2017-2018学年人教版七年级下册英语Unit 12单元测试题及答案.docx

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1、2017-2018 学年七年级英语(下册) Unit 12 测试题满分:120 分听力部分(25 分).听句子,选择相应的图片。每个句子听一遍。( 5 分)1._2._3._4._5._.听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。( 5 分) ( )6.Where did the boy go on vacation?A.To the mountains. B.To the beach. C.To the park. ( )7.What did Jenny do last weekend?A. She studied for the exam.B. She visited her grandpa

2、rents.C. She went shopping with her parents.( )8.What was the weather like in London?A.Snowy. B.Windy. C.Rainy.( )9.Who did Judy go to the movies with?A.Betty. B.Mary.C.Betty is Marys sister.( )10.What did Tom and Peter do over the weekend? A.They played football.B.They watched a football game at To

3、ms home.C.They watched a football game at Peters home.听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。( 5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。( )11.What is Peter doing now?A.Watching TV. B.Reading a book. C.Visiting museum.( )12.Where did Peter go last Monday?A.The beach. B.The library.C.The bookstore.听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。( )13.Whats the wea

4、ther like today?A.Hot. B.Cloudy. C.Sunny.( )14.What did Jenny do this morning?A.She played tennis. B.She played baseball. C.She went swimming.( )15.What will Sally and Mike do?A.Go to the zoo. B.Have a party.C.Go to the movies.听短文,完成表格。短文听两遍。( 10 分)笔试部分(95 分).单项选择。(15 分)( )21.Mr. Smith saw some chil

5、dren _ in the pool. A.swim B.swims C.swam D.swimming( )22.Did you go to Central Park?_.A.Yes, he did B.Yes, I didC.No, they didnt D.No, she didnt( )23.My uncle feeds a lot of _ on the farm.A.sheep B.cow C.chicken D.horse( )24.I went to bed late last night. So I felt _ today. A.happy B.tired C.afraid

6、 D.excited( )25.At first, she _ like math, but now she _. A.didnt;did B.doesnt;doesC.didnt;does D.doesnt;did( )26.Bob found Jims keys and gave _ him.A.it back to B.them back toC.back it to D.back them to( )27.Peter _ at 6:30 and then went to school.A.stayed up B.woke upC.ran away D.put up( )28.When

7、Alice saw the lion for the first time, she got a big . A.surprised B.surprisingC.surprise D.surprises( )29.We were _ that we could say nothing when we heard the terrible noise.A.too scared B.too scaryC.so scary D.so scared( )30.Please_your hands before you answer the teachers questions.A.put on B.pu

8、t upC.put in D.put off( )31.I finished my homework _.A.now B.in two hoursC.two hours ago D.for two hours( )32.Yesterday Li Lei shouted _ his parents, “Dont make so many rules, I cant stand(忍受) them.”A.on B.at C.for D.with( )33.Last week, we _ a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside.A.ride B.too

9、k C.spentD.paid( )34.Her mother isnt an actress. She works _ an art teacher _ a school.A.for;in B.with;at C.as;at D.as;for( )35.How was your weekend on the farm?Great! We _ with the farmers.A.enjoy ourselves B.make friendsC.are working D.went fishing.完形填空。(10 分)Mike had a very busy weekend. 36 Satur

10、day morning, hecleaned his room. In the afternoon, he 37 his homework. It was38 difficult. On Saturday night, he 39 TV. His aunt cooked pizzafor 40 . On Sunday morning, he 41 to the library and 42a book about history. Then in the afternoon he 43 geography. OnSunday night he 44 the radio and saw 45 i

11、nteresting talk show.()36.A.In B.On C.For D.At()37.A.does B.is doing C.did D.do()38.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few()39.A.saw B.watched C.read D.looked at ()40.A.he B.his C.her D.him()41.A.goes B.went C.is going D./()42.A.read B.readed C.reads D.looked()43.A.is studying B.studies C.studied D.had s

12、tudied()44.A.listened B.listened to C.listens to D.listens ()45.A.a B.an C.the D.a few.阅读理解。(20 分)AIn China, many students spent their weekends studying at schoolor doing homework or watching TV at home. What did the students do on weekends in America?Donna:I studied all weekend. On Saturday, I stud

13、ied for a mathtest all day. On Sunday morning, I did my history homework. In the evening, I talked to my friends on the phone.Glen:I had a great weekend. I visited some of my friends. OnSunday night, I went to the park with my parents. We really enjoyed ourselves.Judy:I had a boring weekend. On Satu

14、rday, I cleaned the house,and I washed the clothes. On Sunday, I painted my bedroom. It wasreally a tiring weekend.Alan:Last weekend, I stayed at home. I watched old videos(录像)on Saturday. And on Sunday, I saw an old movie. It was an interesting weekend.( )46.What did Donna do on Saturday?A. Visited

