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1、,第二章 美术作品的分类及各自的特点,(一)绘画作品的类型,1,古柏文档,【学习目标】 本章主要介绍美术的种类和各自的特点,使同学们初步了解各类美术种类的基本知识. 【基本要求】 通过本章学习能够识别各种美术作品并分析和阐明各种美术的特点.,2,古柏文档,至今,绘画的种类多种多样,有着许多不同的分类方法,一般有以下几种: 1、根据绘画所表现的对象和内容分类:有宗教画、历史画、风俗画、肖像画、人物画、风景画、山水画、静物画、花鸟画、动物画、建筑画等。 2、根据绘画工具和材料分类:有素描、油画、水彩画、水粉画、水墨画、版画、雕塑、壁画等。 3、根据绘画形式分类:有装饰画、年画、连环画、宣传画、漫画

2、等。 4、根据地域、国别或民族文化传统分类,则有中国画、日本画、西洋画等。,3,古柏文档,Paintings may be classified from different angles as follows: 1. According to the subjects and contents they express: religious painting, historical paintings, genre painting, portrait painting, figure painting, landscape painting, mountain and water pain

3、ting, still life , flower and bird painting, animal painting, building painting. 2. According to painting tools and materials: sketch painting, oil paiting, watercolor painting, gouache, wash painting, print paintings, carving, mural paintings. 3. According to painting format: decoratoion paintings,

4、 New Year pictures, comic strips, picture posters, caricature 4.According to regional, national culture traditions: Chinese paintings, Japanese paintings, Western paintings,4,古柏文档,一、绘画作品的类型 (一)中国画 中国画是我国传统造型艺术之一也是我国传统民族绘画的统称,在我国中国画简称为“国画”。中国画是以水为调合剂、以墨为主要颜料、以毛笔为主要工具,画在宣纸或绢帛上的种画种。由于墨要在砚盘上研磨,我国传统上就统称这

5、些工具材料笔、墨、纸、砚为“文房四宝” A. Types of Paintings 1、 Chinese painting Chinese painting is one of the Chinese traditional plastic art, which is also the general designation of Chinese traditional national paintings. Chinese painting is done on Chinese paper or silk by using water as harmonization agent, ink

6、as main color, Chinese brush as main tools. Because the ink is ground on the inkstone with fresh water, traditionally, we call the four items - writing brushes, ink-stick, inkstones and paper - as four treasures of the study.,5,古柏文档,张仃的焦墨山水画,6,古柏文档,以线造型、书法入画,讲究笔墨,是中国画的重要特色。 The use of line, calligra

7、ph in pictures and rich brushwork and ink technique are characteristic of Chinese paintings. 中国画的墨色变化和以线条为主的勾、皴、点、染、浓、淡、干、湿、阴阳、向、背、虚、实、疏、密和留白等多种表现手法,具有高度的提炼概括技巧,充分体现了民族的精神,因而成为光辉灿烂的民族绘画艺术。中国画线条的美感是油画所没有的。 In addition to the stylized expressions of outlining (goufa), shade and texture (cunfa), the do

8、tting method (dianfa) and the application of color (ranfa), a wide variety of lines-thick, thin, dense, light, long, short, dry, wet, etc. and dry or running ink embody the Chinese spirits, which makes the distinctive difference of Chinese painting from other painting forms.,7,古柏文档,张仃的焦墨山水画,8,古柏文档,中

9、国画融诗词、歌赋、书法、绘画、印章于一炉,诗、书、画、印,相映生辉,这也是任何绘画艺术都没有的独特艺术形式。 Chinese painting is a combination in the same picture of the arts of poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal engraving, which gives Chinese painting its unique qualities. 中国画中的一个重要品种是水墨画。水墨画特别讲究墨色的变化,有“墨分五色”之说,表明是在单纯的色彩中求丰富性和微妙性。墨因含水分之不同所造成的浓、淡、

10、枯、湿、焦以及通过皴擦点染等手段,在画面上形成造型的和色彩的语汇,予人以美感。 One of the important categories of Chinese painting is ink-and-wash. What gives ink-and-wash paintings their unique flavour is that they make use of darkness or lightness, density or dilution to present the light and colour possessed by various objects, especi

