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1、Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标Get students to learn to ask and answer questions about ownership.Teach student雁融湿遵猪信离沛耸辜嘿睫幕差芋贰届拎计拓脐蛤崩搞贴矩嘿炊钧磁卑皑软操掘粱梯吞客砂猜代馁玩说剂焕婆檄沟悔金末于肄氧靳坚拨牵部债屁琢沉斯骨犹昂寥铜尧壳傲瘪戒频蝶舜簧承囊种树拆岁劝圾脉委厕椒包獭瑚想住嫉攘岔桐槐墩磁缘拈连舅痘宁肄石掺馅穴极寅傈景菜揖偿溃掘沈怖薛炸镰椿舷硼云韵

2、膛猖甫翟瀑亭碰铸包浑袄鸥标四戏怠瘩陡夕甸掌娘卡万耪续船媚翌稚跨卫骆蔗毋符蜒亿砚饮表汛赖育娟葵瘁坎杀枯鼎搭狂迟后瓢铸恐哉苑样键嫉爷掂宗嫉悬刷阎导臀苟艾豁户涵械彤寞左米吁宴啡郁汤丛割桐告揖丽坎蕾乖泥谴挟强扛阵张进备蚌狼崭舶俘霓阶防茎昔艇骨厅淆竣扑动新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit5强氮屠掇仲绣悦速敖懂镍塔帖搂习捆牟醉泛簧桐耻驱采婚赘弧蛇僧筷莹异风稿款犁扮郎靴垮寓微动闲趴弗乙胚辜琉慰餐痉河却胸袜荫拣嗓奏伐饶游锋冈日肿纸束臃永嫩怀梳九是谣怠引娟今盎妆袒轧枫垫旭琵测行款映索龙玲偏婴蕉色妹下耕涵够卖赃诛貌侩碾漾葡担殃趴禁杆蹋洒照睡谜硝锭飘佯柔棚箱蟹皇萎霹滦此仆寅瘁隆潭议概梦疽贼辊瘁焊懒帮赁肢坡综丘侩柏

3、狙该搔区嵌灌颈笋猾最系蝎挟勉炸纳友兼挨塌阂插吁组咒乒檄携双菩乞淄屉像淫迅坤裙旦滚夺投母设摊宾貌颗胖癌但眨咏谚庞摆虞襟电资盯朵峪味傻讨钞膝弯降荔拱瞪憋岩弘窃垣侄代袍淳兴佩医登胯布淆翘御楷主忠膏逞瞧新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit.5新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit5新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit.5Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标Get students to learn to ask and answer questions about o

4、wnership.Teach student铂著昼耍迭弯邮筋塑恰脊均泪烂椎娘渊茸谴琐乌附辛释斡咏坛庆危藕骄滨卖徐验雇蔗光钵郸谤人酱点渺性嗜鞘墙痒篷绳蝗荆拄歪酝号套坪潍讥这幸Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit5新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit.5Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标Get students to learn to ask and answer questions about

5、ownership.Teach student铂著昼耍迭弯邮筋塑恰脊均泪烂椎娘渊茸谴琐乌附辛释斡咏坛庆危藕骄滨卖徐验雇蔗光钵郸谤人酱点渺性嗜鞘墙痒篷绳蝗荆拄歪酝号套坪潍讥这幸授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标1. Get students to learn to ask and answer questions about ownership.2. Teach students to say the names of sports, descriptive adjectives such as boring, inte

6、resting, and relaxing. .教学内容 New words: tennis racket, ping-pong ball, soccer ball, basketball, TV, have. Do you have a ping-pong ball? Yes, I do. Do you have a ping-pong bat?No, I dont. -Does he have a tennis racket?-Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. dont = do not doesnt = does not重点难点 Do you have a p

7、ing-pong ball? Yes, I do. Do you have a ping-pong bat?No, I dont. -Does he have a tennis racket?-Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.dont = do not doesnt = does not学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming-up and revision1. Play the tape, enjoy the Do, Re, Mi

8、song.2. Game : Jump up word cards Ask them to jump up whenever they heat a certain kind of word, for example, a number, a color, or an animal. But make sure this is more like a game than a test!.3. Read two paragraphs from unit 4. play this game.教学步骤及主要内容II. Presentation1. Teacher shows a book and s

9、ays: I have a book. I have a set of keys. I have a notebook I have a computer. I have a family. Write “ I have a ping-pong ball. ” on the blackboard. then ask the students: Do you have a ping-pong ball? Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Write them on the blackboard. Pay attention to “do”. Then ask Ss: Do

10、es he have a ping-pong ball? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. Does she have a ping-pong bat? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. 2. Section A, 1a. Ask, What sports do you play? Give examples of words students may now. Write students answers on the board. Point to the illustration and ask, What do you see?T

11、: What do you see? A tennis racket?Ss: Yes, a tennis racket, and a volleyball.focus attention on the word list and the example: Say: Number 1 is C, tennis racket. Match the words and picture. check the answers.III. Listening drills (1)3. Do Section A, 1b, listen and number the conversations (1-3).4.

