PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册《Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt》精品教案.doc

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1、Unit3 Is this your skirt?(B)Lets talkTeaching Aims :1、能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:These are your pants. And those are my shoes. They are so small.2、能够在完成语言任务活动的过程中使用这些句子描述自己或他人的衣服。Teaching important points :掌握本课时的主要句型:These are your pants. And those are my shoes.Teaching difficult points::引导孩子在情境中理解和运用主句型,以及the

2、se, those, this, that 的区分。Teaching tools :CAI、 tape、cards and clothesTeaching process:Step 1 Warm-up1.Lets chant让孩子在说的过程中,巩固单复数形式的表达。2Read the word cards each for twice .3.Show the objects and ask :What are they ?师示范:Theyre 然后引导学生自问自答。并板书:What are they ? Theyre .Step 2 Presentation1.T:Just now ,we t

3、alked about clothes ,John and Mom are talking about clothes too. Lets watch TV and find out :What are they ?2.Lets watch again and answer :Whose are they ?当学生回答后,再问:But what for ?引出:Our neighbour has a new baby .分解单词,练习neighbour。3.Listen to the tape ,point and repeat .Try to imitate them .(分段推进,每模仿完

4、一段,就让学生进行练习,如果these those不上口,可用词卡进行讲授。)Step 3 Practice1.Im Mom, youre John .Girls are Mom ,Boys are John .2.Try to perform the dialog in roles .3.(CAI)Look ! This is a shirt . (板书句型This is)One shirt ,two shirts ,three shirts .These are shirts .(板书句型These are)并练读。T:Whats that ?引导学生说That is a Tshirt .

5、 (板书句型That is)One Tshirt, two T-shirts .Those are Tshirts. (板书句型Those are)并练读。4. Lets Chant .5.Try to make a new Chant .Step 4.Consolidation 1.(CAI)Talk the clothes in groups .2.Lets find out Look at me .I ll make a model . These are my Theyre That is my Its .What do you choose for your trip ,choose

6、 two or three clothes .First color then tell your partners.3. Describe your own clothes .Look !This is my sweater .Its red . These are my pants .Theyre black .Summary and homework :1.Listen to the tape and repeat three times .2.Draw your favourite clothes and describe them .板书设计 Unit3 Is this your skirt?What are they ? Theyre These are This is eightThose are That is neighbour


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