外研版六年级下册英语Module7 模块知识梳理卷.docx

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1、Module7 模块知识梳理卷班级_姓名_得分_ 时间:30 分钟基础知识梳理一、单词过关(英汉互译) (14 分)满分:100 分1. 大约_ 3. 活着_5. October_7. proud_9. born_11. become_13. spell_2. 飞行, 飞_ 4. spend_6. video_8. someday_10. as_12. letter_14. herself_二、核心短语(英汉互译) (14 分)1. 模范, 榜样_ 2. 周游世界_ 3. 为而骄傲_ 4. 制作录像_ 5. 出生于某地_ 6. 活到岁_ 7. 一个的榜样_ 8. 飞往某地_ 9. a long

2、 time ago_ 10. come back_ 11. teach sb. to do sth. _ 12. learn to do sth. _ 13. write a book about oneself_ 14. become blind and deaf_ 三、重点句子(汉译英)(8 分)1. 他在太空中度过了大约 21 个小时。He _ _ twenty-one hours _ _.1 / 62. 她看不见也听不见。She _ see _ hear.3. 她写了一本关于她自己的书并且周游了世界各地。She _ a book about _ and travelled _ _ th

3、e world.4. 海伦凯勒于 1880 年出生于美国。Helen Keller _ _ in the US _ 1880.四、核心语言点(4 分)本模块通过介绍杨利伟的太空旅行过程来让我们学习用一般过去时的陈述 句介绍过去发生的事, 以及 and 连接的前后两部分的逻辑关系, 请补全下列单词 来完善信息。1.shenzhou Vf intospace Yang Liwei一般过去时was in it.2.As a baby ,she c read write.模块强化检测五、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(5 分)( ) 1. A. spent ( ) 2. A. video ( ) 3

4、. A. spend ( ) 4. A. become ( ) 5. A. herselfB. flewB. letterB. flyB. OctoberB. aboutC. liveC. bornC. becameC. spellC. as六、单项选择。(10 分)( ) 1. Helen couldntsee _ hear.A. and B. but C. or( ) 2. We learnt _, write and speak.A. to read B. read2 / 6C. reads( ) 3. He did _ work there.A. lot of B. a lot of

5、C. a lots of( ) 4. _ a child, she became blind and deaf.A. As( ) 5. I am _ Shandong.B. Be C. To beA. of B. to C. from 七、给下列句子选择相符的图片。(10 分)A. B. C. D. E.( ) 1. The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.( ) 2. He couldntsee.( ) 3. Helen Keller is a role model for blind people.( ) 4. I went to the airpo

6、rt with my parents yesterday.( ) 5. I saw football games on TV.八、连词成句。(10 分)1. I to to go someday Beijing want (. ) _2. proud very mother my of me was (. ) _3. in spent two I the about hours supermarket (. ) _4. long I to a Qingdao time flew ago (. ) _5. role she model is a for me (. ) _九、情景交际。(10 分

7、)( ) 1. 当你有困难, 想寻求帮助时, 你应该说:A. Can I help you?3 / 6B. Who can help me?C. I can help you.( ) 2. 你到商场里, 售货员会对你说:A. What do you want?B. Can I help you?C. How much is it?( ) 3. 如果你不同意别人的观点, 你应该说:A. I dont think so.B. I dont say it.A. I know.( ) 4. 你的好朋友要出国了, 你该怎样为他送上你的祝福:A. Best wishes to you!B. Happy b

8、irthday!C. Good luck!( ) 5. 你的好朋友要参加比赛, 你会对他说:A. Good luck to you!B. You are the winner.C. Goodbye!十、阅读短文, 选择正确答案。(15 分)In October 2005, Shenzhou VI flew into space. There were two men inside Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong. They spent about five days in space. They felt good during the flight. Just as

9、 Yang Liwei, they are very famous now.Nie Haisheng ha s a daughter. Her name is Nie Tianxiang. What does “tianxiang” mean? In Chinese, it means “ flying in the sky”. Fei Junlong ha s a son. His name is Fei Di. They both study hard at school.( ) 1. When did Shenzhou VI fly into space?A. In October 20

10、05.B. In October 2003.( ) 2. Who were in the spaceship?A. Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong.4 / 6B. Amy and Sam.( ) 3. How long did they spend in space?A. About fifteen days.B. About five days.( ) 4. Who has a daughter?A. Fei Junlong.B. Nie Haisheng.( ) 5. Does Fei Di study hard at school?A. Yes, he does

11、.A. No, he doesnt.5 / 6Module 7 模块知识梳理卷基础知识梳理:一、 1.about 2.fly 3.live 4.度过5.十月6.录像7.感到自豪的,感到骄傲8.有朝一日9.出生,诞生10.作为11.变成12. 字母13.拼写,拼出14.她自己二、1.role model 2.travel all over the world3. be proud of. 4.make a video 5.be born in sp. 6.live to be.7.a role model for.8. fly to sp. 9.很久以前 10.返回11.教某人做某事12.学习做

12、某事13.写一本关于某人自己的书14.变得失明和失聪3、 1.spent about; in space 2.couldnt; or 3. wrote; herself; all over 4.was born; in3、 1.flew; and 2.couldnt; or模块强化检测:五、1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A六、1.C点拨:and 用于肯定句中,表示并列关系;but 表示转折关系;or 用于否定句,表示并列关系。2. A 点拨:learn to do sth. 意思是“学习做某事”。 3. B 点拨:a lot oflots of 意思是“许多”。4. A 5.C7、 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.E8、 1.I want to go to Beijing someday.2. My mother was very proud of me.3. I spent about two hours in the supermarket.4. I flew to Qingdao a long time ago.5. She is a role model for me.九、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A十、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A6 / 6


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