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1、Module 6 Unit 2 What is happening to you 一词汇复习篇:【单词】1. devote vt. 投入于,献身 devote oneself to = be devoted to 致力于,献身于;专心于;忠诚于,热爱Devoted (= Devoting himself) to his research, he spared no time to spend with his family.致力于研究,他抽不出时间来陪家人。 devote ones life / energy / attention / time to 把生命/精力/注意力/时间用于(献给)H

2、e has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. 他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。I could only devote half an hour a day to my English study. 我一天只能花半小时学英语。2. accomplish vt. 完成(任务等);实现(计划等);达到(目的)He can accomplish more work in a day than any other boy in his class. 他一天所完成的作业比他班上其他的孩子都多。 I will accomplish my purpo

3、se at any cost. 无论花任何代价我决心要达到我的目的。3. adapt vt. 使适应,使适合;改写,改编 vi. 适应各种不同情况和环境 adapt oneself / sth to 使适应或习惯于某事Can you adapt yourself to the new job? 你能适应这份新工作吗?We must adapt our thinking to the new conditions. 我们必须使自己的思维适应新的情况。 adapt sth into sth 把 改写 / 改编成They want to adapt my story into a movie. 他们

4、要把我的故事改编成电影。 be adapted from 根据 改写 / 改编 The movie was adapted from a novel. 这部电影是由小说改编的。 be adapted for 为 改编 / 改写This is a book adapted for a beginner of English. 这是一本为英语初学者改写的书。 adapt to sth 适应,适合Can you adapt to this new job? 你能适应新的工作吗?She lacked the ability to adapt easily. 她缺少适应能力。4. arrange vt.

5、 & vi. 安排,筹备 arrange sth (for)Can you arrange a trip for us? 你能为我们安排一次旅行吗? arrange to do sth I have arranged to meet her at ten oclock. 我约定在十点钟会见她。Weve still got to arrange how to get to the airport. 我们还得安排如何到达机场。 arrange that-clauseI have arranged that my secretary will meet you at the airport. 我已安

6、排好秘书到机场接你。 arrange for sb / sth to do sthIve arranged for a car to pick them up at the station. 我已安排了一辆汽车去车站接他们。5. allocate vt. (为某目的) 拨出 (款项等); 分配,配给allocation n. allocate sth (to sb /sth)More resources are being allocated to the project. 正在调拨更多的资源给这个项目。 allocate sth for (doing) sth A large sum has

7、 been allocated for buying new books for the library. 已经划拨一大笔款子给图书馆购买新书。6. quit vt. & vi. 停止,放弃 (quit; quit或quitted; quitted)Ive decided to quit my job. 我已决定辞职了。Youre never a loser until you quit trying. 放弃努力之前,你永远不是失败者。Ive had enough, so I quit to pursue my dream. 我受够了,所以辞职不干了,去追逐我的梦想。 7. guidance

8、n. 指导,引导 I need some guidance on / with my English. 我需要有人指导我的英语学习。 under sb s guidance = under the guidance of sb 在某人指导下 He did the experiment under his teachers guidance. 他在老师的指导下做了这个实验。We should not do anything under the guidance of instincts. 我们不应该凭着直觉做事情。8. ahead of (时间、空间)在前面,在前方;提前;处于优势或领先地位Do

9、nt let them get ahead of us. 别让他们追到我们前头。We have whole life ahead of us. 还有长远美好的人生等待着我们。 He arrived an hour ahead of time. 他提前一小时到达了。He is ahead of me in English. 他的英语比我好。9. be to do (动词不定式做表语,解释主语的内容) What I want is to stay at home and sleep for a whole day tomorrow.我明天想做的就是待在家里睡一天的觉。 当主语部分有实义动词do时,

10、做表语的动词不定式可以省略to。The best thing to do is work with love! 最好的选择就是带着爱去工作!All you have to do is follow me. 你只要跟着我就行了。10. communicate vt. & vi. 交流,沟通,传达,(房间、道路、花园等)相通Can we communicate in English / by e-mail? 我们可以用英语/电子邮件进行交流吗?Do you think it hard to communicate with your parents? 你认为跟父母沟通困难吗?He is eager

11、 to communicate his ideas to each group. 他急于把他的想法传达给每一个小组。This room communicates with the other room. 这个房间与那一个房间相通。11. guarantee vt. 保证;担保 n. 保证;担保;起保证作用的事物Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. 许多店主对顾客保证满意。We guarantee to deliver free of charge tomorrow. 我们保证明天免费送货上门。I guarantee that

12、 youll like this book. 我保证你会喜欢这本书。My watch is guaranteed for one year. 我的表保修一年。He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. 他向我保证这种事情绝不会再发生。Money is no guarantee of happiness. 金钱并非幸福的保证。12. instant adj. 立即的,立刻的;方便的,即食的,速溶的 n. 瞬间,片刻instant coffee / noodles速溶咖啡 / 速食面The film was an instant