15、 her friends.B. Studied for a math test.C. Watched TV.D. Did her history homework.( )47.How was Glens weekend?A.Terrible. B.Boring. C.Great. D.Busy.( )48.Who did Glen go to the park with on Sunday night?A.His parents. B.His friends.C.His sister. D.His grandparents.( )49.When did Judy clean the house

16、?A.On Friday. B.On Sunday.C.On Thursday. D.On Saturday.( )50.Who watched old videos on Saturday?A.Donna. B.Glen. C.Judy. D.Alan.BIm always bu sy with work. Last Friday, I got home at seven in the evening.“We will go camping in the countryside tomorrow,”Mom said to me.“But I have to work tomorrow. Wh

17、at about going on Sunday?”I asked.“OK,”Mom answered. I was very happy,“Can Dad go with us?”“Yes,”Mom said.“Its time for dinner. We have beef and cabbage dumplings.”“Great! I like dumplings best.”After dinner, I watched TV for an hour. Then I went to bed.On Sunday morning, we had eggs, pancakes and p

18、orridge forbreakfast. After breakfast, I packed(打包) some water, juice, fruit,bread and meat with my sister, Jessica. Dad drove us to thecountryside. It took us two hours to get there. Mom and Dad playedbadminton, their favorite sport. My sister took some photos. I wentswimming and caught a fish in t

19、he lake. We cooked the fish for dinner.We had a great time there and went back on Monday morning. ( )51.When did they go camping?A.Last Thursday. B.Last Friday.C.Last Saturday. D.Last Sunday.( )52.What is the writers favorite food?A.Dumplings. B.Pancakes.C.Fish. D.Porridge.( )53.What did the writers

20、 mother do in the countryside? A.She took photos. B.She played badminton.C.She drew pictures. D.She went swimming.( )54.What does the underlined word “caught” mean in Chinese?A.接通B.追逐C.盘旋D.抓住( )55.What can we learn from the passage?A. The writer got home at 6:00 p.m. last Friday.B. The writer packed

21、 some food and drinks with his mother. C.There are four people in the writers family.D.The writers family went to the countryside by bus.根据汉语提示填词。( 5 分)56.What kind of _(语言) do people speak in India? 57.We saw a big _(森林) along the way.58. The next morning, my sister and I got a _(惊讶).59. Girls are

22、afraid of _(蛇), because they are kind of scary. 60.Lets fly a _(风筝).That sounds good.根据汉语意思完成句子。( 10 分)61.上周末他们在湖边野营。They _ by the _ last weekend.62.游客们感觉有点累。The _ felt kind of _.63.我听见他在对你大喊。I hear him _ _ you.64.那些中学生在游览自然博物馆。The _ school students are visiting the _ museum. 65.是什么把他吵醒了?What _ him

23、_?.任务型阅读。(10 分)Today I had great fun. I went to Mikes home on foot in themorning. I studied English with him all morning. We read funnytongue twisters( 绕口令) together. In the afternoon, we went to thepark by bike. It was a windy day, so we flew kites. But my kite flewinto the lake. A dog saw the kite

24、. It jumped into the lake and swam toit. Five minutes later, it gave the kite to me. I was very grateful( 感激 的) to it.任务一:根据短文内容将下列句子排序。A. Mike and I went to the park.B. Mike and I flew kites.A. I went to Mikes home.D. A dog jumped into the lake.E. The dog swam to the kite.F. My kite flew into the l

25、ake.G. The dog gave the kite to me.66._67._68._69._70._71._72._任务二:根据短文内容完成下列句子,每空一词。73. I _ to Mikes home in the morning.74. The weather was _ today.75. I was very grateful to the _ .根据句意及首字母提示完成短文填空。( 10 分)K elly works for China Daily. She is a reporter( 记者) there. She is b76 every day and sometim

26、es works on the w77.L ast weekend she was busy as usual. On Saturday morning, shew78 to the Great Wall and t79 some photos there. She came b80 at 5p.m. Then she w81 an NBA basketball game on TV. In the eveningshe w82 a report about the Great Wall for China Daily. On S83morning, she t84 her daughter

27、to the zoo. In the afternoon, she hadan important meeting. Then she had dinner in a restaurant. It wasnine oclock when she got home. She was so tired b85 happy.76._77._78._79._80._81._82.83._84._85._.书面表达。(15 分)根据下列叙述,替迈克写一篇日记。词数 60 左右。昨天是星期六,六月二日,天气晴朗。迈克六点半起床,然后骑自行车去公园,他在公园玩得很开心。中午和父母吃了西红柿牛肉面。下午迈克和他的同学在学校打篮球,从下午四点半一直打到六点半。晚饭后,迈克和母亲一起散步,还买了一双运动鞋。这一天迈克过得很开心。_ _ _


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