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1、中国共产党农村改革与发展重要理论与实践评析(19782009) 中国共产党农村改革与发展重要理论与实践评析(19782009)【中文摘要】 马克思说过:“现代的历史是乡村城市化的历史”。从传统农业社会向现代社会转型是人类历史发展不可逆转的潮流。在世界现代化的历史潮流中,每个国家都无法回避地要对自己的农业发展道路做出选择。一个国家选择什么样的农业发展道路,不仅决定着农业自身的现代化进程,而且也决定着整个社会的现代化进程。农村是农业、农民发展的环境和背景,是“三农”问题在地理区位上的体现,是“三农”问题的汇合点与集聚处。农村问题不解决,中国现代化就无法真正实现。“三农”问题也就始终是中国现代化绕不




5、中国共产党仍需结合世情、国情、农情,不断探索开创建设有中国特色社会主义的农村现代化道路。【英文摘要】 Marx once said:“the history of modern times is the one of urbanization of rural area.”The transformation of traditional agricultural society to modern society is an irreversible trend in the history of human development. During the historical trend

6、of global modernization, every nation is obliged to make a choice of its own way of rural development, which determines not only its process of rural modernization, but also the modernization of its society as a whole. The country of a nation is the atmosphere and background of the development of ag

7、riculture and farmers, the reflection of geological location and the focus as well of the issue of Chinas agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The modernization of China cannot be truly achieved without the resolution of the issue of Chinas agriculture, rural areas and farmers, which is always the

8、inevitable issue during the process. The rural modernization of China is facing much more severe tasks for its thousands years of brilliant agricultural history.Seeking the right way of solving the issue of Chinas agriculture, rural areas and farmers has become the core issue of Chinese revolution a

9、nd construction. the communist way of agricultural development is determined by the nations basic condition, which also determined that the nation has no other way but to follow a distinctive way of rural development being different from other communist countries. The history of China during the 20t

10、h century has proved that every important social change is closely connected with the influence of Chinese Communist Party since its birth. Proceeding form Chinas basic condition and summarizing the experiences of Chinese agricultural development, Chinese Communist Party creatively connected the the

11、ories of Marxist agricultural development with the state of Chinese country, positively seek the developing way of Chinese rural construction, formed theories and practical ways of rural reform and development of Chinese characteristics, offering theoretical support and practical guide for the resol

12、ution of the issue of Chinas agriculture, rural areas and farmers and the development of the rural economical society, since the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in 1978.Limiting the t

13、ime span from the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in 1978 till now, this paper made an overall review and practical inspection of important theories and practices of rural reform and development of Chinese Communist Party since reform and opening-up

14、 of China. The first part of the paper reviewed the fundamental process of Chinese rural reform and development since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in 1978, historically investigated the basic background of the new-round rural reform and devel

15、opment, and divided the process of rural reform and development of the past 30 years into four phases; taking the important theories and practices of rural reform and development of Chinese Communist Party since the year of 1978 as the clue, the second part concluded and extracted the profile of the

16、 great changes of rural reform and development. Besides, taking the classical theories and great actions implemented under the direction of the Chinese Communist Party during the past 30 years as a point of penetration, the second part systematically inspected and practically analyzed the household

17、contract responsibility system, the industrialization and urbanization of the country, the construction of new socialist countryside, which is a conclusion of evolution of the country construction theories under the direction of the Chinese Communist Party from the lognitudinal level and is an inspe

18、ction of the theories and practices of contry construction in every period since reform and opening-up of China from the transversal level. The third part gave a general summary of the fundamental experiences of rural reform and development and, an analysis of the theoretical value and practical sig

19、nificance of a series of great actions, and also a self-reflection of the problems and future of rural reform and development.Its not the aim to indulge in the history, following the rule is the way to welcome a better future. the recognition of the Chinese Communist Party towards chinese economical

20、 modernization, chinese economic system reform, chinese developing way is developing and getting deeper and mature, and the general evolution and exploration is on the way. Chinese rural modernization is still shouldering heavy responsiblities. Combining the condition of the world, the nation, the a

21、griculture, the Chinese Communist Party will be on the way of exploring communist rural modernization of chinese characteristics.【中文关键词】 十一届三中全会; 农村承包责任制; 农村工业化和城镇化; “三农”; 新农村 【英文关键词】 The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party; The Household Contract Respo

22、nsibility System; The Industrialization and Urbanization of the Country; The Issue of Chinas Agriculture; Rural Areas and Farmers; The Construction of New Socialist Countryside 【论文目录】中文摘要 6-8 Abstract 8-9 导言 10-11 一 选题意义 10 二 国内外研究现况 10-11 三 基本构思和方法 11 第一部分:十一届三中全会以来中国农村改革与发展的基本历程 11-19 (一) 新一轮农村改革与

23、发展启动的历史背景 12-14 1. 解放思想、实事求是思想路线重新确立 12-13 2. 对传统社会主义农村发展模式的反思 13 3. 改革前的农村危机引致农民改革诉愿 13-14 (二) 农村改革与发展的基本历史进程 14-19 1. 农村经营体制改革(19781984) 14-15 2. 农村市场化改革探索(19841992) 15-17 3. “三农”问题凸显阶段(90 年代中后期) 17-18 4. 农村综合改革阶段(21 世纪以来) 18-19 第二部分:十一届三中全会以来中国共产党农村改革与发展重要理论及实践考察 19-46 (一) 伟大的乡村改革:农村承包责任制的推行 20-2

24、6 1. 农村承包责任制的确立历程 20-23 2. 实行农村承包责任制的历史功绩 23-25 3. 实行农村承包责任制的局限 25-26 (二) 农村工业化的发展及城镇化建设 26-36 1. 农村工业的兴起和发展 27-29 2. 乡镇企业的发展成就及困境反思 29-32 3. 小城镇的发展及战略意义 32-36 (三) 社会主义新农村理论考察 36-46 1. 新农村建设理论提出的过程 36-39 2. 新农村建设理论的基本内容 39-41 3. 新农村建设理论的新举措与新特色 41-44 4. 新农村建设理论提出的伟大意义 44-46 第三部分:中国共产党农村改革与发展重要理论与实践的

25、伟大意义和经验总结 46-56 (一) 理论价值和实践意义 46-49 1. 中国共产党农村建设理论是马克思主义中国化的新成果 46-47 2. 中国共产党农村建设理论是新时期“三农”工作的指导思想 47-48 3. 中国共产党农村建设理论是经济社会发展新阶段的新要求 48-49 (二) 经验总结 49-53 1. 始终把“三农”问题作为贯穿中国社会现代化的基本问题 49-50 2. 解放思想,实事求是,一切从实际出发 50 3. 政策的稳定性与连续性 50-51 4. 以人为本,实现好、维护好农民群众的利益作为制定农村政策的根本出发点和落脚点 51-52 5. 坚持科学发展观统领,实现农村经济社会全面协调可持续发展 52-53 (三) 未完待尽的思考 53-56 注释 56-58 参考文献 58-60 攻读学位期间发表的学术论著 60-61 致谢 61


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