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1、Revision aims:,1.Revise words,phrases and sentences by yourselves. 2.Finish the conversation ,listening and writing by working in groups.,Group the wods of Unit Two.(将单词归类),1.Family members Male: Female: Both: 2.pron.(代词) 3.n.(名词) 4.others:,father/dad,brother,son,uncle, grandpa/grandfather,mother/mo

2、m,aunt,daughter,grandma/ grandmother,cousin,parent,grandparent,these,those,who,they,family,photo,picture,girl,dog,day,friend,next,of,Have a dictation.,我的朋友 你的父母亲 他的堂弟 在第一张图片中 这两个女孩 在下张照片中 在我的家庭中 我的狗的名字 过的愉快!,Group A: A: Whos he/she? B:Hes/Shes.,Group B: A:Whore they? B:Theyre.,Look!This is Xia yus f

3、amily photo.,Group C: This is. These are.,Chose the best answers.,A:Whats this,Anna? B:_ A:Is this your father? B:_ A:Oh, hes your uncle._ B:Shes my sister. A:_. B:Her name is Cindy. A:_. B: Yes,they are.,A:No, he isnt. Hes my mothers brother. B:Whats her name? C:Its a photo of my family. D.Yes, he

4、is . E. Is Cindy your sister? F:Are these your grandparents? G: Who is the girl?,Hi, Im Jenny. Here are two nice of my family. My grandfather and grandmother are the first photo. are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the picture are my , Bob and Eric. These two are my sister Cindy and cousin Helen. Coco

5、 is in my , too.,Listening,photos,in,These,next,brothers,girls,family,Report,Hello ! Everyone! This is a photo of my family.There are people in my family. These are my - - This is my - - - , his name is - - - That is my - - - , her name is - - - I like my family very much.,Language points,is,1.某人的全家

6、福 a photo of my family=my family photo 2.Here is/are. Here his English book. Here my new pen. Here her sisters. 3.Jack and Mike are .(堂兄弟),a photo of ones family=ones family photo,Be动词由名词决定。,cousin borthers,is,are,二、重点内容回顾: 1. Introduce somebody This is my friend. These are my friends. That is my br

7、other. Those are my brothers. 2. Singular and plural Heres a photo of my falimy. Here are two nice photos of my family. 3. Identify people. Is she your aunt? Yes, she is./No, she isnt. Is he your uncle? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. * *Is this/that your sister? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Are these/those y

8、our parents? Whos he? Hes my brother. Whore they? They are my grandparents.,Exercise,选词填空。 day,dog,well,next,here 1.Whos in the _ photo? 2.The _ is my good friend. 3.Liu Ying is not _ now. 4.Ann is in the school in the _. 5._,please spell your name. 6.daughter,not ,she ,is ,his(连词组句) 7.Those are my friends.(一般疑问句) 8.John is his grandfather.(划线部分提问),Thank you!,


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