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《Design Action Plan Template.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Design Action Plan Template.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、NHS? Design Action PlanIntroductionHealth buildings can often be the places in which we may feel at our most vulnerable. There is an increasing body of evidence that a well designed environment can make attending a healthcare facility less stressful, improve health outcomes, increase efficiency and

2、lower staff turnover. Such benefits are not only felt by the people using the building, but can also contribute towards efficiencies in the operational costs of the services being delivered. As such, the design of the healthcare estate is fundamental to the delivery of all services; and therefore af

3、fects the successful operation of the Board. Further, there is growing recognition that well designed, sustainable communities contribute to health improvement through, for example, reducing social inequalities and promoting healthy travel choices. Therefore the Health Board, working in partnership

4、with local authorities and (? Insert other agencies to engage with on this issue) to influence the regeneration and development of local communities, can have a positive effect on health.The term good design is not a question of style or taste but describes what arises from the intelligent and creat

5、ive synthesis of many interrelated factors such as: strategic planning of healthcare provision; social and physical regeneration; the local urban (or rural) context and forms; links to infrastructure and transport; sustainability agendas; the buildings sense of welcome; intelligibility of layout; se

6、curity; unobtrusive supervision; ease of use and maintenance; efficiency; and promotion of human dignity. It covers the way in which buildings sit within - and contribute to - their community, as well as how they work and look. Successful healthcare design resolves a wide range of functional require

7、ments efficiently whilst, at the same time, exploring the opportunities to provide an uplifting environment for patients, visitors and staff.Improving design quality, and therefore delivering better health care, requires co-ordinated corporate action and responsibility across and between the Boards

8、departments. This Design Action Plan enshrines NHS?s commitment to achieving design quality as set out in the Scottish Executives Policy on Design Quality for NHSScotland. It describes our long term vision for the healthcare estate, our commitment to influencing the development of healthy sustainabl

9、e communities and the steps we will take over 2007-200? to work towards achieving this vision. The Design Action Plan has the following three spheres of operation: Strategy setting the agenda, People having the right people with the experience and skills to deliver the agenda, Practice identifying t

10、he tools that will be usedThis Design Action Plan has been developed in the knowledge and understanding of the strategic and operational environment particular to NHS? and is designed to build the boards capacity to achieve good design across all of its core functions.It is the Boards intention to r

11、eview and update this plan in ?NHS ? DESIGN ACTION PLAN 2007 TO 200?VISION?FRAMEWORK OBJECTIVES (suggested)ACTIONStrategyPeoplePracticeImprove partnership working to better influence development of healthy communities.Communicate the value of good design and increase opportunities for learning.Make

12、the achievement of good design a key objective of procurement and improve the chances of achieving it.Improve opportunities for stakeholder engagement.Improve standards of equality & accessOtherOtherAPPENDIX A IMPLIMENTATION PLANActionStart dateEnd dateLead personDepartments involvedResourcesAssessm

13、ent CriteriaGuidance for CompletionThe above template was developed in association with representatives of NHSScotland Boards and is a suggested format and methodology for the development of a Design Action Plan. However individual boards may develop alternative formats if desired. The template shou

14、ld be viewed alongside guidance that was issued in December 2006 on the purpose and content of Design Action Plans.Who should complete the template?This will depend on the circumstances of the board and the most appropriate means/route to achieving high level buy-in and commitment. Some boards have

15、chosen to constitute a steering group with representatives of a wide range of interests within the board (clinicians, nursing, procurement, community engagement, inequalities managers etc) and others have given the task to one person who may choose to consult colleagues with complimentary expertise.

16、 The Boards Design Champions should decide on the most appropriate means.How is the template completed?There is suggested a four stage process to develop the design action plan. Scoping Exercise Populating the Plan Review of Draft Action Plan and setting implementation targets Submit the Design Acti

17、on Plan to the Board for approvalIt is recommended that populating the above template be carried out with the view to setting some early targets (perhaps considering current projects that might give opportunities for early wins on this) and that any further information gathering/analysis that is nee

18、ded is viewed as an ongoing action of the plan. The intention is that the plan may be updated at regular intervals. Therefore the preference is that actions are set, commenced and subsequently added to rather than the preparation of the plan becoming a process of analysis into paralysis.Scoping Exer

19、ciseFor the design action plan to be relevant it must be developed within, and take cognisance of, the strategic and operational environment particular to your board and this will require some initial analysis of the current position. However this need not require new work to be carried out prior to

20、 the development of the action plan. The scoping exercise could draw on available evidence and existing documentation to support the analysis i.e. post occupancy evaluations, maintenance plans etc: looking at the information available at this time may identify areas for future investigation as an ac

21、tion under the plan. Populating the PlanHaving developed an understanding of the current situation you should then go on to describe where you want to get to and the initial actions needed to effect this change. If this is to be done in consultation with others then this could take the form of a pla

22、nning session which could incorporate as broad a range of interests as is seen as appropriate both from within the Board, but also from partnership organisations and community stakeholders. Involving a broader range of personnel could assist in achieving buy-in and relevance, and may assist in commu

23、nicating the importance the Board places on this work. The session should aim at setting the long term aims/vision framework actions - the first set of actions that populate the plan target timescales wed suggest incremental targets to encourage early action a suggested review period In terms of the

24、 Boards aim or vision below are examples of different ways that two NHS organisations have chosen to articulate their vision:The Department of Health in England have developed a set of design principles which states that all healthcare buildings shall be designed to: provide a safe environment; supp

25、ort privacy and dignity; be accessible and easy to find ones way around; be efficient and effective; integrate with the community and into its surroundings; lift the spirits; make best use of the site; enhance the healing environment; be flexible and adaptable; be sustainable; have resilient enginee

26、ring systems; be easy to clean and maintain.One NHSScotland Board has described a preliminary (yet to be ratified) vision that is boarder than the healthcare estate encompassing: function, quality, value for money, health improvement, arts and architecture, regeneration, equality and access, healthy

27、 urban planning, community engagement, and sustainability.ReviewPrior to submitting the plan to the Board for approval the staff lead/team may need to take an overview of outcome of the planning session; reviewing the draft plan in the context of other relevant policies and the statutory background

28、(capital plans, HDLs, general equality duties). The implementation schedule should also be completed. The final draft should be agreed by steering group/authorised person and signed off by the Design Champion(s).Board ApprovalWe would recommend that the Design Action Plan is submitted to the Board f

29、or approval through appropriate means. This should be lead by the Design Champions. This action may be the first formal action of the champions in that role, and achieving board approval may assist in establishing the role and authority of the champions.The agreed plan should also be submitted to SEHD and copied to A+DS.


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