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1、Book 5 Unit 3 Shopping For Food成果类别:教案作者:翟义玲职务:小学英语教师职称:小学一级单位:安徽省合肥市庐阳区六安路小学手机:15209854398地址:安徽省合肥市庐阳区阜南路六安路小学本部邮编:230000Book 5 Unit 3 Shopping For FoodLesson 3 Fun Reading and Writing教学活动目的教师活动学生活动一、热身让学生尽快熟悉老师,进入课堂。Hello, boys and girls. I am Miss Xie.Time for class. Are you ready?Stand up.Let us

2、 do some actions. Follow me!Clap, clap, clap your hands.Bend, bend ,bend your knees.Lift, lift, lift your arms.Shake, shake, shake your body.Turn, turn, turn around.Sit down.Ss: Hello, Miss Xie.Ss: Yes!Students do these actions with the teacher.二、复习复习关键词,由词到句,再到篇。Boys and girls, Look at the screen.

3、Whats that?课件展示,一只小老鼠在屏幕下方来回跑。Good! Look, the mouse is in front of the boy. 课件展示。“in front of” can you spell them?学生口拼的同时老师将单词写在黑板上。Wheres the mouse? 课件展示。Spell it, please.Wheres the mouse? 课件展示。Find the mouse, please. 课件展示。S1: Its a mouse.Ss: I-N in, F-R-O-N-T front, O-F of.S2: Its behind the boy.W

4、rite behind on the blackboard.S3: Its below the boy.Write below on the blackboard.S4: Its above the boy.Write above on the blackboard.三、导入利用小老鼠这一角色引出超市这一大环境。先找到老鼠,再请同学们帮助Bobo 找球。为寻找的过程增添乐趣。课件展示,超级市场,看不见老鼠但听得见老鼠的声音,学生根据问号所在位置来猜测老鼠的位置,点击问号,没有老鼠的地方问号旋转,有老鼠的地方会出现老鼠并伴有掌声。Wow, a supermarket! Listen, whats

5、 wrong? A mouse! Let us catch it!Is it above?Is it behind?点击课件Oh, its not there.点击课件Oh, its not there.点击课件,老鼠出现Ha here it is! Ha here it is!用体态语让学生明白要大声说出这句话,以表示出愉快的心情。切换至下一个画面,Bobo在超市中神情忧郁。Who is she?She is worried. She lost her ball. Let us help her, OK?点击课件中的球,球消失,四幅图点击完之后仍然没有找到球。Where is the bal

6、l? Do you want to know? Open your books and find.S5: Is it above the candy?S6: Is it between?S7: Is it below?S8: Is it behind the butter?Ha here it is!Ha here it is!Ss: BoboSs: OK!学生根据课件上的提示来猜测。S9: Is it?S10: Is it?S11: Is itS12: Is it?四、初听 跟读由帮助Bobo找球但是没找到这一遗憾将学生引到课本上来,第一遍初听后找到球的位置,第二遍分角色读文章后完成练习。读

7、故事时请男生女生读到自己角色时站立,有助于学生集中精力,增加趣味。Now, listen to the tape.Wheres the ball?Boys, stand up, you are Dongdong. Clear?Girls, stand up, you are Bobo.Clear?I am the boy. Let us read the story together.跟读完故事后留出时间给学生完成课后练习,请个别同学先回答,再用课件展示答案。Students listen to the tape.Ss: Here it is!Students point to the bal

8、l and say.Boys stand up.Boys: Yes!Girls stand up.Girls: Yes!Read the story after the tape.Do Part B and Part C.五、角色扮演用配音的方式让学生朗读故事,激发学生的兴趣。Now, you are Bobo and Dongdong. Read the story one picture by one.First, Picture1.课件一幅幅呈现故事片段,对话框被掏空,请学生自己扮演角色。配音成功点击对话框出现对话内容并配有掌声。用老师的神情语调引导学生有感情的读。学生自己扮演角色配音.

9、六、重组故事通过重组故事让学生脱离图片帮助,真正阅读。将事先准备好的打乱的单独的句子分给学生,引导学生重新组成故事。三组学生,先分发一组,帮助他们读出句子并按句子顺序站成一排。排好后请他们按顺序读出故事。第一组示范完成后,请他们将句子传给第二组学生,老师分发句子给第三组。第一组学生与老师一起读故事,二、三两组学生听故事,读手中的句子。按顺序站成一排。二、三两组学生依次读出手中的句子,评出两组中读的较好的一组。学生认真阅读手中的句子,按故事顺序站成一排。七、小结一节课学生表现的总结,让学生保持学习英语的热情。You are very good today! I think Group 1 is the best! Group2 and Group3, come on! Come on!Come on! Come on!反思:由于时间关系,评价部分做得不够好。如果能将小组评价和个人评价相结合,就能够更好的调动学生的情绪。五年级是高年级,评价如何能做得更有深度,更能体现小组合作是以后工作中要努力探索的。最后一个活动如果是在教室中,将纸条贴在墙上学生去找,比赛两组的速度和准确性,效果更好。因为学生必须先阅读再朗读。


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