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1、英文简历里的自我评价【英文简历的自我评价范文】英文简历制作时一定要尽情地表现你自我评价,而不是别人。下面是带来的内容,欢迎阅读!Familiar with the installation and maintenance of thesoftware Familiar with the puter hardware assembly and maintenance, familiar with windowsXX, xp, severXX operatingsystem installationand configurationand maintenance of a goodfoundati

2、on of puter knowledge and work technology, work equipment, LAN and working technology have a certainunderstandingThere are work security,work managementand workmaintenance of the basics. Understand the construction of thesitefamiliarwith the siteeditorand managementto understandthe optimization of t

3、he site know how to promote the site and site security. Understand the general work security software installation and use.Proficient in linux server, windows serverXX server configuration and management, work security management, sql server database series of operation and management, familiarwith

4、c language, c, delphi, java language, Cisco and Ruijie work equipment configuration and maintenance. In November XX toparticipate in the national soft test and aess to work engineer intermediate title.Strong self-learning ability, a high degree of responsibility, a strong plasticity, love of work, l

5、ove life, honest and trustworthy, and people are good, filial piety,caring for others. Not pleased, not to have passion. In the face of setbacks, convinced: born I will be useful. As long as 1%of the hope, we must pay 100% effort. Sincerely hope that my join for your units to bring considerable bene

6、fits.As a long time to do puter motherboards, so the motherboard wiring rules and precautions quite understand. Wiring will take into aount the process of EMI, signal timing, cooling and other issues. Can be pleted independently of the list into the GERBERthe whole process, the latter part of the pl

7、ant can be washed and hit the factory to solve the technical aspects of the problem. Parts library will be built to maintain. Basic understanding of English LAYOUT GUIDE.Has a good team spirit, to closely cooperate with the hardware, heat, electronics engineers. The LAYOUT tool isALLEGRO and very pr

8、oficient.The board produced severalproductionforthe pany to createa good efficiency.Also wantto do some different products to enhance themselves and learnmore things. My ability to aept and patience can be, for thenew thingscan quicklyget started.I hope foryour pany, thankyou.Character cheerful, eas

9、y-going, good integrity, treatpeople in good faith.Thinking rigorous, thorough, stronginitiative and sense of responsibility.Interests in a widerange, likesports,readingnewspapers, chattingwith friends,enjoy filmand televisionworks. Strong organizationalskills,hard work, proactive,strong sense of re

10、sponsibility,unityandfraternity, a collective sense of honor, full of innovativespirit.I am eager to learn motivated, honest, dedicated, strong sense of responsibility, there is a strong group spirit, serious and positive work, strict and responsible. I am abination of personality inside and outside

11、, adaptable, honest, have good interpersonal skills, with relevant professional knowledge and seriousness. Attentive, patient work attitudeand good professional ethics. I believe the collective spirit of the work of a serious and responsible, always want to do things better!Proficient in Java SE and

12、 Java EE technology, includingServlet/ JSp, Applet, JDBC, EJB, WebService and so on. Masterof object-oriented analysis and design techniques, includingdesign patterns.Can integrateenterprisemanagementconcepts,businessprocesses, basic data, human and materialresources,puter hardware and software and

13、manyotherenterpriseresources,and applicationERp system forenterpriseresourcemanagement.Ikind,self-confidence,self-discipline,self-motivated,have a strong organizational and management capacity. Work conscientiously and responsibly, have the courage to take on tasks and responsibilities, be able to quickly aept newknowledge and quicklyadapt to the new environment,have a goodteam spiritwith good personalaffinity.Good overallquality,with the conditions of pound talents.英文简历的自我评价范文相关文章:1. 怎么写英文简历自我评价2. 英语简历自我评价范文 3 篇3. 英文简历中的自我评价范文 5 篇4. 英文简历模板 英文版优秀个人简历范文5. 英文简历自我介绍范文内容仅供参考


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