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1、The 2nd period 第二课时教学内容Teaching content2B Unit 7 P41 P42教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1.adjectives describing weather2.the four seasons in Hong Kong.教学步骤Teaching Steps教学过程Teaching processStep 1 口语练习经典诵读1.西文经典诵读-播放CD录音跟读。(培养标准、地道的语音、语调)2.学生齐读男女对读纠音正音。3. Free talk & duty report.(训练学生的口语表达能力。)Step 2 热身导入创设情

2、境1.Sing a song The lyrics is related to the content of this unit.How is the weather? Its a fine day.How is the weather? Its a cloudy day.How is the weather? Its rainy.How is the weather? Its snowy.Step 3呈现问题启发诱导1.Duty report (which include the date, the weather, the season and some self-introduction

3、) 2.T: How many seasons are there in a year?Ss: There are four seasons in a year.T: What are they?Ss: They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.3.T: Different seasons have different weathers. Do you know the following signs? Whatre the meanings of them? Learn the words of the weather together. clou

4、dy/ rainy/ sunny/ windy拓展:Its thundering. Its lighting.Its foggy.Its snowy.Its stormy.Step4自主体验设疑质疑1.T: What is the weather like in spring/ summer/ autumn/ wimter?让学生自主总结四个季节的气候特点并进行总结。In spring,it is_ and_.In summer, it is _ and_.In autumn, it is _and _.In winter, it is _ and_.Step 5 Pair work & gr

5、oup work合作探究解惑释疑1.T: Lets play a guessing game. It is hot in the season and sometimes it is stormy. What season is it?Ss: Its summer.T: Yes, clever! Now can you make some new riddle like this? Please make riddles in groups. I give you 3minutes.2.Each group work together to make riddles as many as th

6、ey can.通过猜谜语的形式,让学生充分运用已学知识进行口语表达,来编出一些形容季节的谜语。同时小组合作的学习方式能够极大程度的培养学生的与人合作能力和协调能力。Step 6 Practice show & report展示交流评价反馈Ask the Ss to show their riddles to the class. The more riddles they can give the more points they can get.让学生分小组来给全班同学猜谜语,谜语越多得分越高,这个活动让同学们充分感受到成功的喜悦。能够吸引绝大多数同学的热情参加。教学反思What have you got after teaching?


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