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1、Unit 7 Lesson 2 (II) 教案课题: 课题: Unit7 Reading ()教学理念:课堂教学以学生为主体,教师为主导;注重形成性评价,激励学生学习,得成就感,增强自信心,培养合作及探究精神。教材分析:本课重点讲述了一则启迪人心的故事。慷慨与自私的故事。学情分析:1.上节课学生已经理解了短文内容,本节课是让学生掌握短文中一些重点短语及应用,部分句型的同义句。2.培养学生自主学习能力及自主探究的精神。Jia 教学目标知识与技能技能Master some phrases and sentences in the passage.过程与方法RevisionPresentationT

2、ask-based readingThinking-Practicing 情感态度与价值观Learn to choose the right way to express .Learn to how to cooperate with others well.教学重点Some phrases and sentences in the passage.教学难点How to use the phrases and the sentences freely教学手段The students textbook ,a tape-recorder, and the students paper 教学方式 A

3、 Task-based Teaching Approach学习方式Group/Pair/Individual/Show Work 教 学 过 程 及 步 骤 的 预 设教学环节教 学 内 容师 生 活 动设 计 意 图I. OrganizationII. Warm-upIII. PresentationIV. Practice and ConsolidationV. Sum-upVI. HomeworkGreetings between the teacher and the class. 1. Have a test1.Read the passage fluently2.Check the

4、 sentences in the students paper.3.Finish off the task in the students paperFinish off the exercises in the students paper.Have the Ss sum up the contents .1. To master the important knowledge.2.To finish off the students preview paperGood morning, Class!Good morning, Ms (Mrs.)!1. To give the Ss thr

5、ee minutes to finish the paper1.Read after the tapeRead in pairs and in groups2.To give the Ss some time to check the answers in groups and then ask some Ss to show their answers with the whole class.3. Show time:Reading and find out the knowledge.To give the Ss some time to repeat the important phr

6、ases.First, finish it on ones own and then check it in groups.To draw the Ssattention To check the Sshomework and consolidate the contest the Ss learnt.To train the Ss to learn to read the passage.To help the students master the uses freelyConsolidate the contest the Ss learnt板书Unit7 ReadingLanguage

7、 points:1 善良的回报2 很久以前3 对残忍4日日夜夜Unit7 Reading (II) 学案主备人:杨帆 时间:2014年 月 日一、学习目标1.学习内容:1) 知识与技能:掌握一些同义句及重点短语,句型。2) 过程与方法:独学、对学、群学和展示。3) 情感态度与价值观:养成良好的自学、与人合作及自我探究的习惯。2.达成目标:灵活运用所学知识。二、课前导学巩固旧知1.谁在打电话?2我可以捎个口信吗?3 你能告诉她今晚给我回个电话吗?4 我可以找詹妮弗吗?5 她不在。6 几点钟对你来说合适?自我评价:完成内容等级(Good/Better/Best)困难及问题是否解决解决方法和效果一二

8、三、 课上导学(一)课前检查: 检查复习(二)学习新知1. 听录音,正音并独立完成任务。英汉互译Once upon a time an orphan named Charity lived in a fine house with a wicked old woman and her mean daughter.On the way, Charity passed under a bridge where she saw an ugly old beggar.Charity reached down and touched a stone with her finger.她们想要知道它是从哪里

9、来的。当她们到达那里时, 便四处寻找哪位巫师,但是她们只找到了一个又老又丑的乞丐。2. 熟读课文,独学,群学并展示3. 通过同学的展示,找出本课的知识点1)善良的回报 2)很久以前3)对残忍 4)日日夜夜努力工作5)派某人到某地 6)一小块面包当午饭7)变成 8)俯下身9)要求做某事 10)第二天早上11)寻找 12)离远点(三)Finish the passage on P69(四)巩固训练(先独立完成,然后组内互检,答疑解惑)词形转换1 I never repay your _(kind)to me.2 A _(beg) often passes this house and then g

10、oes to the market.3 We should be _(generosity) to the poor.4 The naughty boy is _(cruel) to the dog than the girl.5 Its a story about a _ (wick) woman.6 She _ (hug) her son tightly after the traffic accident.7 _ (one) upon a time, there was rich earth.8. _ (sudden) a strange sound came from the hous

11、e.任务型阅读 see something late she wick“Your kindness will be rewarded.” He said, “_1_ you touch will turn to gold.” Charity reached down and touched a stone with _2_ finger. It turned to gold. _3_, when the _4_ woman and her daughter _5_ the gold stone, they demanded to know where it came from. Charity told them about the wizard.任务一:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5._四作业布置 1.完成导学案 2.完成预习作业五、习题改错区:


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