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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note( Module 3 )Period 1 Reading: The Million Pound Bank Note (Act I, Scene 3)Class :Learning ObjectivesName :Group :No :1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in the lesson.2. Read the story and learn about the skills of reading actor s lines in dramasLearning K

2、ey Points:1. Reading skills: scanning and skimming 2. Get students to learn drama reading skills.Learning Difficult PointsDevelop reading ability.:Learning ProceduresI. 【 Pre-class homework:】自 主 探 究A. Answer the questions and find out the supporting details.1. Where is Henry Adams from? Does he know

3、 much about London?_ _ 2. What did he do in America?_3. Why did he land in Britain?_4.Why do the brothers make a bet?_ _ B. Read the play again and fill in the table.A month agoTowards nightfallThe next morningLastlyNow- 1 -Henry was _1_ out of the bay.Henry found himself _2_ out to sea by a strong

4、wind.Henry was _3_ by a ship.Henry arrived in _4_ by working on the shipunpaid.Henry was _5_ in London and wandering inJust at that timethe street.Roderick _6_ him and asked him to step in.TosurpriseHenrysRoderick gave Henry a _7_ with money in it.C.Put the following events in correct order.( ) Henr

5、y wandered in London streets.( ) About a month ago, Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.( ) The next morning he was spotted by a ship.( ) Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.( ) On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.II. 【 While-class 】St

6、ep1. Lead-in展 示 点 评Step2. Group discussionSs discuss their pre-class homework in groupStep3 Consolidation: Reading comprehensionA. Choose the best answers.1. Henry landed in Britain_A. because he planned to earn a living thereB. because he lost his own shipC. by accidentD. because he wanted to wande

7、r in London2. What happened to Henry when he was sailing out of the bay? A. His boat sank in a storm at sea.B. He was carried out to sea by a strong wind.C. He was attacked by some bad men at sea.D. He jumped into the sea to kill himself.3. Which of the following words can best describe Henry?A. Bra

8、ve B. Honest C. Lazy D. Shy4. Which of the following is TRUE?范 例 教 学A. Henry opened the letter before 2 o clock.- 2 -B The two brothers would like to offer him a job.C. Roderick believed that with a million pound bank note a man couldsurvive a month.D. Henry only wanted a job because he was penniles

9、s in London.5. How did Henry feel when the two brothers gave him the letter?A. Unhappy B. Surprised C. Pleased D. Excited练 习 拓 展B. Blank fillingHenry Adams, an American businessman, was _ 1 out to sea by a strong wind in his own boat. He spent a hopeless night on the seauntil the next morning. Lucki

10、ly, he was _2 _ and saved by a ship. Then he _ 3_ his passage by working for free on the board. After he _4_ in Britain, he went to the Ameican embassy for help, but without luck. One day, he was _5_ in the street when he was called into a large house owned by _ 6_ old businessmen, who asked him a f

11、ew questions. Henry answered that he was looking for a _7_ in London and asked whether they could offer any. They didn t answer directly but gave Henry an _8 _ which they said contained a sum of _ 9 _ . They also asked Henry to promise not to _ 10_ it until 2 o clock. Henry thought it was silly but

12、accepted it.Step4 PresentationStep5 SummaryIII.【 Post-class 】总 结 升 华Self- reflectionI enjoyed learning aboutI found these words useful:I found these expressions useful: I have learned aboutSome examples:- 3 -Keys:I. Pre-class homeworkA.1. Henry comes from San Francisco. No, he doesnt know London at

13、all.(L18-21)2. He worked for a mining company. (L40)3. He was sailing out the bay when he was carried out to sea by a strongwind and was survived by a ship for London. (L28-34)4. Because they want to know if a poor man can live with a million pound note in a strange place. (L1-3)B. 1.sailing , 2.car

14、ried, 3. spotted, 4. London, 5.lost,6. called , 7. letter.C. II. While-class( 课 堂 教 学 流 程 )A.choose the best answers.CBBDABlank filling1.carried 2.spotted 3.earned 4.landed 5. wandering 6. two 7.job 8.envelop 9.money 10.open- 4 -Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note( Module 3 )Period 2 Language focus i

15、n Reading 1Class :Learning ObjectivesName :Group :No :1. Learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions. 2. Learn the important useful sentences and patterns.3. Make sentences after the useful expressions.Learning Key Points:Enable Ss to grasp the usages of such important new words a

16、nd expressions.Learning Difficult Points:Get Ss to understand some difficult and long sentences.Learning Procedures:自 主 探 究I. 【 Pre-class homework】A. Make sentences using the following works and phrases: 1.permit2. seek3. spot4. bring up5. by accident6. account for7. on the contrary8. as forB. 句 子 仿