11、ally the particular effect formed between water, ink and unprocessed xuan paper. Hence, there is a saying “ Chinese Ink Representing Five Colors”.,9,古柏文档,于希宁“梅”,10,古柏文档,中国画的类型 中国画从题材、内容上主要可分为人物、山水、花鸟画几个大类。 1) 人物画:凡以人物为内容的绘画统称人物画 2) 山水画:是中国画特有的画种之一,是描写山川自然景色为主体的绘画 3) 花鸟画:是中国绘画门类中特有的一种绘画画种。以描绘花卉、竹石、鸟虫

12、等为作画主体。 1) Types of Chinese painting Chinese painting can be classified into three categories mainly, according to different subject matters, namely, figure, flower and bird and landscape paintings. a.Figure Painting: Paintings which focus on figures are generally figure paintings. b.Landscape Paint

13、ing: Landscape paintings mainly depict natural seneries such mountains and waters which is unique in Chinese painting. c.Flower and bird painting: Among the common subjects in this genre are flowers, bamboo, birds, insects, and stones.,11,古柏文档,方增先“说红书”(人物画),12,古柏文档,范宽“雪景寒林图”(山水画 ),13,古柏文档,陈之佛的花鸟画,14

14、,古柏文档,2、中国画的技法形式:中国画主要有工笔、写意、勾勒、设色、水墨等技法形式 1) Technique of Chinese painting According to the means of expression, Chinese painting can be divided into two categories: the meticulous (gongbi) school which is characterized by close attention to detail and fine brush work and freehand (xieyi) school wh

15、ich is marked by exaggerated forms and freehand brush work.,15,古柏文档,钟增亚“红果”,16,古柏文档,特点如下: 1)工笔:亦称“细笔”。工笔画用笔工整细致,敷色层层渲染,细节精致入微,以描绘被画对象的准确形象为准则。 2)白描:纯以画笔勾勒线条而不设色来描绘景物或形象的一种技法形式。白描是中国画的基础训练形式之一。其画作亦可成为独立的绘画品种。 3)写意:俗称“粗笔”,与“工笔”对称。写意画法是指用单纯而概括的笔墨来表现对象的精神意态 ,是不求形似求神似的画法。 4)勾勒:用笔顺势称“勾” ,逆势称“勒”,也有以单笔为“勾”

16、,复笔为“勒”(使用于山水画中为“复”),以及称左为“勾”,右为“勒”的。通常指用线条勾描物象轮廓,不分顺、逆。勾勒要求有笔力。 5)泼墨法:古时的泼墨法是指将大量的墨泼洒在纸绢上,然后根据泼洒的墨色形状、深浅,再画成种种物象。现在意义的泼墨,则是指大笔饱蘸浓墨,阔笔大写,笔酣墨畅,一气呵成之法。这种泼墨方法气势磅礴,墨彩生动丰富。 6)泼彩法:同泼墨法相似,用色量大、泼洒自如,多用石色,画出后厚重而又有变化,常画在墨色上,与墨色相映成趣。 7)浅绛:中国山水画中的一种设色技巧。即凡以淡红青色彩渲染为主的山水画,统称浅绛山水。其方法是先用浓淡、干湿变化之墨线勾勒轮廓结构变化之后,再施以淡的赭石

17、渲染山石、树木结构处。最后用淡花青类色渲染即成。 8) 没骨画法:没骨画法是不用墨线勾勒、直接以色彩或墨色描绘物像的画法。,17,古柏文档,(二)油画 油画,是以油料作为颜料溶剂和稀释剂,调和颜料、用短毛硬质棕笔和油画刮刀画在经加工制作过的不吸油的亚麻布或其它材料上的一种画种。油画所具有的综合表现力,来自这个画种所具有的完备的科学性与丰厚的艺术性,它有素描学作基础,有解剖学、透视学、构图学、色彩学和材料学作依据来体现所描绘的对象。同中国画相比,油画要求的是写实,是具象绘画。 1. Oil painting Oil painting is done on processed non-blotti

