七年级英语上unit 2 topic 2 What does she look likeSection B教学设计(精品)仁爱版.doc

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1、七上英语Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look likeSection B教学设计仁爱版The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:give, give to , letter, sorry, like, look like, tall, will, Ill, young2. (1)Continue to talk about peoples appearances:Wh

2、at does she look like?She is tall. She has short brown hair. (2)Continue to talk about colors: What color is his/her hair? It is What color are his/her eyes? They are . Teaching aids 教具图片/录音机/小黑板/彩笔/白色信封/学生的书包. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (1)(利用彩笔来复习询问颜色的句式和表示颜色的

3、单词。)T:Look. What color is it?Ss:Its red.T:How do you spell it?Ss:R-E-D, red.(2)(在教室内找颜色。)T:What colors can you find in our classroom? Please point them out, and then work in pairs.2. (挂出小黑板,根据小黑板上的信息和图片进行互动问答,复习描述人物的句型。)Name: Yao Ming Name: Pan Chang jiangFrom: Shanghai From: LiaoningT:Now, please l

4、ook at the blackboard and talk about it.(指着姚明的图片进行问答。)T:Who is he?Ss:He is Yao Ming.T:Where is he from?Ss:He is from Shanghai.T:Does he have long hair?Ss:No, he doesnt. He has short hair.T:What color is his hair?Ss:Its black.T:Is he short?(教师辅以手势。)Ss:No, he isnt.T:Good. He is tall.(教师辅以手势。)(板书并讲解画线部

5、分。)tall, short Yao Ming (tall, short black hair)What does he look like?T:So what does Yao Ming look like?Ss:He is tall. He has short black hair.(引导学生一起说。)(让学生根据潘长江的图片进行对话,然后表演。)S1: Who is he?S2: He is Pan Changjiang.S1: Where is he from?S2: He is from Liaoning.S1: Does he have big eyes?S2: Yes, he d

6、oes.S1: What color are his eyes?S2: They are black.S1: Is he short?S2: Yes, he is.T:So what does Pan Changjing look like?Ss:He is short. He has big black eyes.3. (拿出事先准备好的一位学生的书包进行问答。)T:Whats this?Ss:Its a bag.T:What color is it?Ss:Its blue.T:Yes. Its a blue bag. Its very nice. But its not mine.(运用摇

7、头或摆手等肢体语言。) Its Huang Xins.(然后请第一排的一位学生把书包往后传递,最后递给Huang Xin。)T:Huang Yao, please give this bag to Huang Xin.(重复Give this bag to Huang Xin.这个句子,运用手势提示。) (板书)give to Please give this bag to Huang Xin. (学生之间进行实物传递,操练该句式。) S1: S2. Please give this pen to S3. S2: S3. Please give this book to S4. S3: S4.

8、 Please give this ruler to S5. 4. (老师出示一个信封,导出生词。) T: Whats this? Ss:Its a letter.(老师帮助学生回答。) (板书)letter T: Its Marias letter. I want to give it to her. But I dont know her. What does she look like? (导入1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (教师出示1a挂图,让学生看图,听录音并回答问题。What does Maria look like?)2. (学

9、生再听录音并画出生词。)3. (教师利用小黑板出示1a重点,并讲解。)give to .Ill give it to her.Sorry, I dont know her.What does she look like?She is tall. She has 4. (让学生听1a录音并跟读,后分角色朗读。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (让学生两人一组操练1a。)2. (让学生用实物来编对话并表演,完成1b。)T:Now please act it out. Use some real things.S3:Please give this bo

10、ok to Chen Lin. He is in Class One, Grade Seven.S4:Sorry, I dont know him. What does he look like?S3:He is short. He has big black eyes. And his bag is yellow.S4:Oh, I see. Ill give it to him.3. (根据2的4幅图,师生互动问答,巩固新句型。)(1)T:Now look at Picture 3 in Part 2. What does he look like?Ss: He is short. He h

11、as black hair and big black eyes.T:OK. Look at Picture 1. He is young.(重复) What does he look like?Ss: He is young. He has short blond hair and a big nose. (以此类推,描述Picture 2和Picture 4。)(2)(大声朗读1、2、3、4句子,把序号填在相应的图片上完成2。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (1)(出示3中第一幅图进行师生问答并板书重点句型。)T: Where is he from?W

12、hat color is his hair?Its brown.Ss:He is from Cuba.T: Ss:What color are his eyes?They are black.T: Ss:(2)(接着出示第二幅图,让学生模仿(1)继续操练。)(3)(教师让学生两人一组就图3、图4进行问答。)(4)(写出每幅图中国旗的颜色,完成3。)2. (听4录音,回答问题,并给雪人涂上相应的颜色。)T:First, look at the questions carefully. Then listen to the tape and color the snowman, then writ

13、e down the answers.(听两遍录音,核对答案。)3. (做游戏。把班级学生分成两组,依据书中5的示例进行练习,巩固have/has, dont/doesnt have 的用法,完成5。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)1. (画出自己的好朋友,突出他的特点并着上颜色。然后根据图画两人一组编对话。)T:Now please draw a picture of your good friend, then color it and talk about the picture.S1:Who is this girl?S2:She is my fri

14、end.S1: Does she have long hair?S2: No, she doesnt. She has short hair.S1: What color is her hair?S2: Its black.S1: What color are her eyes?S2: They are yellow.2. Homework:(1)掌握1a对话。(2)画一画自己的外貌特征。(3)写一篇介绍人物的短文,描述自己喜欢的人,要用到表示颜色的词。板书设计:What does she look like?Section B1.give to Please give this letter to Maria. What color is his/her hair? Ill give it to her. It is 2.What does she look like?What color are his/her eyes?She is tall. She has short black hair. They are


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