13、 success. 这部电影一上映就获得了成功。Her letter asked for an instant reply. 她的信要求立即回复。Ill be back in an instant. 我马上就回来。He paused for an instant. 他停了一会儿。Ill telephone you the instant I know. 我一知道就立即给你电话。13. company n. 陪伴;同伴;交际,交往 keep sb company 陪伴某人Ill stay here and keep you company. 我会留下来陪你。 in company with 陪同

14、,和在一起;与同时 Today is the best day of my life because I am in company with you.今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因为我现在和你在一起。He came in company with his friends. 他是和朋友一起来的。He, in company with many others, feels this decision is wrong.和许多其他人一样,他也觉得这个决定是错误的。 for company 陪着I hate going out alone. I take my daughter for compan

15、y. 我不愿独自一人出门,带女儿作个伴。【短语】1. achieve success in sth在某方面取得成功2. meet / reach a goal实现目标3. keep working hard一直很努力4. cheer sb up使某人高兴起来5. in good spirits情绪好,精神好6. the secret to happiness幸福的秘诀7. cry about / over为而哭泣8. overcome ones disappointment克服失落感9. adapt to new life适应新的生活10. host sports programme主持体育节

16、目11. look back on回顾,回忆12. at that point in life在人生的那个阶段13. in a rush匆忙地,急切地14. allow people to live longer让人更加长寿15. work part-time jobs= moonlight vi. (moonlighted; moonlighted)做兼职工作 moonlighter n. 做兼职工作的人16. assist sb with sth帮助某人某事 assist sb to do sth/assist sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事17. simplify our

17、 lives简化我们的生活18. take time to relax抽空放松一下19. make ones own decision自己做决定20. have a secure job有一份稳定的工作 二单元试题篇:译林牛津版英语M 6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you试题 第一部分: 听力(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分35分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Ive lost the game again.

18、! Its not that bad!A. Cheer upB. Im sorryC. Its up to youD. Oh, my goodness22. They showed great when they found out about their babys disability.A. pride B. optimism C. courage D. sympathy23. Steve is such an efficient boy that he can more in a day than any other boy in his class.A. accomplish B. a

19、rrange C. adapt D. allocate24. Why do you want to quit your job? I think one reason is that I dont my leader any more.A. believeB. agree C. believe inD. agree with25. Do you remember the first time we met? At that time you us a lecture.A. had givenB. were givingC. have givenD. gave26. It is said tha

20、t you have given up your job as a secretary. Why? The salary is OK, but I have got nothing in the office all the time.A. tired of doingB. tired for doingC. tiring to doD. tiring with doing27. Tom has gone to Canada. Oh, I wonder when he .A. has leftB. leavesC. left D. was leaving28. The house belong

21、s to my aunt but she here any more.A. hasnt livedB. didnt liveC. hadnt liveD. doesnt live 29. Mary and I used to keep in touch writing e-mails to each other very often.A. withB. onC. fromD. by30. Now that the kids have left home we a lot of extra space.A. have been gettingB. have got C. were getting

22、D. got31. Excuse me, what time can I see you tonight? Can we it at seven oclock?A. seeB. decideC. makeD. fix32. A group of soldiers went into the woods in _ of the missing pilot.A. search B. searchingC. searchedD. to search33. Speaking English can help you people in an English-speaking country.A. ag

23、ree withB. communicate withC. communicate toD. write to 34. Im sure that everything will satisfactory in the end.A. look outB. turn outC. take out D. bring out35. How are you today? Oh, I as ill as I do now for a very long time.A. didnt feelB. wasnt feeling C. dont feelD. havent felt第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每

24、小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Can you imagine becoming the richest person in the world and then giving your money away? Thats exactly what Andrew Carnegie 36 . Carnegie had a number of different careers; he was an industrialist and a businessman and he made a lot of

25、money. He believed that 37 people were morally obligated (有责任的) to give their 38 back to others in society. So after retirement in 1901, the worlds 39 man decided to become a philanthropist (慈善家), a person who gives money to good 40 . 41 Carnegie had made some charitable donations before 1901, he re

26、ally made giving away money his new 42 after retirement. In 1902 he founded the Carnegie Institution to fund scientific research and 43 a pension fund (退休基金) for teachers with a $10 million donation. Throughout his life, Andrew Carnegie loved to read. As a result, it made 44 that he wanted to give m

27、oney to 45 education and reading. When Carnegie was a young man he lived near Anderson, a rich man who 46 any working boy to use his 47 library for free. In those days, America 48 had a system of free public libraries and poor people usually had nowhere to find books to read. Carnegie never forgot A

