湘教版小学英语六年级英语全套精品教案【上下 全册】.doc

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1、湘教版小学六年级英语上册教案 全册Unit 1 The children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩) Period 1 一.教学目标 1. 能听懂.会说新单词swing.slide.bench.bark.chain.bite.stones, 2. 能理解课文,能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动. 二.教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词. 难点:理解课文. 三.教学准备 单词卡片和图片.教学挂图.教学磁带等. 四.教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1. 师生问候. 2. 唱已学的英文歌曲. Step 2 Presentation

2、 and drill 1. T: Hello. boys and girls. Nice to see you again! Today is the first day of this new term. Im very happy. So lets go to the park together! 边说边将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上.布置成公园的场景. 2. 可出示一张秋千的图片. T: Look! A swing. Do you like it? 板书单词swing.带读.将图片贴在黑板上公园的相应位置. 3. 用同样的方法教单词slide和bench. 4. 出示一张狗正在叫的图片.

3、 T: What is the dog doing? It is barking. 板书单词bark.带读. T: Dont throw the stones at the dog. Itll bite you. 板书单词stone和bite.并用动作帮助学生理解其含义.然后带读. 5. 出示一张被铁链锁着的狗的图片. T,The dog always bites the strangers.so the owers use the chain. 板书单词chain.帮助学生理解其含义.并带读. 游戏-Look and say. (看看小说) 教师做口型.学生根据口型说单词. 游戏-Loud

4、and low voice (大小声) 教师大声说单词.学生小声重复,或者教师小声说.学生大声说. Step 3 Fast reading and listening 1. 出示课文中人物的图片. T: Look! The children are playing in the park. 边说边将图片贴在公园的相应位置. 2. 快速阅读课文A部分.回答问题. T: Today well learn Unit One. First lets listen to the text. and then answer my question: Why is the dog biting Mingmi

5、ngs foot 检查学生阅读情况.帮助学生回答所提问题. Mingming is throwing stones at dog. so the dog is angry. 3. 听课文A部分录音.模仿其语音.语调.掌握新词难句的正确读音. Step 4 Intensive reading 1. 精读课文.然后两人一组完成课文C部分练习. 2. 教师与学生校对答案后让学生按正确顺序读一遍. 3. 听课文A部分录音.跟读. Step 5 Consolidation 1.黑板上的单词卡片及图片复述课文. 2.练习.(见P1-3) Period 2一.教学目标1. 能复述课文A部分,2. 能正确运用

6、现在进行时描述人物活动.二.教学重点及难点重点:理解现在进行时难点:正确运用现在进行时描述人物活动.三.教学准备让学生们准备一些生活照片.单词卡片.教学磁带等.四.教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1. 师生问候.2. 唱已学的英语歌曲.3. 利用卡片复习本单元新单词.游戏-Quick response (快速反应)教师说单词的中文.学生快速说出其英文,或者反过来.教师说英文.学生说中文.4. 复述课文.1) 两人一组进行复述2) 让一至两名学生上台复述.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. 学生自渎课文一遍.将课文中出现的现在进行时(如are playing

7、. is sitting. is pushing. is playing等)划记出来.然后两人一组进行讨论.2. 教师总结.Step 3 Practice (课文D部分) 1. 出示课文D部分图片或做动作.表情等.人学生两人一组看图或动作说句子.2. 小组活动.3. 完成书面练习.Step4 Consolidation1. 创设情景.自由会话.2.评价. 3.家庭作业:听磁带.读课文.湘教版小学六年级下册英语教案 全册Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter.Period 1Teaching aims:1. Ss can be confident in Eng

8、lish studying.2. Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words: pictures, good idea, watch a film.3. Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. Im good atTeaching emphasis:Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words.Teaching difficulties:Ena

9、ble the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. Im good atTeaching tools:Tape, picturesTeaching methods:Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Make a conversation with the Ss.3. Play a game- Doing and say. Eg: swimming, ru

10、nningI like swimming. Im good at swimming.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Show a picture and learn the word: pictureThe Ss read after the T: picture.T: Can you spell the word “ picture”, please?T: I like drawing. Im good at drawing.Show some pictures, and learn the word.2. Learn the other words in t

11、he similar way.3. Read together.4. Little teacher. Step 3 Practice1. T: I dont like running. I like swimming. Im good at swimming. S1: I dont like swimming. I like skating. Im good at skating. 2. The Ss act and say. 3. Pair-work.4. Act it out. Step 4 Consolidation1.Evaluation.2.Do Ex.3.Homework. Cop

12、y the new words.Design of the blackboard:Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter.pictures good idea watch a filmI dont like running.I like swimming. Im good at swimming.Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter.Period 2Teaching aims:1 .Ss can get fun from English studying.2 .Enable the Ss to listen, read

13、and say the dialogue.3. Enable the Ss to master the sentence pattern: like doing sth, dont like doing sth. Be good at doingTeaching emphasis:Enable the Ss to listen, read and say the dialogue.Teaching difficulties:Enable the Ss to master the sentence pattern: like doing sth, dont like doing sth. Be

14、good at doingTeaching tools:Tape, pictures, computer.Teaching methods:Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Act and say. T: I dont like running. I like swimming. Im good at swimming. S1: I dont like swimming. I like skating. Im good at skating.

