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1、,一、基础积累(默写本),Listen attentively,1.警戒,防护装置_ 2.法律_ 3.警察_ 4.真理,事实_ 5.优点,好处_ 6.发展,发达,发育,开发_ 7.时期,时代_ 8.交通_ 9.安全_ 10.危险_ 11.发展_,guard,truth,police,law,advantage,period,safety,development,danger,traffic,development,Listen attentively,动词: 1.惩罚,处罚_ 2.改善_ 3.证明_ 4.管理,设法对付_ 5.打仗(架),争论_ 6.强迫,迫使_ 7.余下,留下_ 8.领导,带

2、领_ 9.报道,报告_ 10.增加_ 11.上升_ 12.控制_,prove,manage,punish,improve,fight,lead,report,increase,force,remain,rise,control,Listen attentively,形容词: 1.大体的,笼统的,总的_ 2.大众的,通俗的_ 3.古代的,古老的_ 4.东方的_ 5.西方的_ 6.北方的_,popular,general,ancient,western,northern,eastern,Listen attentively,短语: 1.让进来,放进_ 2.放掉,泄露_ 3.逃跑,失控_ 4.谈论,

3、议论_ 5.谈论,议论_ 6.为了_ 7.逐步建立_ 8.闯入,强行进入,插嘴,打断_ 9.砍倒_ 10.号召,打电话_ 11.导致,导向_,let in,let out,talk about,talk of,in order to,build up,break in,cut down,run away,call up,lead to,Listen attentively,常用句子: 1.中国的人口是多少?超过13亿,人口增长非常快。 _ 2.最严重的社会问题是什么?我认为最严重的社会问题是污染。 _,Whats the population of China? There are more

4、than 1.3 billion people.The population growth is too fast,What is the most serious social problem? I think the most serious social problem is the pollution,Listen attentively,3.中国是一个有5000年悠久历史的国家。 _ 4.我们必须马上停止污染环境。 _ 5.不同的国家有不同的习俗。 _,China is a country with a long history of 5000 years,We should sto

5、p polluting at once,Different countries have different customs.,Listen attentively,二、完形填空,Thousands of years ago,human didnt live in towns.Sometimes they would live in caves or build camps(宿营地) in the forest. Only about thirty people 1 in each camp.The men would go hunting while the women and childr

6、en 2 food from the trees around the camp.All the food was 3 between everyone in the group.Every few weeks they moved to another place to find more food.It was a,Listen attentively,simple life,but people had to be 4 .They had to make everything that they needed,and they had to know a lot about plants

7、 and animals. Nowadays most people live in towns and cities,and they work in offices and factories.Life is 5 than in the old days.There are fewer 6 ,but there is less excitement.Some people go 7 excitement sailing round the world, climbing mountains, or exploring caves.Most people look forward to th

8、e 8 ,a time when,Listen attentively,they can enjoy a change from their normal life.For some this means going camping.But camping today is 9 from camping in the past.Gas cookers,ready-made food and air-beds mean people can camp much more 10 than they did in the old times.,Listen attentively,( ) 1.A.l

9、ived B.talked C.came D.danced ( ) 2.A.planted B.collected C.watched D.bought ( ) 3.A.found B.used C.shared D.sold ( ) 4.A.polite B.kind C.careful D.clever ( ) 5.A.worse B.faster C.easier D.harder ( ) 6.A.dangers B.stories C.people D.animals ( ) 7.A.waiting for B.looking for C.turning on D.putting on

10、 ( ) 8.A.dreams B.gifts C.meals D.holidays ( ) 9.A.away B.different C.free D.far ( ) 10.A.slowly B.terribly C.comfortably D.hopefully,A,B,C,A,B,D,C,C,D,B,三、阅读理解 A,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,( ) 1. Which is the common greeting in Kazakhst

11、an? A.Shake hands. B.Bow. C.Kiss the cheek. D.Hug. ( ) 2. To show polite, which of the following shouldnt be done at dinner? A.Serving bread to show respecting. B.Serving a half cup of tea. C.Serving a full cup of tea. D.Arriving less than 30 minutes late.,A,C,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,( ) 3. If

12、 you dont want any soup or tea, you can_in Kazakhstan. A.leave the table B.turn your bowl upside down C.talk with your hostess D.drink more tea at table ( ) 4. When you finish your dinner in Kazakhstan, you_. A.must use fork and knife B.use a bowl to eat everything C.have to eat food by hand D.must

13、leave something on your plate,B,D,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,( ) 5. The writer writes the passage to tell us_. A.some etiquette in Kazakhstan B.the position of Kazakhstan C.food and drinks in Kazakhstan D.how to have dinner in Kazakhstan,A,Listen attentively,B Early retirement is a dream for thos

14、e who dont like their jobs.Retiring early could obviously have a negative impact not only on your finances, but also on your social life and even your health.Heres why its not always a good idea to retire early. It might be bad for your health.Retirement could contribute to declining(衰退) your physic

15、al and mental health.Retirees(退休者) dont always have a reason to get up and go somewhere, and that could lead to a lifestyle that reduces their level of physical health.Its more difficult to,Listen attentively,maintain friendships.A lot of socialization occurs on the job or after work, and workplace

16、friendships sometimes fade away when you retire.It takes more effort to meet people in retirement, and some retirees lack social interaction, which can contribute to deteriorating mental and emotional health. You could run out of money.An earlier retirement means a longer time relying on your assets

17、(财产) and a greater chance that you will run out of money.If you dont have a solid nest egg or a way to supplement your income with part-time work or your own business, there is a,Listen attentively,chance that you will wind up in financial (财务的) trouble. Your life might lack purpose.Another consider

