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1、学年度第一学期六年级英语中期测试题(卷)_题号五六七总分_一、读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。( 10分)_() 1. A. eveningB. tomorrowC. book_) 2. A. schoolB. busC. park_线 (名姓() 3. A. red lightB. traffic lightsC. yellow light() 4. A. goB. CanadaC. English() 5. A. on footB. by planeC. go straight二、英汉互译。(20 分)号1、邮局 _2、 supermarket_考订3、 turn left_4、 sc

2、ience museum_6、慢下来 _ 5、连环画册 _8、 tonight_ 7、 on foot_10.看电影 _场 9、 take a trip_考三、读一读,选出正确的答案。(30 分)) 1. What are you _ to do? (装A .goB. goingC. to go) 2. Turn right _the hospital. (级班A. onB. atC. in) 3. Usually I go to school on_ . (A. bikeB. footC. plane() 4.If .you want to send a letter , you can g

3、o tothe_A. bookstoreB. post officeC. hospital() 5. -When do you come to school?-_.A. She usually walks.B. At 7 o clockC. The bus is coming.() 6.- Where _you going?-To the museum.A. forB. areC. on() 7. _ can I get to the zoo?A. WhatB. HowC. How old() 8.- _ are you going to do this weekend?-I am going

4、 to wash clothes.A. WhatB. WhenC. How() 9. It s _ interesting film.A. theB. aC. an() 10. Can I help _?A youB theyC their() 11 He can_ the No.5 bus to the hospital.A takeB byC takes()12 Im going to buy a book_English.A. aboutB. atC. in() 13. Does Bill live in Australia? No , he _A. isn tB doesn tC don t


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