15、 Step 2 Presentation and drill1.Ask and answer:T: What do you like doing, Peter?Peter: I like reading. I dont like singing.2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions in complete sentences. What is Anne good at?What does Mingming like doing?What does Peter like doing?What do all the kids like?3.

16、Explain the difficulties.Step 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Read after T.3. Read together.4. Pair-work.5. Little teacher.Step 4 Consolidation1.Evaluation.2.Do Ex.3.Homework.Design of the blackboard:Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter.What do you like doing, Peter?I like reading.I

17、dont like singing.Im good at swimming.Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter.Period 3Teaching aims:1.Enable the to Ss talk about themselves happily.2.Enable the Ss to make sentences about themselves; 3. Educate the Ss to finish the Ex.Teaching emphasis:Enable the Ss to talk about themselves. Teaching

18、 difficulties:Enable the Ss to finish the Ex.Teaching tools:Tape, computer.Teaching method:Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Read Part A together.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Now please finish Part D: Talk about ourselves.2. Check the

19、 answer.3. Ask two Ss to retell the story.Step 3 Practice1. Class work. Look at the pictures, describe what each person is doing.2. What are they doing? Write sentences about 5 of the above pictures. Write the number of the picture in each box.3. Lets sing.4. Lets find out and write. The children ar

20、e going to the cinema to watch a film. Draw lines to show how they go to the cinema. Write sentences to show how they go there.Step 4 Consolidation1.Do Ex. Workbook Unit 1.2.Evaluation.3.Homework. Revise Unit 1.Design of the blackboard:Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter.I like reading.I dont like

21、 singing.Im good at swimming.Im not good at swimming.Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate.Period 1Teaching aims:1.Ss can be interested in English studying.2.Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words: skating rink, learn, fall over.3.Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I w

22、ant toTeaching emphasis:1.Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words.Teaching difficulties:2.Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I want toTeaching tools:Tape, pictures ,computer.Teaching methods: Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1

23、Warming up1.Greetings.2.Make a conversation with the Ss:What do you like doing?What are you good at?Do you like?3.Play a game- Doing and say. Eg: swimming, runningI like swimming.Im good at swimming.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Do you like skating, Peter? Peter: Yes, I like skating. T: Lets go

24、 to the skating rink, OK?(Show the picture of “a skating rink”) The Ss read after the T: a skating rink.T: Can you spell the word “skating”, please?T: I like skating. Im good at skating .I want to skate.2. Learn the sentence pattern: I want to I want to stand up straight. I want to put out my arms.

25、I want to skate as well as you.3. Learn the other words by situation and actions.4. Read together.5. Little teacher. Step 3 Practice1. Situation practise. I want to2. Pair-work.3. Act it out. Step 4 Consolidation1.Evaluation.2.Do Ex.3.Homework. Copy the new words.Design of the blackboard:Unit 2 Anne

26、 wanted to skate.skating rink learn fall overI want to stand up straight.I want to put out my arms.I want to skate as well as you.Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate.Period 2Teaching aims:1.Ss can insist on doing something in their lives.2.Enable the Ss to listen, read and say the dialogue;3.Enable the Ss t

27、o master the sentence pattern: I want to do , and the past tense.Teaching emphasis:Enable the Ss to listen, read and say the dialogue.Teaching difficulties:Enable the Ss to master the sentence pattern: I want to do ,and the past tense.Teaching tools:Tape, pictures, computer.Teaching methods:Task tea

28、ching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Revise the words.3.Act and say. T: What do you like doing, Peter?Peter: I like running. Im good at running.T: I dont like running. I like swimming. Im good at swimming. I want to go to swim. S1: I dont like swimming.