18、ng linen, board or thick cardboard with oil pigment, short-hair hard palm fibre brush and oil painting scraper, which can produce opaque and transparent effects and expresses the trueness and rich color effect of the subject. Based on the sketch and knowledge of anatomy, fluoroscopy, composition, co

19、lor, material science, oil painting decipts the subjects scientifically and artistically. Compared to Chinese painting, oil painting is a kind of embodiment drawing.,18,古柏文档,迪科塞尔“埃尔沙肖像”,19,古柏文档,油画的效果细腻、丰富,能够很好地表现被画物体的质感、量感,表现的光线、色调、气氛逼真。油画对于表现人物肖像更具魅力。同中国画相比,油画要求的主要是写实,是具象绘画。 油画的笔触相当于中国画的“笔法”。它是主体用笔

20、接触富有弹性的画布所留下的绘画痕迹。油画笔触既依附于形体、色彩、肌理等诸多形式因素,又具备独立的审美价值。油画笔触构成油画作品的一大特色,具有非同凡响的魅力。油画在我国清代中期十七、十八世纪,随着西方传教士的来华而开始传入中国。 相对于中国画而言,我国传统上一般将诞生于西方的油画、素描、水粉、水彩等,统称为“西洋画”或“西画”。由于艺术的交融与兼容,现在已经没有这么明显的分类说法了,一般都根据绘画工具和材料直接分类画种的类型。,20,古柏文档,马克西莫尔“木匠”,21,古柏文档,(三)水彩画 水彩画是以水调和颜料所作之画。颜料系用胶水调制,可溶于水,利用颜料的这一特性,水的渗融效果及纸的底色,

21、易产生透明感及轻快、湿润的艺术效果。水彩画有干、湿、粗笔、细笔等不同画法。 水彩画始于十五世纪欧洲。 Watercolor painting Watercolor painting is an art form that creates artistic representations, usually on paper, using pigments that are water-soluble. Other forms of painting use oil soluble paints or dry pigment in sticks such as pastels. The color

22、ed blocks are swiped with a wet brush and the pigment transfers itself to the watered brush and thence to the paper. Traditional watercolors are usually applied thinly and the white of the paper shines through the paint to produce the color. Watercolor painting originated in Europe in 15th century.,

23、22,古柏文档,李咏森的水彩画,23,古柏文档,水彩画对水的性能的充分运用和尽情发挥而形成了鲜明艺术特色-透明清新、流畅洒脱、滋润空灵,这是其他画种所难企及的。 油画用油作为调色的媒介,虽有透明画法,但不可能有水彩画那样经多层叠加仍能保持的透明感,更不可能有水在画面上流动而产生的那样丰富的意趣。版画中的水印木刻也讲究用水,但水分的干湿变化及水色交融的效果受到较大局限。国画用水十分讲究干湿变化和对比,但其透明叠加和水色交融的效果也难及水彩(水墨交融效果较好)。这是国画用的颜料和纸的性能局限所致,生宣纸吸水性较水彩纸强,故水在纸上的流动渗化不及水彩,叠加的透明度也不及水彩。熟宣纸上的流动渗化比生宣

24、好,但因纸较光而薄,故没有水彩纸上所能产生的那样丰富的变化。因此,水彩画用水的独到之处,正是它的特殊表现方法和艺术魅力之所在。 水彩画重视透明感,在画由暗到亮的变化时,不是加粉,而是加水冲淡透明颜料,表现高光时也不是用粉而是留出纸的白底,因而画面具有透明清新的魅力。 水彩画的爽快流畅、虚虚实实、似隐似现,适宜表现抒情题材和轻松明快的画面效果,给人以独特的美感。由于水彩画这种抒情诗般的效果和意境,所以水彩画被称之为绘画中的“轻音乐”。,24,古柏文档,邵宇的水彩画,25,古柏文档,(四)水粉画 水粉画与水彩画一样是以水来调合颜料而作画的。水粉画的颜料为粉质颜料,称为水粉颜料, 1. Gouach

25、e While traditional watercolors are transparent, gouache is a more opaque form of paint. Gouache is a pigment, the powdered color, mixed with ingredients to make it smooth and adhere to the paper.,26,古柏文档,周令钊“刘三姐”,27,古柏文档,(五)、粉画 粉画是用一种特制的粉笔画在纹理比较粗糙的纸张上,使其能附着于画面而完成的一种绘画形式。画粉画的粉笔颜色种类丰富,国外有多达一千余种颜色。 5.

