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1、牛津2A知识点总结1st weekUnit1 Where I live 我住在1.事物类单词:bin垃圾箱park公园 road路 building大楼 Shanghai上海2.字母: Aa apple苹果 Bb bird鸟3.家庭用语指示句型: Clean the desk, please.请把桌子弄干净。Sweep the floor, please.请把地扫一扫。2nd weekUnit1 Where I live 我住在1.日常句型: I live in Shanghai. 我住在上海。I love Shanghai. 我爱上海。2. 家住哪里问句: Where do you live

2、? 你住在哪里? I live in Pudong. 我住在浦东。I love Pudong. 我爱浦东。3.韵律诗: I love ShanghaiLike Sam and May.I use the binEvery day!I love ShanghaiLike Sam and May.I keep it cleanEvery day!4.拓展内容:Clean the classroom, please.请把教室弄干净。Sweep the classroom, please.请把教室扫一扫。Where do you live? I live in Zhengzhou. I love Zh

3、engzhou.你居住在哪里? 我居住在郑州。 我爱郑州。3rd weekUnit2 A snack bar 小吃店1.食物类单词:pizza匹萨饼 biscuit饼干hot dog热狗juice果汁water水2.字母: Cc cat 猫 Dd dog 狗3.请客招待句型:Have some noodles. 吃些面条吧.Have some soup. 喝些汤吧.4.买东西问句:May I have a hot dog? 我可以要一个热狗吗?May I have some sweets? 我可以要些糖果吗?4th weekUnit2 A snack bar 小吃店1.A shopping g

4、ame 购物游戏: May I have? 我能要。? (One pizza 一个匹萨饼 two hot dogs 两个热狗 three cakes 三个蛋糕 four ice-cream 四个冰淇淋 some biscuits 一些饼干 some sweets 一些糖果 some milk 一些牛奶 some juice 一些果汁)2.Story小故事: May I have a hot dog? 我能要个热狗吗? May I have a pizza, too? 我能还要个匹萨饼吗?Spotty ! My dog has my hot dog. 我的狗吃了我的热狗。3.拓展内容:Have

5、some rice. 吃一些米饭。Have some milk.喝一些牛奶。May I have seven mooncakes? 我可以吃七个月饼吗?May I have eight pears? May I have nine apples, too? 我可以吃八个梨吗?我可以也吃九个苹果吗?5th weekUnit3 Things I like to do 喜欢做的事情1.动作类单词:play玩run跑sleep睡swim游泳2.字母: Ee egg 鸡蛋 Ff fish 鱼3.邀请朋友一起玩句型:Come and play with me. 过来和我玩Come and sing wit

6、h me. 过来和我唱歌4.表达喜欢做某事句型:I like to play. 我喜欢玩。I like to write.我喜欢写字。6th weekUnit3 Things I like to do 喜欢做的事情1.Guess猜一猜: I like to . 我喜欢做。(read 读书 draw 画画 jump跳 dance跳舞 eat吃 see看 say说 clean the desk清理桌子 sweep the floor扫地 play yo-yo 玩悠悠球 swim 游泳)2.Song 歌曲:sing,sing,sing with me. I like to sing- Do-re-m

7、e. Dance,dance,dance with me. I like to dance-1-2-3. Write,write,write with me. I like to write-A-B-C.3.拓展内容:Come and dance with me. 来和我跳舞。Come and run with me. 来和我跑。I like to sleep. 我喜欢睡觉。What do you like to eat? I like to eat eggs. I like to eat fish, too. 你喜欢吃什么?我喜欢吃蛋。我也喜欢吃鱼。Do you like milk? 你喜欢

8、牛奶吗? Yes, I like milk. 是的,我喜欢牛奶。Do you like meat? 你喜欢肉吗? No, I dont like meat. 不,我不喜欢肉。7th weekUnit4 Going about 乘坐。1.交通运输工具单词:plane飞机ferry摆渡船 train火车 taxi出租车car小汽车 bus公共汽车 van小货车2.字母:Gg girl女孩 Hh hand手3.出行句型:Get in the car. 上小汽车Get on the bus.上公交车Get off the car/taxi/bus/van. 下小汽车/出租车/公交车/中巴车4.乘坐交通

9、工具句型:How do you go to the park? 你/你们如何去公园?I go to the park by bus. 我乘公交车去公园。We go to the park by taxi.我们乘出租车去公园。Goodbye. 再见8th weekUnit4 Going about 乘坐。1. 重点句型:I go to by. 我去(哪里)乘坐(交通工具)We go to the park by bus.我们乘公交车去公园。We go to shanghai by taxi. 我们乘出租车去上海。We go to Hangzhou by train. 我们乘火车去杭州。We go

10、 to Beijing by plane. 我们乘飞机去北京。2.Song 歌曲:Down by the bus-stop 站在公交车站 Waiting for the bus. 我们正在等公共汽车。Boopboop, Here it comes! 它来这里了!Down by the station 站在火车站 Waiting for the train. 我们正在等火车。Choochoo, Here it comes! 它来这里了!Down by the road 站在路上 Waiting for the van. 我们正在等中巴车。Beep.beep, Here it comes! 它来这

