替 my car。 89as well listen to the music解析:本题考查的是短语结构 might as well “不妨”,原句中有 might。90lights on and doors open解析:本题考查了 with 短语做伴随状语,逻辑主语和表语之间的系动词省略。91. have been translated into multiple languages解析:本题考查了 be said to 后面跟动词原形,“已经被译”,用完成时被动语态 have been translated,介 词用

16、into。2010 年 12 月翻译真题答案87. In order to ensure him to attend the meeting / To ensure his attendance at the meeting 解析:本题考查是目的状语。目的状语可以由 to/in order to 来引导。确保 ensure sb todo 确保某人做某 事,ensure sth 确保某事。88. is said to have been built解析:本题重点考查:被动语态。主语 museum 与动词 build 之间为被动关系; 且 bulid 这一 动作发生在 过去。据说 be said

17、 to;be said to+ 动词不定式的完成时,表示不定式表示的 动作已经完成。89. without its unique environment / but for its unique environment解析:本题重点考查:without 的用法 without 是介词,后接名词;同时,表示“没有”,除 without 外, 还可用 but for;单词拼写 unique adj.独特;environment n.环境 当名 词重复出现时,可适当使用代词, 避免重复。90. What impressed the tourists most解析:本题重点考查what 引导的主语从句

18、;what 可引导句子充当主语;impress 用法 给 留下印象 impress sb;最高级的用法 most;结合考点,可推出“给印象最深”为 impress sb most91. books I borrowed (should) be returned to the library / I (should) return the book I borrowed to the library解析:request 的用法。request v. 要求;当 request 表示“要求”时,引导的宾语从句要使 用虚拟语气,即 (should)+ 动词原形。定语从句。“我借的书”, the boo

19、k (that) I borrowed; 单词的拼写。归还 return, 借 borrow,图书馆 library 本题提供了两个版本的答案,但在 表示“规定,规则”时,被动语态更 为常用。2010 年 6 月翻译真题答案87 Because of the noise outside, Nancy had great difficulty in focusing on the experiment. 解析:have difficulty in doing sth. (in 可以省略)这个搭配在 2006 年四级改革时的样卷中已经出过,当时是翻 译“在找去博物馆的路方面有困难”。这次是重复出现

20、。88 The manager never laughed; neither had she lost her temper. (她也从来没有发过脾气)解析:考点是部分倒装。部分倒装徐可风在文都的课堂上强调了两种情况,一种是否定词前置的 (正如本题); 另一种是 only 前置的。89 We look forward to being invited to attend the opening ceremony解析:考点是被动语态的变化形式,look forward to 的 to 是介词,所以后面用-ing 结构。 90 It is suggested that the air condit

21、ioner(should) be installed by the window。解析:考点是虚拟语气。Suggest 等动词作主句谓语时,宾语从句往往用虚拟语气的表达,在表 达过程中 should 可以省略。91 The 16-year-old girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite her parents strong objection。解析:考点是重要介词。2009 年 12 月翻译真题答案87. You had followed my orders.解析:考点是虚拟语气。88. abandoned the pursuit of

22、 knowledge.解析:考点是词汇、时态。89. We find the cure for cancer.解析:考点是词汇、时态。90. Keep up with the constantly growing needs of consumers.解析:考点是词组、非谓语动词(不定式)。91.The less likely you are to catch a cold.解析:考点是比较级 The more . The more.2009 年 6 月翻译真题答案87. difficulties in catching up with others解析:考点是词组,非谓语动词(动名词)。88

23、. wouldnt have been caught in the heavy rain .解析:考点是虚拟语气、词汇。89. more likely to put on weight解析:考点是比较级、词组 be likely to do.90. What many people have not realized解析:考点是主语从句。91. relative to the lack of exercises.解析:考点是词组“与相关”。2008 年 12 月翻译真题答案87 that they havent found answers to解析:考点是定语从句。88. What most

24、parents are concerned about解析:考点是主语从句。89. in case it (should) turn(s) cold解析:考点是特殊虚拟语气 in case 用法。90. decided to start their own business解析:考点是词组 decide to do sth, 时态。91. until it was accidentally found by a doctor解析:考点是词组 not until, 时态。2008 年 6 月翻译真题答案87. can be applied to the development of the ne

25、w technology.解析:考点是词组 apply to、语态。88. must be wrong解析:考点是情态动词 must 表推测的用法。89. whatever job it is/ no matter what job it is解析:考点是状语从句。90. Compared with the place where I grew up解析:考点是非谓语动词“过去分词作状语”、词组。91. Not until he had finished the mission解析:考点是倒装、词组 not until, 时态。2007 年 12 月翻译真题答案87. Thanks for/D

26、ue to series of new inventions解析:考点是词组“多亏,由于”。88. I feel/get tired more easily than before解析:考点是比较级 more than.89. no matter what sacrifice I am going to make/ whatever sacrifice I will make/ no matter how much I would sacrifice解析:考点是状语从句。90. it/ the former is more convenient and timesaving解析:考点是比较级

27、more, 词汇。91. is measured by how much they can borrow解析:考点是被动语态、宾语从句。2007 年 6 月翻译真题答案87. take peoples sleeping quality into account / take peoples sleeping quality into consideration解析:考点是词组 take sth into accountconsideration.88. the field (where) we can cooperate解析:考点是定语从句。89. decided to quit the match解析:考点是词组 decide to do sth.90. contact us at the following address解析:考点是词组 contact sb at some address.91. if you are convenient解析:考点是条件状语从句。


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