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1、A Lesson Plan for Unit6 Section C of Topic 1By Yang LipingDate: April.21, 2010 Time: 45minutesStudents: of grade one in middle schoolTeaching materials: Text of lesson Unit6 Section C of Topic 1, Junior English Book pg29-30Teaching period: 1 period. Teaching importance: 1a and 2 parts Teaching objec

2、tives: 1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Go on learning the prepositions of position and the structure of “There be”.(1)Talk about positions. (2)Talk about existence. Teaching aids : Objects PPt.Teaching steps: Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (5minutes)Show out 1a picture to review pre

3、positionsT:Whats in the picture?G1:Theres a nice house. Wheres the garden?G2:Its in front of the house. Is there a big tree?G3:Yes, there is. Where is it?G4:Its near the house.(进行鼓励表扬。)(教师引导学生看图,利用已学知识引出1a的新词汇。)T:Youre great! Now lets talk about the picture together. Look! There is a nice house, a g

4、arden, a tree, a car and two small houses in the yard. The garden is in the center of the yard. Can you see many beautiful flowers? Where are they?Ss:Yes. In the garden.T:Can you find the kitchen, S1?S1:Yes. Its beside the house.T:Youre right. We can also say, “Its on the left of the yard”. Then who

5、 can tell where the bathroom is?S2:I can. Its on the right of the yard.T:Is the bathroom small or large, boys and girls?Ss:Its small.yard, in the center of, beautiful, flower, left, large T: Now please read aloud the new words on the blackboard.Step 2 Presentation (Time:8minutes)。T: Listen to 1a car

6、efully and mark True (T) or False (F).( ) (1) The house is in the center of the yard.( ) (2) There are some trees in the garden.( ) (3) There is a large living room in the house.( ) (4) Their bathroom is on the left of the yard.( ) (5) There are some birds singing in the tree. 2.T:Read 1a, and then

7、underline the key words that introduce the positions of the buildings in the yard. Then check the answers.T:Can we share your answers, S3?S3:Certainly T:Good!(Then check it)T:The answers are: center, back, left, right.Step 3 Consolidation (Time:7minutes) 1. Let students read 1a,then finish 1b , T: N

8、ow, please read 1a carefully. Finish 1b, and then I will check the answers.2. T: The class will be divided into four groups. List some key words and sentences on your paper, and retell the passage according to the key words. Ill choose one student in each group to retell it. Example: This is my home

9、. There is a small garden in the center of the yard. And in the garden, there are many beautiful flowers Step 4 Practice (Time:15minutes)练习方位介词, 完成2, 3。1. (教师把已准备好的图片贴在黑板上, 如:树、椅子, 找学生在图片上画出其他的东西并运用已学过的方位介词和There be句型造句。) Example: There is a red car in front of the classroom.2. (出示图片或用简笔画教学新单词drawer

10、, chair, keyboard, pencil-box, mirror,并对介词in, on, under, behind, in front of进行操练。)(出示有抽屉、椅子、键盘、铅笔盒和镜子的简笔画。)T:Look at the picture/the stick figure and learn the new word “drawer”.(在简笔画中添上一支笔, 操练介词in和under。)Example:T:Whats in the drawer?Ss:There is a pen in it.T:Whatre under the drawer?Ss:There are so

11、me pens under it.(用同样的方法, 完成其他介词操练。)(板书)drawer, chair, keyboard, pencil-box, mirror 3.T: Finish 2 by yourselves, and then we will check the answers together. T: OK. Practice the dialogs in pairs. After a while, Ill ask three pairs to read the dialogs. 4.(1.)T: Work in pairs to find out the differenc

12、es between the two pictures in 3. And then make a list of differences. (2)T: Now, work in pairs and make new dialogs according to Picture A and B in 3. And fill in the blanks.Example:S1: What color is the bag in Picture A?S2: Its green.S1: What about the bag in Picture B?S2: Its yellow. Whats on the

13、 desk in Picture A?S1: There is a computer and a keyboard.S2: Whats on the desk in Picture B?S1: There are some pencils, some books and a lamp.S2: Are there any shelves in Picture A?S1: Yes, there are. Whats on the shelves ?S2: There are some books and a model plane.(Check the answers)Step 5 Project

14、 (Time:10minutes)通过活动, 培养学生创新能力。1. (双人活动。让其中一名学生向另一名学生描述他/她的卧室/书房/客厅里的物体, 要求另外一名学生把房间里的这些物体放在合适的地方, 使得房间更加大方、漂亮, 并用图描绘出来,最后两人一起用文字表达出来。看哪组设计的卧室/书房/客厅最佳, 给予鼓励。)Example:S1: There is a desk, a chair, a bookcase, a computer, a soccer, a TV, a lamp, a kite, a guitar, a vase, a map of China, a family photo, a clock, some flowers, some pictures and some books in the study.S2: OK. I can draw them well.2. (家庭作业。)(给学生两张卧室的挂图。要求学生写一篇关于两个卧室不同之处的短文。) .疑点探究 英语中的介词运用很灵活, 它往往根据具体的位置选用对应的介词, 而不是根据汉语直译去选择。 如:on/in the wallThere is a window in the wall. 墙上有一扇窗户。 There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅画。


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