28、ndersons 49 ; so he gave money to towns and cities to establish more than 2,000 public 50 . He also gave $125 million to a foundation called the Carnegie Corporation (卡耐基社团法人) to 51 colleges and other schools. World peace was another cause Carnegie 52 . He established the Carnegie Endowment (基金) for

29、 international peace and funded the building of the Hague Palace of Peace, which 53 the World Court with houses, in the Netherlands. By 1911, Carnegie had 54 a huge amount of money 90 percent of his 55 . Today, Carnegie has a world-wide reputation, both for his success in his business and in his con

30、tributions to charity.36. A. admiredB. promisedC. said D. did37. A. wealthyB. sincereC. educated D. considerate38. A. businessB. experienceC. wisdom D. money39. A. richestB. purest C. poorest D. smartest40. A. expectations B. causesC. reputations D. decisions41. A. Until B. Though C. Since D. Becaus

31、e42. A. hobby B. hopeC. life D. career 43. A. discovered B. establishedC. applied D. awarded44. A. fun B. success C. sense D. effect45. A. support B. continueC. raiseD. Extend46. A. allowed B. supposedC. followed D. praised47. A. public B. personalC. secret D. main48. A. rarely B. nearly C. usually

32、D. really49. A. enthusiasm B. generosityC. courageD. Energy50. A. libraries B. schools C. hospitalsD. Academies51. A. buy B. aidC. assessD. Choose52. A. burst inB. took onC. relied on D. called in53. A. handled B. provided C. pleased D. dealt54. A. collected B. donated C. invested D. wasted55. A. st

33、rength B. opportunitiesC. efforts D. fortune第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AIt is reported that the Ebola virus has returned to Africa. The virus causes a disease called Ebola hemorrhagic (出血的) fever. The Ebola virus affects animals and people. It kill

34、ed more than 200 people in the former Zaire in 1995. This year, the Ebola virus has killed more than 150 people in Uganda. The Ebola virus kills so quickly that the bodys defense system has no time to act against it. The disease kills fifty to ninety percent of the people it infects (感染). The diseas

35、e begins with high body temperature, severe headache and muscle hurting. Then it causes severe bleeding and organ failure. Then the victim dies. Doctors say a person with the Ebola virus usually dies within three weeks after becoming infected. The disease spreads by people touching the body fluids o

36、f an infected person. No medicine or treatment now exists for the disease. Recently, however, American researchers announced progress in developing a medicine to prevent Ebola hemorrhagic fever in monkeys. The scientists gave eight monkeys a small but deadly amount of the Ebola virus. They gave an e

37、xperimental vaccine (疫苗) to only four of them. The monkeys that did not receive the vaccine died within a week. The vaccine prevented the disease from developing in the four monkeys that received it. All the four monkeys were healthy six months later. The researchers said this was the first time a v

38、accine had protected animals similar to humans from the deadly Ebola virus. They will continue to test the vaccine on animals by giving them increasingly strong amounts of the virus.56. The first symptom of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is _.A. high body temperatureB. serious bleedingC. severe body hurtin

39、g D. organ failure57. The Ebola virus can cause death quickly mainly because _.A. it causes a great deal of sufferingB. it causes people to lose much bloodC. the bodys defense system hasnt time to act against itD. it can easily produce viruses in peoples bodies58. From the passage we can learn that

40、_.A. the Ebola virus was originally found in AfricaB. progress in finding a vaccine to prevent the Ebola virus has been madeC. monkeys can be infected by the Ebola virus through airD. people infected with the Ebola virus always die immediately after being infected59. Which of the following statement

41、s is TRUE according to the passage?A. Monkeys are similar to humans in how a vaccine affects them.B. The researchers directly tested the vaccine on people.C. Half of all moneys injected with the vaccine died six months later.D. The researchers gave the monkeys a large amount of the Ebola virus. B It

42、s hard to find a star shining brighter in Nashville than Kenny Chesney. Since he took off 15 years ago, this country musician has sold more than 25 million albums, has had sixteen No. 1 hits, won countless awards and had a sea of loyal fans who have made him the biggest North American concert-ticket

43、 seller. Kenny is certainly at the height of his career as he releases his Greatest Hits II album this week. Its a collection of songs in which he says each takes him to a different place or event in his life. The most personal is the song Im Alive, Kenny tells The Boot. Most of the songs on this re

44、cord are really fun, but I wrote Im Alive after my breakup with Renee. I woke up one day and realized, even though I had gone through this and didnt feel good about it, my life still belongs to me. Im alive; I get to make music; Ive got a lot of great friends. Thats the message of the song. Kenny insists that the song selection for Greatest Hits II is not formulaic(刻板的). In addition to the hits that climbed the country charts, the singer also wanted to include some songs unknown to his fans that reflected his life and career path. I didnt want it to be all hits; I wanted it to be a sec


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