Unit 5Why do you like pandas Section A(1a—1c)(第 1课时).doc

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《Unit 5Why do you like pandas Section A(1a—1c)(第 1课时).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5Why do you like pandas Section A(1a—1c)(第 1课时).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课题 Unit 5Why do you like pandas ?Section A(1a1c) (第 1课时)习目标 知识与技能:1、Master new words: tiger, elephant, panda, lion, koala, giraffe, cute, lazy, zoo, animal ,smart, and sentences: What animals do you/does she/ does he like? Lets see the ? Why do you/does she/ does he want to see ? Because they are .

2、几个句型;2、能恰当地运用形容词及短语描述自己所喜欢的动物,并能灵活运用”Why do you like ?”句型3、能采用模拟动物动作、小组交流合作、制作调查表格等方式展开自助学习。过程与方法:任务教学法 、听说法、小组交流合作法情感态度价值观目标:能通过各种途径了解一些常见动物的习性,养成爱护、保护环境的良好品德。学习重点1、学会描述动物的性格及特点。2、学会表达喜欢某类动物及说明喜欢的原因。学习难点名词的复数形式表示一类事物;第三人称单数形式教具准备一体机、录音机教 学 过 程教 学 反 思Step I. Warming-up and lead inAsk some questions

3、about animals: with sentences” What animal do you like best ? Why do you like it ?. Step. Presentation1). Ask them about they know the animals T :what kind of animal do you knowSs: I know 2). Then show the class some pictures of animals and present other animals. And ask about them: I like pandas, b

4、ecause they cute. Do you like ?Ss answer. Ss look at the picture and try to remember the new words of the animals. 3). Next, ask the students to match the words with the animals in the pictures (finish 1a).4). Check the answers with every group. Step . Competition (Guessing animals game.)Show some p

5、ictures on the big screen. Let Ss guess what animal it is. Ss try to guess and remember the names of the animals. Step . Listening Work on 1b. Tell Ss to listen to the tape and check the animals they hear in 1a. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class. Step . Pair workWork on 1

6、c 1).Ss work with their partners practice the conversation using the animal in 1a. Ask some group to act out.2).The group leader as a reporter , Investigation in students want to go to see what kind of animals, and why. write down answers 3).According to the questionnaire to write report Conclusion:

7、Ask students to Conclusion they learned in this class Homework: 1). Remember the new words and expressions in this period. 2). Write the animals names as many as possible in the exercises book. Blackboard writing design Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ?Section A( 1a-1c)1.words: tiger, elephant, panda, lion, koala, giraffe, cute, lazy 2.sentences: What animals do you/does she/ does he like? Lets see the ? Why do you/does she/ does he want to see ? Because they are .


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