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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级一年级教学形式口语课教 师何婉华单 位佛山市第九小学课题名称佛山市第九小学校本研究学情分析这是一年级上学期的内容,教学的对象是一年级学生,他们活泼好动,好奇心强,学习态度积极,爱模仿,喜欢挑战自我,但是注意力集中的时间不长。他们在前面的单元在之前孩子们只学习了三个单元,学习了六首英语歌,词汇量不多,能够说一些简单的问候语和对话,能听懂一些简单的课堂用语和能有秩序地进行课堂游戏。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。教学内容:We sing 第一册Unit 4 Animals Part 1,2.(包括歌曲 Old Macd

2、onald had a farm.和里面的单词chick, duck, cow, ) ,句子:What animals can you see ? I can see-.教学重点、难点:会唱歌曲和听说、认读三个单词。教具:有关六种小动物的头饰、玩具,相关单词卡片。通过幻灯片创设情境引入新课、出示六种小动物的动态图片,帮助学生理解,同时调动课堂学习气氛。教学方法:小组合作学习教学过程1. Good morning, children. Good morning. Nice to see you .( Nice to see you again.) How are you ? I am fine,

3、 and you ? I am happy, because some teachers are here to listen to our English lesson. Lets sing a song for them. “How are you ?” Good. This class well go to Old Macdonalds farm to see the animals.( Follow T to red the title.) Look, were on the farm now. (Put on a hat to be Old Macdonald. Say hello

4、to the children. Welcome to old Macdonalds farm. ) What animals can you see ? Say and do actions. (Put the pictures on the blackboard, then cover one part of the animals.a bird, a dog, a cat. )(There is a picture on the BB. a bird, a dog, a cat in the picture.)Listen! Listen to the song. What animal

5、s can you see ?Say and actions. duck say and do actions.Chick ,say and do actions.On the farm we also can see the pig / the cow . Learn the new words , say and do actions one by one for a train. 1)T does actions, Ss say out the words.2) S1 does the actions, S1 says out the words. 3) S1 says out the

6、words, SS do actions.4) Practice in four.5) Listen to the sound and guess out the words.6) Look and say. Ss watch the words and mime the actions, S1 say out the words on the screen.7) Find the friends. Words match the pictures.7) Show time. Hello, I am Old Macdonald . I would like to introduce the a

7、nimals to you. Listen ! Hello, I am Old Macdonald. I have a cat. This is my cat. Ask some children to introduce in four. Then introduce for the whole class.8) Good. You all did a good job. Lets listen to the song again.9) Read the sentence .10) Sing together.11) Sing in four.12) Sing for the whole class.板书设计Old Macdonalds farm Unit4 Aanimalsbird cat dogpig cow duckchick作业或预习Listen ,sing and read Part 1&2.自我评价课堂上孩子们做的很好,很积极配合所有的活动,他们也很投入。特别是那个小组活动更是亮点,我让孩子在四人小组扮演Old Macdonal介绍自己农场里的动物,因为已经做了很好的示范,也叫了几个孩子上讲台介绍,孩子们读很会介绍,在四人小组更是熟练,虽然他们的词汇量还不多,但是他们能把主要的句子说得很清楚,表现很好。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:


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