17、 写1.I wonder, Mr Adams, if youd mind us asking a few questions.仿 句 : 我 不 知 道 你 是 否 介 意 我 用 下 你 的 自 行 车 ? _2.Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.翻 译 : 到 黄 昏 时 , 我 发 现 自 己 _ - 5 -。仿 句 : 他 匆 忙 赶 到 商 店 , 发 现 门 关 着 。 _3. The next morning was spotted by a ship.Id jus

18、t about given myself up for lost when I翻 译 : 第 二 天 早 上 我 _一 艘 船 发 现 了 我 。仿 句 : 他 刚 上 床 睡 觉 , 这 时 电 话 响 了 。 _ 4. And it was the ship that brought you to England. 仿 句 : 就 是 在 街 上 , 我 遇 到 了 我 的 一 个 老 朋 友 。 _5. His eyes stare at what is left of the brothers dinner on the table.仿 句 : 我 们 正 在 讨 论 明 天 带 什

19、么 去 礼 物 去 晚 会 。 _ _ 6. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand. 仿 句 : 事 实 就 是 他 又 对 他 父 母 说 谎 了 。 _III.【 While-class 】Step1 Discussion 展 示 点 评Ss discuss their pre-class homework in group Step2 Presentation范 例 教 学Step3 ConsolidationStep4 Summary练 习 拓 展总 结 升 华III.【 Post-class

20、 】Self- reflectionI enjoyed learning aboutI found these words useful:I found these expressions useful: I have learned aboutSome examples:Keys:- 6 -Period 2 Language focus in Reading 1Keys:句 子 仿 写1. I wonder if you mind me using your bicycle?2. 被 一 阵 大 风 卷 到 了 大 海 里 ;He hurried to the store, only to

21、find the door closed.3. 正 感 到 绝 望 的 时 候 ;He had just about gone to bed when the telephone rang.4. It was on the street that I had me t one old friend of mine.5. We are discussing about what should be brought to the party tomorrow night.6. The fact is that he has told a lie to his parents again. .Per

22、iod 3 Grammar: Noun Clause Used as the Object and - 7 -the PredicativeClass :Learning ObjectivesName :Group :No :To enable the Ss to learn and use the noun clause used as the object and the predicative.Learning Key Points:Learn to tell the structure of the n oun clause used as the object and the pre

23、dicative.Learning Difficult Points:Have Ss grasp the skills needed to write the noun clause used as the object and the predicative.Learning Procedures:I. 【 Pre-class homework】自 主 探 究A. Identify object clauses and predicative clauses. (识 别 宾 语 从 句 与 表语 从 句 ). .What surprised me was that all the stude

24、nts were unusually quiet. We don t think you are here. She always thinks of how she can work well.That s where I can t agree with you.567We all think (that) she is working very hard and that she will surely go to a good university.The question is whether that man will turn up in time.I wonder whethe

25、r he will come or not. Were sure (that) our team will win. 宾 语 从 句 : _; 表 语 从 句 : _语 法 归 纳 : 引 导 词 的 使 用1) 宾 语 从 句 的 引 导 词 :_,省 略 。其 中 表“ 是 否 ”,可 用 _; that 分 , _在 宾 语 从 句 _ 成2) 表 语 从 句 的 引 导 词 : _,其 中 表 “ 是 否 ”, 只 能 用 _; that 在 表 语 从 句 中 _成 分 , _省 略 。B. Choose the best answer.- 8 -1 _your father wan

26、ts to know is_ _ getting on with your studies. A. What; how are you B. That ; how you areC. How ; that you are D. What ; how you are2. Could you show me _ ?A. how can I get to the station B. where is the stationC. how I could get to the station D. how I can reach the station 3 The problem is _to tak

27、e the place of TedA. who can we get B. what we can getC. who we can get D. that we can get4. Could you tell me how long _? A. you have bought the watchB. you have kept this science bookC. have you been away from ChinaD. have you been a member of Greener China5. - Are you still t - Oh, thats _hinking

28、 about yesterdays game? _.A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited aboutC. how I feel about it D. when I feel excitedC. complete the following sentences with proper words.1. The question is _ we will have our sports meet next week or not. 2 The reason why he failed is _he was too car

29、eless.3. Go and get your coat. It s _you left it3. The trouble is_we are short of tools.4. What I want to know is _ he likes the gift given by us.5. The energy is _ makes the cells able to do their work.6. I fell sick! I think it is _ you are eating too much.7. He was born here. That is _ he likes t

