
上传人:rrsccc 文档编号:10048627 上传时间:2021-04-14 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:24KB
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1、一、听力(共20分)I.听对话,选出正确的图画。1. A: Have you ever visited the Great Wall?B:Yes ,The Great Wall is very famous2. A: Do you know about Comfucius? B:Yes , Confucius was a great thinker.3.A: Whats your favourite sport? B: Hurdling, LiuXiang won the frist goal in 2002.4.A:Who made the first printed book in the

2、 world ? B: Chinese ,of course.5.A: What do you often use to drink tea cotho? B:China cup .It can be used more times.II.听句子选择恰当的答语。1.Where are the pyramids?2.What do you think of the Adventues of Tom Sawyer?3.I won a gold in high jump4.Whats this kind of mobile phone made in ?5.Dont smoke in the mus

3、eum.III听对话及问题,然后选择正确答案。1.A: Have you ever uisited Haerbing?B: Yes,I visited Haerbing with my daughtea in 2011 Q: When did he visited Haerbing?2.A:Who was the greatest writer ,Mark Twainor Li Bai?B:I think Mark Twain is .Q:Who was the greatest writer ?3.A: Has your school hold a sports meeting,Daming

4、?B: Yes ,but I didnt take port in the sports,because I was ill.Q:Did Damingtake part in the school sports meating?4.A:Do you want to go to History Museum Tony? B: No,Its too boring ,I want to Scinuce Museum to do physics experiments.Q:what does Tony want to do?5.A:Ive got lots of old clothes .I dont wear them any more.B:Why dont you recycle them?Q:What does he advise to do .


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