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1、北京 101 中学 2014 届下学期初中九年级4 月月考英语试卷(本试卷满分120 分,考试时间120 分钟)听力理解(共 26分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A 、 B 、 C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4 分,每小题1 分)() 1.A.B.C.() 2.A.B.C.() 3.A.B.C.() 4.A.B.C.二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下列各题所给的A 、 B 、 C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12 分,每小题1 分)请听一段对话,完成第5 至第6 小题。() 5. Who is the girl buying the

2、 gift for?A. For her mother.B. For her father.C. For her friend.() 6.What does the girl decide to buy?A. A red tie.B. A black wallet.C. A brown wallet.请听一段对话,完成第7 至第8 小题。1() 7. What does the boy think of the pandas?A. Boring.B. Cute.C. Funny.() 8. What animals will the speakers go to see?A. Snakes.B

3、. Tigers.C. Penguins.请听一段对话,完成第9 至第 10 小题。() 9. Why did the man argue with his friend?A. He didn tbelieve his friend.B. His friend refused to pay the bill.C. His friend failed to return the money.() 10. What is the woman s suggestion to the man?A. To stop talking with him.B. To talk about it with hi

4、s friend.C. To get the money back immediately.请听一段对话,完成第11 至第 13 小题。() 11. Where does Henry work?A. On a train.B. In London.C. At a bar.() 12. When does Henry get up every day?A. Before 6:30.B. At 6:30.C. After 6:30() 13. How did Henry use to feel about the time spent on the train?A. An enjoyable ti

5、me.B. A relaxing time.C. A waste of time.请听一段独白,完成第14 至第 16 小题。() 14. What is the arrangement for Wednesday afternoon?A. Going to the sports center.B. Doing some shopping.C. Taking a tour of the city.() 15. When will the listeners have a rest?A. On Friday afternoon.B. On Saturday afternoon.C. On Sun

6、day afternoon.() 16. Where will the listeners go on Sunday?A. To St. Louis.B. To New York.C. To Washington.三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和卡片上的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。对话读两遍。(共10 分,每小题2 分)“ Ginger s Restaurant” Booking FormCustomerName:17Telephone number:182Time: 7:30 on19_ eveningDetailsPlace: a roomFood: roast20Win

7、e: red wine from21知识运用(共 25 分)四、单项填空。(共13 分,每小题1 分)22. Tom, would you please lend _ your books?A. weB. ourC. oursD. us23. In my country, when youre invited for 7:00, you re supposed to come _ around 7:15.A. onB. atC. inD. to24. _ do you feel about the new sunglasses? It s pretty cool.A. WhatB. Where

8、C. HowD. Why25. I urge all of us to visit the wonderful zoos soon _ they need more money to take care of all the animals.A. althoughB. becauseC. butD. so26. Most people think this is one of _ poems in the world.A. beautifulB. most beautifulC. more beautifulD. the most beautiful27. In Switzerland you

9、 can experience _.A. something unfamiliarB. anything unfamiliarC. unfamiliar somethingD. unfamiliar anything28. May I stick my chopsticks into my food when I have dinner in China? No, you _.A. can tB. mustn tC. needn tD. shouldn t29.The English teacher always asks us not _ everything into Chinese wh

10、ile reading.A. putB. to putC. puttingD. puts30.In fact, Tom didn t know the old man _ helped him just now.A. whoseB. whichC. whatD. who31.The great woman _ five houses out of trash since she came here.A. has builtB. buildsC. builtD. was building32.I will shake hands with him if the big star _ in front of me tomorrow.A. appearsB. will appearC. appearedD. appearing33.Don t worry! Your backpack _ and someone is on the way to send it here.A. will be foundB. has foundC. has been foundD. was found34.He asked _.A. when she wants to go shoppingB. when did she want to go shopping3


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