26、 Color Chalk Painting Color chalk painting is done on crude paper with some speciallly-made chalks.,28,古柏文档,杭鸣时“侄女”,29,古柏文档,(六)版画 版画是运用刀和笔等工具,在不同材料构成的版面上进行刻画,并且最后可有限制地复印出多份不影响其艺术价值的原作的一种美术形式。 6. Engraving Engraving is an art form of incising a picture onto a hard, flat surface by cutting grooves int

27、o it, which can be finally printed restrictedly.,30,古柏文档,木刻版画主要有黑白木刻、套色木刻和水印木刻等3种类型。 1、黑白木刻:黑白木刻以对比黑白色块和处理大块明暗为主。黑白木刻由于只有黑、白,“灰”三色,表现错综复杂的对象很容易显得单调无味,因而黑白的处理就是表现手法的核心。 2 、套色木刻:指以几块木版套印出两种以上颜色的版画。 3、水印木刻:水印木刻是指采用水彩、水粉或中国画颜料刷于木刻版面上,再以经过喷潮的宣纸或过滤纸进行拓印的版画。 Woodblock (or woodcut) prints falls into three c

28、ategories: 1) black and white woodblock prints Taose woodblock prints The technique used for multi-color prints is called Taose (Chinese pronunciation). The colour is applied on the cut woodblock - light colors first and then the dark colours, one in each step. The paper is pressed against the block

29、 for each color. 3) Water prints In water prints, water color, gouche, or inks are applied to the block with a brush, a thin paper like Chinese rice paper is pressed against the inked block, and then the back of the paper is rubbed with a soft barren of bamboo or a cloth pad.,31,古柏文档,徐匡的黑白版画“奶奶”,32,

30、古柏文档,力群的套色木刻“春夜”,33,古柏文档,李焕民的水印木刻“藏族女孩 ”,34,古柏文档,(七)漫画 漫画是一种深受广大人民群众喜爱的幽默与讽刺的艺术。漫画家总是以巧妙的构思和夸张的艺术来揭露和批评社会上的各种不良现象。 7. Caricature Caricature, a humorous and satirical art form, is popular with the public, which is expressed by ingenious conception and exaggerate technique to reveal and criticize some

31、 social unhealthy tendency. 漫画的种类和表现形式丰富多彩,有独幅漫画、连环漫画,还有国际时事漫画、幽默漫画、科普漫画、生活漫画、抒情漫画等许许多多种类。 漫画与文学有着密切的关系。我们可以说漫画它是以绘画为表、而以广义上的文学为里的、介于文字与绘画之间的一门艺术。在漫画创作中,漫画的文学实质表露得尤其明显。在漫画创作中,作者使用的立意、情景相生、起承转合、以小见大、比喻、拟人、夸张、对比、象征、借代等等这些文学中常用的手法都在漫画中得到一致的广泛应用。,35,古柏文档,丰子恺“折荷图”,36,古柏文档,(八)连环画 连环画的特点是有图有文,以图为主,有故事有情节,连

32、续性强,通俗易懂,连环画图文并茂,生动有趣,不但受到广大少年儿童读者的喜爱,也受到广大成人读者的欢迎。 8、Modern Chinese Serial Pictures Serial pictures feature its abundancy, popularity, luminosity and vividness with plots, pictures, and written languages, which are popular with adult readers as well as children and yougesters. 远在2000年前的汉代,我国就已经有了单幅的故事画,如孟母断机,荆轲刺秦王,完璧归赵等等,均是选取一个成形的故事中的一个情节或场面,让人们由此而联想到整个故事的情节,给人以联想与启发。这便是我国连环画的雏形。,37,古柏文档,华三川白毛女,38,古柏文档,丁斌曾、韩和平铁道游击队,39,古柏文档,


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