18、ation is what you will do all day without your job.Many retirees find it difficult to find a purpose.While a few weeks of down time will certainly be relaxing, then you need to decide what you will do each day that gives your life meaning.In order to make early retirement work, you need to look ahea

19、d and decide what you will do with the extra time.You might want to travel, volunteer or devote more time to your family.,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,( ) 6. How many disadvantages of early retirement are listed in the passage? A.1. B.2. C.3. D.4. ( ) 7. You dont know what to do after your retireme

20、nt.It means _. A.your life lacks purpose B.you have run out of money C.you have no friends to share with D.your health is not very good,D,A,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,( ) 8. What does the underlined phrase “nest egg” mean in Chinese? A.留窝鸡蛋 B.储备金 C.保险 D.工资 ( ) 9. Which of the following is NOT tru

21、e according to the passage? A.Retiring early can affect your social life and health. B.It is more difficult to make friends after retiring early. C.Retiring early may make you run out of money. D.Retiring early can make you younger than before.,B,D,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,( ) 10. Whats the bes

22、t title of the passage? A.How to spend retiring life. B.Retiring early is good for you. C.Four reasons for not retiring early. D.Enjoy your retiring life.,C,Listen attentively,C 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的信息,右栏是七种手机游戏。请将这五个人的信息与他们喜欢的游戏进行配对。其中两项多余。,Listen attentively,C,D,F,A,E,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,四、短文填空,T

23、here once lived in Russia a king and a queen who were very foolish.One day the queen had a baby daughter.When they saw their baby,they 1._ cried,“My goodness! How small it is! Its toothless! Its a monster!” They sent for all the doctors in the country and ordered them to prepare some 2._ for it. “Wh

24、en she 3._your medicine,she must grow to the right size and have,both,medicine,takes,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,4._,” the king said.“If you dont do this,youll have a beating.” The doctors thought 5._ impossible,but they dare not say 6._ against the kings order.Just then an old doctor stepped forw

25、ard,“Oh,we shall certainly obey your order,” he said.“But it takes 7._.We have to dig for a mineral(矿物)from Kunlun Mountains when the snow melts(融化) for the second time.The snow melts on these mountains,teeth,anything,it,time,第二十节 历史与社会,Listen attentively,only once in 8._ years.So we need twelve yea

26、rs.” At last the king agreed and the doctors took the little princess.On her 9._ birthday,they brought her back to her parents 10._ long black hair and beautiful teeth.The king and queen were very happy and gave the doctors expensive presents.,six,twelfth,with,Listen attentively,五、(原创)读写综合 A.信息归纳 请仔

27、细阅读下面这篇文章,按信息表中项目要求填写信息。 Zhao Hua is a student from a university.He has led a group of university student volunteers since last year.They help children at a primary school with their studies and daily lives.“When I was a small child,” Zhao said, “I knew March 5th was a day for people to learn from L

28、ei Feng, but I didnt know the real meaning of the spirit of Lei Feng.Now when I see the smiling faces of the kids I have helped, I deeply understand Lei Feng.Helping others makes me happy.”,Listen attentively,Lei Feng(19401962) is one of the best-known soldiers in Chinese history.He lost his parents

29、 when he was very young.His neighbors brought him up.He died in an accident at the age of 22.He did many good deeds in his short life.For example, he gave his own money to the parents of another soldier, and bought a ticket for a woman he didnt know without telling her his name. On March 5th, 1963,

30、Chairman Mao called on people to “Learn from Lei Feng” and made the day “Lei Feng Day”.Over 50 years has passed since Lei Fengs death.Some people say that the,Listen attentively,spirit of Lei Feng is out.There have been many reports about the coldness of people towards strangers.This has made many C

31、hinese people think deeply about themselves.Many people think we need to promote(提倡) that spirit again.,Listen attentively,Information Card,at a primary school,2/two,Chairman Mao ds,out,a day for people to learn from Lei Feng,Listen attentively,B.书面表达 你觉得雷锋精神过时了吗?请你就此写一篇短文。 内容包括: 1.讲述你或你身边的人帮助他人的一次经

32、历及你的感受。 2.你认为雷锋精神过时了吗?为什么? 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。,Listen attentively,【写作指导】 第一步:审题: 记叙文+议论文,一般过去时+一般现在时 第二步:列提纲 第一段:讲述你或你身边的人帮助他人的一次经历及你的感受。参考句型: (1)One day,was doing when (2)When I saw this , (3) but I felt very happy because 第二段:你认为雷锋精神过时了吗?为什么?参考句型: (1)I dont agre

33、e with the idea that Lei Feng Spirit is out./I dont think ,Listen attentively,(2)In order to , we need 第三步:列出主要的单词、短语和句型。 1.有需要的_ 2.有困难的_ 3.伸出援手_ 4.因某事感谢某人_ 4.做有困难_ 5.节约时间_ 6.这样的话_ 第四步:运用and, or, so, because, but, first, then等连接词将以上要点连成文章,注意句型多样化。,Listen attentively,【整篇写作】_,One morning, I was taking

34、 a bus to go to school when an old lady got on the bus.The bus was crowded and there was no empty seat at all.When I saw this, I stood up and gave my seat to her.The old lady thanked me and other passengers on the bus also praised me for doing that.I stood all the way to school but I was very happy. I dont think Lei Feng Spirit is out.In order to make a world a better place, we should always reach a helping hand to those in need.This can also help reduce some social problems.(109words),谢 谢 观 看 !,


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