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1、RETAINING CONTRACT服务合同Contract Number: 合同号1.0 The Parties 缔约方This Retaining Contract (Contract) dated on the February 28, 2009, in Chongqing, Peoples Republic of China as of is entered into by and between:本服务合同(以下简称合同)于2009年2月28日在中华人民共和国重庆市由以下双方订立:1.1 Chongqing Huansong Industrial (Group) Co. Ltd. (

2、“Client”) 重庆环松工业集团(以下简称委托方)And 和1.2 Chongqing GuangXian Law Offices (“Advisor”) 重庆广贤律师事务所(以下简称顾问方)1.3 Client and Advisor shall hereinafter be referred to individually as the Party and collectively as the Parties. 委托方和顾问方可单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。2.0 Backgrounds缔约基础2.1 In accordance with the Lawyers Act and

3、Contract Act of the Peoples Republic of China, Client engages Advisor as its retained advisor to deal with the international legal and business affairs in its business operation.根据中华人民共和国律师法和中华人民共和国合同法,委托方聘请顾问方处理国际贸易中的法律和业务事项。2.2 Through coordination with the local government agencies and businesses

4、 of both America and China, Advisor has established relationship with American cooperator(s) and introduced such American cooperator(s) as Aircraft Inventory Corporation (owned by Mr. Gary Bannister) to Client. 通过与中美政府机构和公司建立联系等方式,顾问方业已向委托方引荐航空器部件公司(由加瑞班尼斯特先生控股)等美国合作单位。2.3 The above mentioned cooper

5、ator(s) have made and finalized the several deals to Client and Client has fulfilled the shipment accordingly. 前述美国合作单位已向委托方订货,委托方并已完成部分交易。INWITNESS THEREFORE, The Parties hereby agree as follows: 为此,双方特此订立如下条款:3.0 Services Rendered by Advisor to Client 顾问方的服务内容3.1 In accordance with the requirement

6、 of Client, look for and introduce to Client joint-venture or cooperation partners or investors (Introduced Cooperator), and look for and introduce to Client business projects or provide such related information; 根据委托方的要求,招募并引荐合营或合作伙伴或投资者(以下简称引荐客户),招募并引荐经营项目或提供相关信息;3.2 Provide economic and legal inf

7、ormation pertained to the business operation of Client; 为委托方经营活动提供经济和法律信息;4.0 Obligations of Client委托方的义务4.1 Client shall give convenience to the work of Advisor and specially appoint a person to keep regular contact with the counsels of Advisor.委托方应为顾问方提供工作便利,并特别指定一名工作人员与顾问方保持经常性的联络。4.2 Client shal

8、l offer chances to Advisor for attending Clients business meetings concerned.委托方应为顾问方提供参加有关商务会议提供便利。 4.3 Client shall furnish one set of copies for all the documentation, including without limitation to, agreement, contract, covenant and/or any other documents in writing, with the introduced coopera

9、tor. 委托方应提供壹套其与引荐客户往来文件资料,包括但不限于合同、协议以及其他书面文件。5.0 Fees Payment服务费用支付5.1 Client shall pay to Advisor ONE PERCENT (1%) fee on the basis of the aggregate amount of each transaction paid by the introduced cooperator(s) and/or their affiliates or subsidiaries, until such cooperation be terminated de fact

10、o. 委托方应按其与顾问方引荐客户或其关联公司每一次交易金额的百分之壹(1%)向顾问方支付服务费,直至该合作关系事实上完全终止。5.2 The above-mentioned transaction amount shall be equal to the actually received payment from the introduced cooperator. 前款所述交易金额以委托方实际收到引荐客户款项计算。5.3 Client shall transfer promptly such fee to Advisor accordingly within 10 days while

11、Client received payment. 委托方收到客户支付款项后十个工作日内,应主动向顾问方支付相应服务费。 5.4 Client shall pay on any other rate agreed the parties. 对于其他服务事项,委托方应根据双方协商标准另行支付费用。 6.0 Remedies 违约责任6.1 The Parties shall strictly abide by this Contract and neither party shall unilaterally terminate this Contract; otherwise the defau

12、lting party shall be responsible for breaching liabilities. 双方应严格遵守本合同,不得单方终止合同;否则违约方应向守约方承担违约责任。 6.2 If Client fails to pay the service fees within ten (10) days following received paymnet from the introduced cooperator, Advisor shall have the right to collect the punitive dameges which shall be ca

13、lculated each day with 0.05% times the outstanding payment. 在收到引荐客户付款后十天内,若委托方未能向顾问方支付服务费的,则应按每天万分之五的标准支付违约金。6.3 If Client circumvents any transaction thereof, it shall assume TEN PERCENT (10%) punitive damages paid separately to Advisor. 若委托方成功交易后隐瞒交易结果的,其应按交易金额的10%(百分之十)另行向顾问方支付违约金。7.0 Supplementa

14、ry Agreements 补充协议7.1 The Parties can reach supplementary agreements in writing for any other matter concerned which is not included herein. 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行书面订立补充协议。8.0 Execution of Contract 合同签署8.1 This Contract is executed in duplicate and each one shall be equally authentic. Each Party hereto shall

15、 hold one (1) counterpart. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,均具同等效力。Signatory page follows签署页附后(No text on this page本页无正文)IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be duly executed and delivered as of the day and year first above written.有鉴于此,双方特此按首页所注日期正式签署并送达本合同。Client委托方 Advisor 顾问方 Guangxian Law Offices, Chongqing8 / 8文档可自由编辑打印


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