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1、人教版新目标年七年级英语上册第7 单元测试题一、将下列短语译成英语1.怎么样?_这双怎么样_ 2.服装店 _3. 紫色的鞋_ 4.一双 _一双黑色的鞋_5. 以合理的价格_6.给你 _7.我能帮助你吗?_.8.我需要上学用的一件毛衣。_9.它看起来很漂亮。_ 10. 我会买了它/它们 _11.一双两元,两双三元。_ 12.给你 _13.不客气 _.14.这些袜子多少钱?_15.它们两元钱。_ 16. 二十六_17. 三十八_18.来买你的衣服_ 19. 买我们的衣服_20.卖我们的衣服_21.绿色的毛衣仅售15 元 _22.为男孩子们_二、按要求写出单词1. sell (名词)_2. sell

2、 (反义词)_3. these(相对词)_4. long (反义词)_5. white (反义词)_6. tomato (复数)_7. box(复数)_8. have(第三人称单数)_ 9. good (副词)_10. easy(反义词)_11. I ( 名词性物主代词)12. one(序数词)13.woman( 复数 )_14.need (三单 )_15.boy(复数 )_三 单项选择()1. Comeyour clothesour great sale!A. buy; atB. buying; forC. and buy; atD. and buy; in)2. Shea big blue

3、 backpack.A. wantB. wantsC. takeD. helps)3. Do you need bagssports?A. atB. forC. inD. on)4. The shopsweaters, pants, shoes, socks and things like that.A. buyB. sellC. buysD. sells()5. It A. ats only 5 yuan! Youcan buy itB. witha good price.C. inD. on()6. What s theof the shorts?¥30.(A. numberB. pric

4、eC. color) 7. We have sweaters _ all colors _ $ 5 each.A. at; inB. in; atC. in; forD. yearD. at; for() 8. Can I _ you? A. buy B. sell I want to buy a pencil box.C. helpD. like() 9. Do you like these blue shoes? Yes, _.(A. I ll take itB. I ll take themC. I don t like themD. it s 5 dollars)10. He is a

5、 collector. He has _ basketballs.A. twenty threeB. twenty-threeC. two ten threeD. twenty-first) 11.Tom is a running star. He likes _ for breakfast.A. eggs, tomato and milksB. eggs, tomatoes and milkC. egg, tomato and milkD. eggs, tomatos and milk() 12. The red socks _ two dollars.A. isB. areC. hasD.

6、 have()13. _ shorts 20 dollars?A. Are theB. Are theyC. Is the D. Is that()14 - _ is that case ? - It s white A WhatB How muchC. Where D. What color() 15 - How about these brown hats?- Oh, I like _.A itB. theyC. this oneD. this ones() 16. These socks are only 3 dollars Do you want _?A. itB them C. th

7、at D. those()17. - _ is the chicken , please ?- Five yuan a kilo .A. How manyB. How muchC. HowD. How long()18. Are these your shoes?Yes, _.A. they reB. they areC. these areD. therere()19. -What color is that pen?-It s _ green. Its _ green pen.A. a; aB. the; aC./;/D. /; a()20. -Your coat is very beau

8、tiful.-_.A. ThanksB. All rightC. OKD. Youre welcome.()21. _ she_ clothes at the Huaxing Clothes Store?A. Is; buyB. Does; buysC. Do; buysD. Does; buy()22. The yellow shorts _ 20 yuan.A. are on sale forB. are on sales for.C. are on saleD. is on sale()23. _milk do you want?A. HowB. How manyC. How muchD

9、. How()24 They are _ .A. woman teachersB. woman teacherC. women teachers()25. The price of the socks _ 8 yuan.A. doesB. doC. isD. are()26. This pair of socks _5 yuan.A. isB. areC. doD. have()27. -I want some apples.-OK._.A. Here it isB. Here you areC. Give youD. Youre welcome()28 _ is the TV? It s 2

10、000 yuan.A. How manyB. How muchC. How aboutD. How big()29 How much _ the sweater? _ fifty yuan.A. is, It sB. are, They reC. is, They reD. are, Its()30Can I help you? _.A.Thank youB.Yes, please, I want a pen.C. You re welcome.D. I m sorry.()31. The price of the socks _ 8 yuan.A. doesB. doC. isD. are(

11、)32. This pair of socks _5 yuan.A. isB. areC. doD. have() 33. The sweater is too small, I want a _ one. A. redB. shortC. longD. big() 34. Can I _ you? I want to buy a pencil case.A. buy B. sellC. help D. like() 36. How much is that T-shirt? _.A. It s twenty yuan. B. They are twenty dollar.C. They ar

12、e twenty dollars. D. It s twenty dollar.() 37.Do you have _ eraser?A. aB. theC. anD. 四、 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. How much _(be) the socks?2. Peter _ (not like ) that green coat.3. That pair of trousers _(be) 80 yuan.4. She _ (watch) TV in the evening.5. Let s _ (look) at that skirt.6. Do you _(need ) ba

13、gs for sports ?7. She can _( buy) socks for only $ 5 !8. The store _ (sell) children s clothes.9. I want _( buy) a T-shirt. He _ ( want ) that shirt.10. They sell the books to(we).11. Her hat is five(dollar).12. How much are(this) socks?13. The socks are only two(yuan).14. This is my skirt. That is(

14、you).15. Do you like the clothes for(sport)?五、句型转换,每空一词(20 分)1.He likes blue.(对划线部分提问)_ does he like?2.I want a green bag . (对划线部分提问) _ _ you want ?3.The pants are only 6 dollars . (对划线部分提问) _ _ are the pants ?4. My black pen is in my pencil case . (同上) _ _black pen ?5. These are tomatoes and orange

