Resume and application1.doc

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《Resume and application1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Resume and application1.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、求 职 信 尊敬的领导: 您好!请恕打扰.我是辽宁大学一名英语语言文学专业的研究生.我很荣幸有机会向您呈上我的个人资料.在尚未毕业之前,为了依照自己专业和兴趣尽早地投入教育教学工作,更好地发掘自身潜力,谨向各位领导作一自我推荐. 现将自己的情况简要介绍如下: 由于对英语的爱好及对教师行业热爱,二零零零年七月我在内蒙古师范大学外语学院努力完成了英语教育专业的大学本科课程,并以优异的成绩和出色的能力进入另一所本科院校英语系从事英语教学工作.三年的教学经历验证并考验了我的语言功底和业务素质,使我对高校英语教学工作深有感悟,同时也强烈策励自己对英语语言文化的更进一步探索深造。二零零三年七月我如愿考上了

2、辽宁大学外国语学院,攻读英语语言文学专业。我非常珍惜研究生教育阶段的宝贵机会,深入地探索英语语言及文化的内涵,侧重汉英文化的对比,广泛地涉猎各种英美文学体裁的作品。这不仅弥补了自己原有知识的浅陋和不足,而且使我深刻领悟到高校英语教学的意旨和关键所在:英语教学不仅仅是培养学生驾驭外族语言的流利,而更重要的是文化传承和跨文化交际的能力。另外,我深知,计算机和网络是学习和工作必不可少的工具,我对计算机办公软件如Word, Office, PowerPoint等都能熟练操作使用,并能利用网络手段广泛了解学习更新信息资料。 现在,我所修研究生课程(除毕业论文正在书写)均已经取得优异成绩。我渴望在更广阔的

3、天地培养自己,成就自己,因此我希望能够加入贵校外语院系.我会踏踏实实的做好属于自己的一份工作,竭尽全力地在工作中取得好成绩.我相信经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会做出应有的贡献.如需其他资料信息,我会及时邮寄或送达。 感谢您在百忙之中所给予我的关注,祝愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩!诚挚期望各位领导能够对我的情况予以考虑,我将热切期盼您的回音.谢谢! 此致 敬礼! 王秀艳2005年10月26日本 人 概 况求职意向高校英语教师、英语翻译等姓名王秀艳性别女出生年月1976/03身高164cm婚姻状况未婚民族蒙古族现就读院校辽宁大学外国语学院专业英语语言文学 攻读学位 硕士时间2003/07-2006

4、/07联系电话024-81981199手机13804010888E邮编110013联系地址沈阳市沈河区万寿寺街97-3-541教育及工作经历本科教育毕业院校内蒙古师范大学外语学院专业英语教育起止时间1996/09-2000/07学位学士主修课程英美文学 英语语言学 高级英语 英汉翻译 英语视听说 英语教学教法 教育学 普通心理学计算机办公软件(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)操作运用等 工作经历原工作单位内蒙古科技大学职称助教起止时间2000/072003/07职位英语教师讲授课程大学英语精读 综合英语(Integrated skills)英语视听说 英语专业阅读教程科研成果发表学

5、术论文一篇研究生教育现就读院校辽宁大学外国语学院专业 英语语言文学起止时间2003/072006/07学位硕士所修课程英美小说 英美散文 英美诗歌 美国文化 英语翻译 文体学 英语史 语用学 普通语言学 对比语言学 人类文化学 跨文化交际西方文艺批评 德语(二外)科研成果发表学术论文二篇 能力总结在语言文化方面, 三年高校教学的砺炼与考验, 三年研究生学习的充电和感悟,使我及时弥补了原有知识中的疏漏, 拓展了异域文化视野, 深化了对于英语国家历史语言文化及社会生活的理解, 从而能够较为全面得体地掌握及运用这门语言进行高校外语教学和文化交际工作. 在电脑和网络使用技能方面, 能够熟练使用Word

6、, Excel, Power Point等办公软件并运用互联网了解英语国家社会文化相关知识.自我 评 价工作认真踏实, 性格开朗大方,为人谦和坦诚求职 意 向 期望能在贵校外语院系从事外语教学工作,并得以在此学术氛围内不断扎实提高自身业务素质和教学科研水平。,备 注如贵校英语教学有相应空缺且通过您考核,我诚挚期望调入并且毕业后长期在贵校从事英语教学工作。October 26, 2005Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for a position as a teacher of English in your university or coll

7、ege where I expect my working experience and scholar endeavours can make a positive contribution. It was my enthusiasm and experience in being a teacher of English that prompts me to put forward the resume for your consideration. In 2000,I finished my college education in Inner Mongolia Normal Unive

8、rsity where I majored in methodology of English teaching; and then I worked as a teacher in Inner Mongolia Science & Technology University for three years;In September 2003, I entered School of Foreign languages of Liaoning University for further study, which includes courses of culture, literature,

9、 translation, linguistics and etc. And I will be graduating the next year with a M.A degree. These experiences have broadened my scope of knowledge culturally and linguistically and I feel I will be competent to fulfil the vocation of teaching on campus.Besides the courses I have taken in English, I

10、 also improved my learning in German and skills of using computer software.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume. If there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome any opportunity you offered for a personal interview. yours sincerely Wang X

11、iuyan RESUMEPosition desiredTeacher of English in university or collegeName: Wang Xiuyan Sex: femaleDate of birth: March 19,1976Height 164cmStatus: single Minority: mongoliaStudy: in Liaoning UniversityMajor: in English language &literaturePhone: 024-81981199Email: Education and working experienceGr

12、aduate School Inner Mongolia Normal UniversityMajor Methodology of English teaching From 1996To 2000 University worked inInner Mongolia Science & TechnologyOccupation Teacher of college English Occupational qualificationAssistant lecturerFrom2000To2003Postgraduate School Liaoning University Major En

13、glish language &literatureFrom2003To2006Competence During the three years of teaching practice in college English courses, I have already been rather experienced in fertilizing various strategies in different classes. And the postgraduate study has provided me with much more in languages, literature

14、 and culture of English-speaking countries, which not only make up for the shortages in my previous learning, but also greatly broaden my scope of knowledge culturally and linguistically. It has provided me a further understanding to college English learning and teaching, and with my scholastic effo

15、rts and endeavours, I am confident in being a qualified teacher in the future. Self-evaluationAn adaptable, responsible & cooperative employee An industrious, generous & sensible character An amicable, modest & easy-going friend.Additional ExplanationI have been working part-timely as an English tea

16、cher on campuses in Shenyang during the two-year study, which has provided me more experience and enabled me to keep up with the pace of college-English teaching. My personnel document can be transferred by rescinding a contract and my fulfilling some responsibility to the former worksite. If you ar

17、e satisfied with my efforts, I hope I am lucky enough to be offered a position after my graduation and forever. 研 究 生 课 程 成 绩 表 序号 课程名称 课程类别 成 绩1思想政治公共必修课822二外(德语)公共必修课803西方文论专业必修课804英语文体学专业必修课915文化人类学专业必修课916英语小说专业必修课867英语散文专业必修课778普通语言学专业必修课769美国文化专业必修课7710对比语言学专业必修课8011汉英语言对比专业必修课8412英语翻译专业必修课8613英语史专业必修课9014英语诗歌专业选修课8815英语语用学专业选修课7816171819


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