29、 I like skating. Im good at skating. I want to go to skate. Step 2 Presentation and drill1.Look at the picture, ask and answer:T: What are they doing?Where are they?2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. How to skate?3. Explain the difficulties. The past sense: went, did, said, asked, tried

30、, fell, helpedStep 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Read after T.3. Read together.4. Pair-work.5. Little teacher.Step 4 Consolidation1.Evaluation.2.Do Ex.3.Homework.Design of the blackboard:Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate.went, did, said, asked, tried, fell, helped Unit 2 Anne wanted to sk

31、ate.Period 3Teaching aims:1.Ss can insist on doing something in their lives.2.Enable the Ss to be familiar with the past tense.3.Enable the Ss to finish the Ex in Part C, Part D, Part E and Part F.Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss to be familiar with the past tense.Teaching difficulties:Enable the Ss

32、 to finish the Ex.Teaching tools:Tape, computer.Teaching methods:Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Make dialogues.3. Read Part A together.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Now please finish Part C: About the story. Write the correct form o

33、f the verbs in the brackets.2. Check the answers.3. Read after T.Step 3 Practice1. Lets practise: Part D. Pair work. Make a list of things you want to do this weekend. Ask and answer questions about each others plans for the weekend. Write down what your friend tells you.2. Lets look and write: What

34、 does each person in the picture want to do? Use the words given to write your answers.3. Lets listen and write.Listen to the tape carefully. Write 1 to 8 in the picture below to arrange them in order.Step 4 Consolidation1.Do Ex. Workbook Unit 2.2.Evaluation.3.Homework. Revise Unit 2.Design of the b

35、lackboard:Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate.Unit 3 Have you got enough money?Period 1Teaching aims:1.Make students know use money correctly.2.Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words: a dictionary, bookstore, a dirty mark, useful.3.Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern:

36、Have you got enough ? Yes, I have. No, I havent.Teaching emphasis:Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words.Teaching difficulties:Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: Have you got enough ? Yes, I have. No, I havent.Teaching tools:Tape, pictures, computer.Teaching

37、methods:Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Make a conversation with the Ss:What do you like doing? What are you good at?Do you like?3.Play a game- Do and say. Eg: swim, runI want to go swimming. I want to go running.Step 2 Presentation and dri

38、ll1. T: Do you like reading, Peter? Peter: Yes, I like reading. T: Lets go to the bookstore, OK?(Show the picture of “a bookstore”) The Ss read after the T: a bookstore.T: Can you spell the word “ bookstore”, please?2. Learn the other words in a similar way.3. Learn the sentence pattern: Have you go

39、t enough ? Yes, I have. No, I havent.4. Read together.5. Little teacher. Step 3 Practice1. Situation practise. Have you2. Pair-work.3. Act it out. Step 4 Consolidation1.Evaluation.2.Do Ex.3.Homework. Copy the new words.Design of the blackboard:Unit 3 Have you got enough ? Yes, I have. No, I havent.

40、a dictionary bookstore a dirty mark usefulTeachers notes:Unit 3 Have you got enough money?Period 2Teaching aims:1.Make students not to spare money.2.Listen and understand the text in Part A.3.Master 4-skill words and phrases.Teaching emphasis:Listen and say the text.Teaching difficulties:Act the tex

41、t in Part A out.Teaching tools:Pictures, computer, some objects( dictionaries, books), some cheque cards.Teaching methods:Communicative method, games Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.Class begins. Good morning. Glad to meet you. How are you? Im fine, thanks. 2.Sing a song: Follow me.3.A g

42、ame: Flash cardTeacher shows pictures quickly, and make students put up hands and say out the words on them.Step 2 Presentation1.Make students read the text by themselves for 2 minutes and think about the following questions: Where was Anne? What did Anne want to buy? Has Anne got enough money? Did

43、Anne buy it at last? Why?2.Let students answer the questions one by one.3.Listen and understand the text.4.Listen and say the text in Part A.Step 3 Practice1.A game: The lucky boxTeacher prepares a box and names it “ Lucky box”. Put some pieces of paper with sentences on them in it. Ask students cho

44、ose one and read it out. If he/ she can read out, he/ she will gain one point for his/ her own side.2.Act the text by themselves in pairs.3.Ask two pairs to the front and play roles.Step 4 ConsolidationAsk students to act according to the item: Peter and Mary go to buy fruits. They want to buy apple

45、 which is 4 yuan. They havent got enough money and buy some bananas at last.Step 5 Assignment1.Recite the text in Part A.2.Write the 4-skill sentence for 3 times.Design of the blackboard:Unit 3 Have you got enough ?Yes, I have. No, I havent.Teachers notes:Unit 3 Have you got enough money?Period 3Teaching aims:1.Ss can have fun from English studying.2.Enable Ss know the differences betreen “too”and “enough”.3.Enable the Ss to finish the Ex in Part C, Part D, Part


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