15、s .(同上) _ _ these?6.I like Chinese and he likes math. (改为否定句)I _ _ _ Chinese and hemath.7.They have some milk and she has strawberries. ( 改为否定句 )Theymilk and shestrawberries.8. How much is this sweater ? (同义句) _ the _ of this sweater?9. Can I help you? ( 同义词)can Iyou?10. This bag is black. (改为同义词)Th

16、is _ a _ bag.11 That is a T-shirt. (改为复数句子)_ are _.12.She is a woman teacher.(改为复数句子).13.The little boy likes English. (改为一般疑问句)the little boyEnglish?2. The pen is five yuan. (对划线部分提问)is the pen?3.She has a red skirt(.改为复数句子)_ _ red skirts.六 . 根据情景选择句子补全对话,有两项是多余的(把答案序号填下列横线上)A: 1B: Yes, please. I w

17、ant a skirt for my daughter.A: 2B: Green or blue.A: Look at the skirts over there. We have different colors. Which(哪一个) would you like?B: I think the green one is nice.3A: It s 150 yuan.B: Oh, It s too expensive.A:4It s only 60 yuan.B: It s cheap, but it is big.A: Yes. Here you are.51 2. a. Can you

18、help me?3.4.b. What colour would you like?5.c. Can I help you?d. Do you have a small one?f. What about this one?七、完形填空e. How much are they?g. What s the price?(一 )Hi, boys and girls! Do you need good1 ? Welcome to our store! Our clothes are2a great sale.Our store is vert3 , and we display ( 陈列 ) lot

19、s of clothes in it. Every day many people (许多人 )4and buy clothes in our store. We have5clerks( 职员 ) five boys and five girls. The things in our store arecheap(便宜 ). Anyone( 任何人 ) can afford ( 买得起 ) 6 prices.Do you need7 ? We sell them for only 8 dollars. You can put your books, pencil cases, rulers

20、anddictionaries in8. We also(也 ) have trousers, shoes,rulers, sweaters, shirts and shoes. They are in many9 , like blue, green and white. If you10these things, come and have a look at our store, please!() 1. A. fruitB. vegetablesC. foodD. clothes() 2. A. fromB. toC. atD. of() 3. A. shortB. bigC. lon

21、gD. small() 4. A. comeB. goC. runD. meet() 5. A. fiveB. eightC. nineD. ten() 6.A.weB. usC. ourD. ours() 7.A. socksB. bagsC. tablesD. hats() 8.A. itB. herC. themD. you() 9.A. sportsB. namesC. pricesD. colors()10. A. wantB. haveC. knowD. watch(二)This is a 1 . Its2 but it has3 school things. Do 4likeno

22、tebooks, erasers5color pencils?6 cheap (便宜 ). Big erasers are just one yuan7and the 8 oneis only 0.5 yuan.9 ! Thats the cartoon pencil sharpener(卡通铅笔刀 ). It10 cheap. I wantto11it home. Do you want some school things? Just 12to this store and have a look.() 1. A. roomB. schoolC. storeD. pencil() 2.A.

23、 greatB. shortC. smallD. big() 3.A. muchB. someC. lots ofD. great() 4.A. youB. theyC. ID. student() 5. A. alsoB. tooC. andD. 不填() 6.A. ItsB. TheyreC. WereD. Things are() 7.A. everyB. allC. oneD. each() 8.A. bigB. longC. shortD. small() 9.A. Excuse meB. SorryC. HelloD. Look()10. A. isntB. doesntC. ca

24、ntD. arent()11. A. sellB. bringC. takeD. want()12. A. goB. comeC. welcomeD. see八阅读理解。(一)One Sunday afternoon Mr Green and his child(孩子 ), Mary, are in a big shop. Mr Green likes Mary andwants to buy a new skirt for her. Mary doesn t like the new skirt. She likes something to eat. So herys father but

25、wo kilos of apples for her, too. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books and colored pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there. The people in the shop are very friendly.() 1.It is _.A SaturdayB MondayC Fr

26、idayD Sunday() 2.Mary and _ are in the shop.A Mrs GreenB his fatherC her fatherD her mother() 3.Mr Green likes to buy _for his daughter.A a new skirtB colored books(C apples, picture-books and colored pencilsD.something to drink)4.Her father buys_for her,too.A broccoliB pearsC applesD salad)5.Mary a

27、lso wants to buy _.A some picture-booksB.some pensC some colored-pencilsD.A and C(二)It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some foodfor supper( 晚餐 ). Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.“What does your shop

28、sell? ”Mary asks, “ A lotof things. ”The girl in the shop says.“You can buy food,drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too. ”Mary and her mother go in. there are many people in the shop. Mary finds a nice white skirt.“How much isthe skirt? ”Mary asks the girl in the shop.“It s eighty yuan.

29、”“Thats too dear(贵) . Can I find a cheap (便宜)one?”“What about the green one? It looks nice. And it s only thirty yuan. ”“Ok, thanks a lot. ”“You are welcome.”After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat andfish. They get home (回家)very late.()

30、1. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and _.A. some foodB. some drinksC. come clothesD. some school things()2. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on _.A. Saturday afternoon B. Saturday morningC. Sunday morningD. Sunday afternoon() 3.Mary buys a _ skirt.A. whiteB. greenC. redD. dear() 4.The white skirt is _.A.¥ 30B. ¥110C. ¥80D. ¥ 100() 5.The green skirt is _.A. nice but dearB. nice and cheapC. not nice but cheapD. not nice or cheap


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