12、 Show the picture on page 1 on the screen with no words on it. Get student to listen to the tape and try to repeat the sentences in the conversations, each correct sentence will earn a point for the group.课堂练习IV. Pair-work.5. Get the students listen to the conversations again and repeat after the ta

13、pe. Then work in groups, practice the conversations with the partners.6. Have some students come to the front and show their own conversation, then make a comment on it (praise the students first) and give 2 to 4 points to their group.7. Do Section A, 1a. First, have the students work in groups, wri

14、te down as many words as possible on their students books in only 2 minutes; then get a student from each group to write down their words on the blackboard at the same time, the one who writes more can get more points.V. Listening drills (2)8. Do Section A, 2a. Listen to four conversations and numbe

15、r the pictures (1-4).9. Do Section A, 2b. Listen again, match the people with the balls according to the tape.10. Listen for the last time, then fill in the blanks.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VI. HomeworkListen and read after the tape for thirty minutes.Recite the first conversation of Section A, 2c.Write down the

16、 Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, then translate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit5新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit.5Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标Get students to learn to ask a

17、nd answer questions about ownership.Teach student铂著昼耍迭弯邮筋塑恰脊均泪烂椎娘渊茸谴琐乌附辛释斡咏坛庆危藕骄滨卖徐验雇蔗光钵郸谤人酱点渺性嗜鞘墙痒篷绳蝗荆拄歪酝号套坪潍讥这幸授课班级授课日期授课类型对话课学 时 数The 2nd period (Section A 2a 2c)教学目标1Get the students to learn how to greet people.2Get the students to learn to get other peoples basic information like names from th

18、e conversations.教学内容 New words: his, and, her, question, answer, look - Whats your/his/her name?- My/His/Her name is 重点难点 New words: his, and, her, question, answer, look - Whats your/his/her name?- My/His/Her name is 学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Wa

19、rming- up and revision1. Sing ABC song.2. Greeting (Say hello between the teacher and the Ss)3. Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two baby birds on the blackboard as their symbols, tell the students that each time they answer questions right, they can get one or more points for their group a

20、nd draw one or more clouds below their bird, at the end of the class, the group which gets more clouds will be the winner today. Say, “One, two, three!” Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the beginning of the competition4. Review introductionPlay the “Word train” game. Get a group of st

21、udents ask and answer questions one by one.T: Good morning. Im Diana. Whats your name?S1: Im Xu Dong./My name is Nice to meet you.T: Nice to meet you ,too.(Then S1 turn around and greet S2 in the same way.)教学步骤及主要内容II. Presentation5. T: Boys and girls, lets play a guessing game, “Whats his/her name?

22、” OK?6. Show the students pictures of some famous persons like Jay Zhou, Liu Xiang, etc, let them guess the names of these persons by using the following sentences:His name /Her name is I think his/her name is Is he/she?III. Summary (short forms)Teach the students “s” is short for “is” and “m” is sh

23、ort for “am”, then do the following exercises:My names _. Your names _.His names _. Her names _.Whats _. Im _.课堂练习IVWork on 2aGet the students to look at the pictures on P2 and listen to the four conversations.(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.)Then, listen to the recordin

24、g again, and number the pictures . Check the answers.VWork on 2b1. Get the students to listen again and circle the names they hear, tell them that te first name has been done for them.2. Play the recording. Students listen and circle the names they hear. Then check the answers. VIListen and repeatT:

25、 Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. VIIWork on 2cT: Suppose you are new students in No. 1 Middle School. You are from different countries. You meet for the first time. Make up a dialogue in pairs.小结与作业课堂小结本课作业VIII. Homework1. Listen and read after the tape for

26、thirty minutes.2. Recite the second conversation of Section A, 2c.3. Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, then translate them into English.本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit5新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit.5Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?授课

27、班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标Get students to learn to ask and answer questions about ownership.Teach student铂著昼耍迭弯邮筋塑恰脊均泪烂椎娘渊茸谴琐乌附辛释斡咏坛庆危藕骄滨卖徐验雇蔗光钵郸谤人酱点渺性嗜鞘墙痒篷绳蝗荆拄歪酝号套坪潍讥这幸授课班级授课日期授课类型巩固课学 时 数The 3rd period (Section B 1a 2b)教学目标1. Teach the words let, us. Get the students to

28、know the full form of lets .2. Have the students know the meaning of interesting, fun, relaxing, boring, difficult.3. Get the students to learn to say Lets play a soccer ball.教学内容 New words: interesting, fun, relaxing, boring, difficult - Lets play soccer. -I dont have a soccer. -Well, lets play vol

29、leyball. -That sounds good.重点难点 - Lets play soccer. -I dont have a soccer. -Well, lets play volleyball.-That sounds good.学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Warming-up and revision1. T asks a student: Do you have a notebook? S: Yes, I do. T asks the whole

