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1、人教课标 高一 必修 1 Unit 4,Unit 4 Earthquakes,Warming up,How many Nature Disasters do you know?,typhoon,seismic sea wave / tsunami,tornado, hurricane,thunderstorm,sand storm,volcanic eruption,drought,flood,hurricane,fire,earthquake,1) Do you know what would happen before an earthquake?,Discussion,Bright li

2、ghts flash in the sky,Animals are too nervous, such as cows, dogs, horses, and snakes, etc.,Predictions of an earthquake:,1) Bright lights flash in the sky;,3) The well walls have deep cracks with smelly gas;,4) Animals are too nervous, such as cows, pigs, horses, and snakes, etc;,5) Mice run out to

3、 look for places to hide;,6) Fish jump out of the ponds.,2) The water in the well rise and fall;,Tangshan, Hebei,July 28th, 1976,Can you describe how terrible the earthquake was?,2008. 5. 12,Wenchuan Earthquake,The town lay in ruins.,破败不堪,The buildings fell down.,倒塌,Roads cracked.,开裂,Many people wer

4、e killed or injured.,受伤的,A great number of people lost their homes.,许多,大量,The Earth Didnt Sleep,A Night,Pre-reading,Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take?,personal washing things,a bottle of water,money,torch,mobi

5、le phone,food and sweets,blanket,medicine,You will take,Read the passage quickly, and then finish Exercise 1 on Page 27.,Fast-reading,Choose the main idea of each Para.,1.Para. 1 ( ) 2. Para. 2-3( ) 3. Para. 4 ( ),A. damages during the earthquake B. rescue work after the earquake C. the army sent so

6、ldiers to help them D. signs before the earthquake E. the animals were nervous,D,A,B,scanning,rose and fell,deep cracks, smelly gas,ran out of the field, looking for places to hide,too nervous to eat,jumped out,bright lights,sound of planes were heard even no planes,cracked and burst,Part1,Detailed-

7、reading,Para. 2-3,3:42,greatest,Steam,dirt,Bricks,dams,useless,steel,Sand,electricity,Data (数据),_ of the nation felt the earthquake. A huge crack that was _ kilometres long and _ metres wide cut across houses. In _ terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. _ of the people died or were injured duri

8、ng the earthquake. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than _. All of the citys hospitals, _ of its factories and buildings and _ of its homes were gone.,1/3,8,30,15,2/3,400,000,75%,90%,Para. 2-3,These numbers show the destructive effects of earthquake directly to us which c

9、an help us gain more information about the earthquake.,Part 2,How the army helped the people in Tangshan?,After the earthquake,Part 3,Retell the story.,_ happened in Tangshan. For a few days, water in the wells _. From the _ of wells _ come out. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became _. At 3:00 am

10、, everything,Strange things,rose and fell,cracks,smelly gas,nervous,began to _. It seemed that the world was _. _ of the nation _ it. _ cut across the city. The city lay _.,shake,at an end,One-third,felt,A huge crack,in ruins,Two-thirds of the people _ or _. Then later that afternoon, another big qu

11、ake _ Tangshan. People began to wonder,died,were injured,shook,_. But all hope _. _ came to help those _. Slowly, the city began to _.,how long the disaster would last,was not lost,Soldiers,breathe again,survivors,Writing a summary of a passage means looking for the main idea of each part and puttin

12、g it down in a sentence. Look at each paragraph of the reading passage and write down its main idea.,_ _ _ 2. _ _ 3. _ _ 4. _ _,Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one paid attention to them. The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan. The people were very shocked at the destruction. The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life.,What should we do to protect ourselves if an earthquake happened?,


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