11、里了!9th weekUnit5 Crossing the road 过马路1.有关交通类单词:stop停 go行light灯fast快的slow慢的2.字母:Ii ice-cream冰淇淋Jjjelly布丁3.交通规则:Red light. Stop !红灯停 Yellow light. Wait ! 黄灯等 Green light. Go ! 绿灯行 4.出行会话:Look at the light. 看灯。Its red.它是红的。Look! The car is fast. 看!小汽车好快啊。10th weekUnit5 Crossing the road 过马路1.出行会话:Look

12、 at the light. What colour is it? Its green.Look! The bus is fast. 看灯。 它是什么颜色的? 它是绿色的。看!公共汽车是快的。Look at the light. What colour is it? Its red. Stop on the road. 看灯。 它是什么颜色的? 它是红色的。在路上停止。Look at the light. What colour is it? Its yellow. Cars wait to go. 看灯。 它是什么颜色的? 它是黄色的。小汽车等待行。2.Rhyme韵律诗:Stop, stop

13、, stop, Stop on the road. Cars wait to go, Hello ,hello, hello. Go, go , go, Cross the road. Cars go past, All very fast.11th weekUnit6 Christams 圣诞节1.方位介词:in在里面 on在上面 under在下面 实物单词:bell铃 star星星 present礼物 tree树2.字母: Kk kite风筝3.方位指令句型: Put the tree in the room. 把树放进房间里 Put the star on the tree. 把星星放在

14、树上 Put the present under the tree. 把礼物放在树下面4.圣诞节会话:Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Here are your presents.送给你们礼物。Thank you.谢谢12th weekUnit6 Christams 圣诞节1.圣诞故事会话:Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Find your present, May! 找找你的礼物,梅!Is it under the tree? 它在树下吗?Is it on the tree? 它在

15、树上吗?Is it in the bag? 它在袋子里吗?Yes! Its in the bag. 是的,它在袋子里。2.韵律诗:A yellow star A pink present I can see- I can see-Up so high On the floorOn the tree! Under the tree.13th weekUnit7 Weather 天气1.物品类单词:hats帽子(复数)gloves手套(复数)scarves围巾(复数)气象单词: winter冬天 cold冷的wind风snow雪2.字母: Ll light 灯3.句型: Look at the c

16、lock. 看钟表 Listen to the clock. 听钟表 Look at the snow. 看雪 Listen to the wind. 听风声4.询问喜好会话:Do you like winter?你喜欢冬天吗?No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢。Do you like the snowman? 你喜欢雪人吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。14th weekUnit7 Weather 天气1.A miming game默剧游戏:Winter is cold. Br.br 冬天是冷的 The wind blows. Woo.woo 风吹的呜呜 It blows on my

17、 face. Oo.oo 它吹着我的脸 It blows on my nose. Ah choo 它吹着我的鼻子2.韵律诗:It is winter- snow, snow. Winter, winter, it is cold! My hands, my toes, cold, cold, cold!3.拓展知识:Look at the bell. 看铃 Listen to the bell.听铃声。Look at the moon. 看月亮Its big and yellow. 它是大的,黄的。15th weekUnit8 Clothes 衣服1.服装类单词:tie领带 belt腰带soc

18、ks袜子(复数)shirt衬衫dress连衣裙coat外套2.字母: Mm moon 月亮3.句型:Put on your coat.穿上你的外套Take off your shoes.脱下你的鞋子。 I need a new belt. 我需要一个新皮带。 I need a new dress. 我需要一个新裙子。16th weekUnit8 Clothes 衣服1.命令型句型:Boys, put on your scarfs.男孩们,戴上你们的红领巾 Girls, put on your scarfs. 女孩们,戴上你们的红领巾Boys, take off your scarfs. 男孩们

19、,脱下你们的红领巾Girls, take off your scarfs. 女孩们,脱下你们的红领巾2.故事:I need a new dress. 我需要一个新裙子 I dont like green, Mum. I like pink. 我不喜欢绿色,妈妈。我喜欢粉红色。 I like this dress. 我喜欢这个裙子。 Yes, its beautiful. 是的,它很漂亮。 Thank you, Mum. 谢谢妈妈17th weekReview 1.字母:Aa apple苹果 Bb bird鸟 Cc cat 猫 Dd dog 狗Ee egg 鸡蛋 Ff fish 鱼 Gg gir

20、l女孩 Hh hand手 Ii ice-cream冰淇淋Jjjelly布丁Kk kite风筝 Ll light 灯 Mm moon 月亮2.事物类单词:bin垃圾箱park公园 road路 building大楼 Shanghai上海食物类单词:pizza匹萨饼 biscuit饼干hot dog热狗juice果汁water水动作类单词:play玩 run跑sleep睡swim游泳交通运输工具单词:plane飞机ferry摆渡船 train火车 taxi出租车car小汽车 bus公共汽车 van小货车有关交通类单词:stop停 go行light灯fast快的slow慢的方位介词:in在里面 on在

21、上面 under在下面实物单词:bell铃 star星星 present礼物 tree树物品类单词:hats帽子(复数)gloves手套(复数)scarves围巾(复数)气象单词: winter冬天 cold冷的wind风snow雪服装类单词:tie领带 belt腰带socks袜子(复数)shirt衬衫dress连衣裙coat外套3. 重点句型:I live in Shanghai. 我住在上海。I love Shanghai. 我爱上海。May I have a hot dog? 我能要个热狗吗? I like to dance. 我喜欢跳舞。 I like to play.我喜欢玩。I go to Pudong by taxi. 我乘出租车去浦东。18th weekTest day


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