30、he place so much.3. You say you did it better than me. That is _ I disagree with you.3. _he really means is _he disagrees with us.II. 【 While-class 】Step1 Discussion 展 示 点 评Ss discuss their pre-class homework in group - 9 -范 例 教 学Step2 ConsolidationA. Translation.1. 我 想 知 道 你 是 否 能 借 我 一 些 钱 。2. 问 题

31、 就 是 我 们 怎 么 才 能 在 这 么 短 的 时 间 内 筹 到 这 么 大 一 笔 钱 。3. 她 今 天 昏 昏 欲 睡 的 原 因 就 是 她 昨 晚 熬 夜 了 。4 让 我 们 惊 讶 的 是 他 居 然 考 试 不 及 格 。B. Fill in blanks.练 习 拓 展I am going to tell you an unbelievable story. This afternoon a poorly dressed gentleman came into my restaurant. Nobody knew (1)_ he was and (2)_ he cam

32、e from. After sitting down, he ordered a lot of food. He stared at it and then ate it up very quickly. It seemed (3)_ he had not eaten for quite a few days. We wondered (4)_ he was so hungry. We were very surprised (5)_ he finished two orders of food. To be honest, we doubted (6)_ the man was able t

33、o pay for the food. When he was asked to pay the bill, the gentleman asked (7)_ we would mind waiting for a few minutes. Then we were shocked to see (8)_ he took out a million pound bank note from an envelope. Unfortunately, we could not change the bank note as it was too large. So I gave this stran

34、ge but very rich man a free dinner, in the hope (9)_ he might come to my restaurant again.Step3 PresentationSs present their group job.1 Ss write down their answers on the blackboard and give the- 10 -explanation in class.2 T eacher and Ss comment . Step4 Summary总 结 升 华III.【 Post-class 】Self- reflec

35、tionI enjoyed learning aboutI found these words useful:I found these expressions useful: I have learned aboutSome examples:- 11 -Keys:I. Pre-class homework ( 课 堂 前 置 性 作 业 )A 宾 语 从 句 : , , , , 表 语 从 句 : 1,4,6语 法 归 纳 : 引 导 词 的 使 用3) 宾 语 从 句 的 引 导 词 : that, what, if, whether, who(ever), whom(ever), wh

36、ich(ever), where, when, wh y 等 , 其 中 表 “ 是 否 ”, 可 用 if 、whether ; that在 宾 语 从 句 不 充 当 成 分 , 可 以 省 略 。4) 表 语 从 句 的 引 导 词 : that, what , whether, who(ever), whom(ever),which(ever), where, when, why, because 其 中 表 “ 是 否 ”, 只 能 用 _whether ; that _ 不 可 以 省 略 。B. Choose the best answer.D D C B A等在 表 语 从 句

37、 中 不 充 当 成 分 ,C. complete the following sentences with proper words.1. whether 2. that 3. where 4. that 5. whether6. what 7. because 8. why 9. where 10. what, thatII. 【 While-class 】A. Translation.1. I wonder if you can lend me some money.2. The problem is how we can get such a large amount of money

38、 in such a short time.3. The reason why she feels sleepy today is that she stayed up late lastnight.4. What surprised us is that he failed in the exam.B. Fill in blanks.(1) who (2)where (3) that (4)why(5)that (6)whether (7)whether/if (8) that (9)that- 12 -Period 4 WritingClass :Learning ObjectivesNa

39、me :Group :No :know how to write a passage about opinions.Learning Key Points:Develop writing on giving the point of view.Learning Difficult Points:write a passage using the useful expression attributive clauses.from this Unit andLearning Procedures:I. 【 Pre-class homework】自 主 探 究I. 前 置 性 作 业Transla

40、te the following phrases and sentences: A.1) 原 著2) 持 相 反 的 观 点3) 获 得 跟 多 的 信 息4) 更 生 动 美 丽5) 同 意 第 二 种 观 点6) 更 好 的 理 解 作 者 的 想 法7) 由 原 著 改 编 的 电 影8) 英 国 小 说 家9) 因 为 家 庭 经 济 困 难10) 只 上 了 两 年 半 学11) 挣 钱 养 家12) 自 学13) 写 作 生 涯14) 出 版- 13 -15 ) 有 影 响 力 的 作 家B1. 原 因 是 理 解 整 个 故 事 花 费 的 时 间 更 少 , 此 外 , 电 影 通 常 更 有 趣 , 更 易 懂 。2. 其 他 人 的 观 点 恰 恰 相 反 。 他 们 认 为 可 以 从 原 著 中 获 得 更 多 细 节 信 息 。3 总 之 , 读 原 著 比


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