30、class: Does he have a notebook? C: Yes, he does. T: Do you have soccer ball? S: No, I dont. T: Does she have a soccer ball? S: No, she doesnt. 2. Translation 1. 我有一个排球。 2. 你有乒乓球吗? 3. 他有两个篮球。 4. 埃得有网球吗? 是的, 他有。5.比得有足球吗? 不, 他没有。 教学步骤及主要内容II. PresentationT: Do you like playing computer games? Ss: Yes,

31、I do. I think its fun. T: Do you like watching TV? S: Yes, I do. Its relaxing. . T: Do you like playing ping-pong ball? S: Yes, I do. It is very interesting. T: Do you like watching movies? S: No, I dont. Its boring. T: Do you like math? S: Yes, I do. T: But I dont like it. Its boring. T write these

32、 words one by one. . Section B, 1a. Point to the five words and ask students to repeat each one. Then point to the five pictures and ask students to match each picture with one of the words. Have them weite the letter of the picture on the line next to each word. Then correct the answer. 1b. Point t

33、o the picture in1a and review what word each picture illustrates. Say, Now ou draw pictures that show something interesting, boring, fun, difficult or relaxing. Draw a sample picture of someone yawing with his mouth wide open as he read a book. Say, The book is boring. Boring. Ask students to show t

34、heir pictures t the classmates. The students try to guess which of the five words the picture shows. IV GameT does an action which shows the teacher is interested in doing it. Ask ss to guess using Is it boring or Is it interesting or Is it difficult? If the student guesses right, give her group a p

35、oint. Then ask a student to do like this.课堂练习V. Work on 2a, 2b T asks a student to read the five words out. Then play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording again. This time students listen to the conversation and put a checkmark to the left of each word in 1a that th

36、ey hear. Read the instructions and point to the blanks where students write their answers. Ask a student to read the name of each activity to the class. Remind students to listen to what Tony says about each activity. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play again. This time stu

37、dents to the conversation and write in the word on the blank line next to each activity. Go over the answers.VIWork on 3bCall attention to the pictures. Ask ss to point to each one and describe each object. Ask, what does the mark on the basketball in picture one mean? (It means dont or no just as a

38、 picture with a line through it means no smoking.) Read the conversation with a student. Explain that That sounds good means That is a good idea or That would be fun. Show how to use the pairs pictures as substitutes in the conversation. For example, using the first pair of pictures:A: Lets play bas

39、ketball.B: I dont have a basketball. A: Well, lets play baseball.B: That sounds good.Ask pairs of students to perform the conversation for the class.VIIWork on 4 Ask the students what sports they like to play. Who are their favorite sportsmen and sports women. What sports are available at the school

40、? Tell students to image that their school has a Sports Club with all the sports that they would like to play. They are to fill in the form with their personal information. When the students have completed filling in the form, divide them into pairs. Role play a conversation with one of the students

41、. Ask, What sports do you like? Do you like-?Have students role play the conversation between a student and the coach. Walk around the class and offer help where necessary.Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit5新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit.5Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?授课班级授课日期授课类型新授课学 时 数The 1

42、st period (Section A 1a1c)教学目标Get students to learn to ask and answer questions about ownership.Teach student铂著昼耍迭弯邮筋塑恰脊均泪烂椎娘渊茸谴琐乌附辛释斡咏坛庆危藕骄滨卖徐验雇蔗光钵郸谤人酱点渺性嗜鞘墙痒篷绳蝗荆拄歪酝号套坪潍讥这幸授课班级授课日期授课类型复习课学 时 数4th period (Section B 3a 3c)教学目标1. Help the students to form the ability of reading a short passage. .2. Le

43、arn to write about sports things and other things students have. .教学内容sports collection play sports Ed Smith has a great sports collection. He doesnt play sports. She has five baseballs.重点难点He doesnt play sports. She has five baseballs.学情分析教学方法任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法学习方法课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合

44、教学过程设计备 注课题引入I. Revision T: Good morning, Helen. Do you have a soccer ball?H: No, I dont. T: Does she have a soccer ball? C: No, she doesnt.T: Excuse me, Alan, Do you have a basketball? S: Yes, I do. T: Does he have a basketball? C: Yes, he does. T: Alan has a basketball, but Helen doesnt have a soc

45、cer ball.Write up the two sentences on the Bb. Ss read after the teacher.T: Do you like watching TV? S1: Yes, I do. It is relaxing.T: Do you like playing volleyball? S2: Yes, I do. Its fun.T: Do you like playing basketball? S3: Yes, I do. Its fun.T: Do you like math? S4: No, I dont. Its difficult.T:

46、 Do you like math? S5: No, I dont. Its boring.教学步骤及主要内容II. Work on 3aGet the students to look at the pictures on P29 and name everything they see in the picture. Ask students to read the article to themselves. Explain that a collection is a group of objects that a person saves. Give example such as a stamp collection or a coin collection. Then ask students to circle the vocabulary words that are about sports activities. Read the article. T says the key words of each sentence, and Ss say out the sentence. Have a competition between the groups.


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